Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/161

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Trrm XIlI.—THE JUDIC1ARY.—-Ch. 1. 89 T I T L E X I I I . THE JUDIOIARY. C H A P T E R O N E . JUDICIAL DISTRICT!. ssc. ssc. 530. United States divided into judicial 541. New York. districts. 542. Jurisdiction over waters near city of 531. States constituting one district. New York. 532. Alabama. 543. North Carolina. 533. Arkansas. 544. Ohio. 534. Florida. 545. Pennsylvania. 535. Georgia. 546. South Carolina. 536. Illinois. = 547. Tennessee. sa?. Iowa. { ses. rem. 538. Michigan. g 549. Virginia. 539. Mimimippi. 550. Wisconsin. 540. Mimourr. Sec. 530. The United States shall be divided into judicial districts as _U¤ilpd Bt·¤·¤¤9$li- I . vided mto ]ud1c1al fol ows. districts 24 Sept., 1789, c. 20, s. 1, v. 1, p. 73. 26 June, 1876, c. 147, r. 18, p. Sec. 531. The States of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, _ States constitut- Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, m3 °“° d“‘"l°t· Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada. New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, `C0 D8, K" Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia, each, constitute one ju rcial M8_ M,,;,,, {gf district. H., it. JQ s. o.,’ 24 Sept., 1789, c. 20, s. 2, v. 1, p. 73. Cal., 27 Jul , 1866, c. 280, s. 1, v. 14, p. 300. Ind., 3March, 1817,c. 100, s. 2, v. 3, p. 390. Kaus., 29'Jan., 1861, c. 20, s. 4, v. 12, p. 128. La., 27 July, 1866, c. 280, s. 1, v. 14, . 300. Minn., 11 May, 1858, c. 31, s. 3, v. 11, p. 285. Nebr., 25 May, 1867, c. 7, s. 1, v. 15, p. 5. Nev., 27 Feb., 1865, c. 64, s. 1, v. 13, p. 440. N. C., 4 June, 1790, c.' 17, s. 1, v. 1, p. 126; 29 April, 1802, c. 31, s. 7, v. 2, p. 162. Oreg., 3 March, 1859, c. 85, s. 2, v. 11, p. 437. R. I., 23 June, 1790, c. 21, s. 2, v. 1, p. 128. S. C., 21 Feb., 1823, c. 11, s. 1, v. 3,p. 726. Vt., 2Mar., 1791, c. 12, s. 2, v. 1, p. 197. W. Va., 4 Feb., 1819, c. 12, . 1, v, 3, pi478; 26 May, 1824, c. 167, s. 1, v. 4, p. 48; 11 June, 1864, c. 120, s. 1, v. 13, p. 124; 10 ar., 1866, Res. 12, v. 14, p. 350. Sec. 532. The State of Alabama is divided into three districts, which _Alab¤ma. shall be called the southern, middle, and northern districts of Alabama. 7 Aug_, wig, cf The Southern district includes the counties of Mobile, Washington, 143, s. 1,v. 9, p.274. Baldwin, Sumter, Clarke, Marengo, Greene, Pickens, Wilcox, Monroe, ;M¤Yél852»<¤·25» and Conecuh. The middle district includes the counties of Montgomery, " *"· 1 ·p‘ 5· Auta , Coosa, Tallapposa, Chambers, Talledega, Randolph, Macon, Russgil Barbour, Pike, enry, Dale, Coffee, Covington, Lowndes, Dallas, Perry, Bibb, Shelby, Butler, and Tuscaloosa. he northern district includes the remaining counties of said State, Sec. 533. [The State of Arkarwoszsdivzded mto two districts, which shall Arkansas. be called the eastern and western dzstrzcts of Arkansas. The westerndietrtet 15 June, 1836, c. includes thecounties of Benton, Washtngton, Urangford, Scott, Polk, Frank- wg mv- {,,51; 5L lin, Johnwn, Madison, Carroll, Scorer, Sehastzan, Phzllgz, Crittenden, 24 ,,1 ,,_’9 ,,59:: Jllissisei pi, Ormlghead, Greene, Randal /c, Lawrence, Z;wPoimett, Q7 Mm-_, ,1854, c, Orme, Sgitint Francis, Jlonroe, W7»odruj?Ja0lwon, Indepen e, Izard, 26,¤·1,v.10,p.269. Jllarion, Fulton, and Boone, and the country lyzng west of and s3g*°'·i,l871;,*;,g06· Arkansas, known as “The [nduzn T errztory." The metern dzetriet1’7V_y,,,{,,l",84,’ c_ includes the residue of said State.] [That the State of Arkansas is divided [Q3, B_ 1, -,»_ 5_ p_ into two districts, which shall be called the eastern and western districts 680. . of Arkansas. The western district includes the counties of Benton, ,630 ·g“;:·38i4· °· Washington, Crawford, Sebastian, Scott, Polk, Sevier, Little River, 7S3f " ’ ° ’ p' Howard, Montgomery, Yell, Logan, Franklin, Johnson, Madison, New-