Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/178

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106 Trrm; xm.-THE JUDICIARY.-Ch. 4-5-6. V%¤¤1}¤Yj¤ Gfiicv Sno 603. When the office of district judge is vacant in any district in ‘fi§t‘;'$tl[’[l§‘*; A a State containing two or more districts, the _]udge of the other or of 6 Aug., 1861, e. either of the other districts may hold the district court, or the circuit 59. V- I?. P- 318- court in case of the sickness or absence of the other judges thereof, in the district where the vacancy occurs, and discharge al the jbudicial duties of judge of such district, during such vacanciy; and all t_e_ acts and proceedings in said courts, by or before such judge of an adjoining district, shall ave the same effect and validity as if done by or before a judge appointed for such district. CHAPTER FIVE. JUDICIAL CIRCUITS. Sec. 604. Circuits. (;;m,;m_ Sec. 604. The judicial districts of the United States are divided into ·;4 . nine circuits as follows: _ P " ’First. The first circuit includes the districts of Rhode Island, Massa- 20, s. 4, v. 1, p. 74. _ _ 30 Mar,. 1820, e. ohusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. 27.S- LV-3.p-554- Second. The second circuit includes the districts of Vermont, Connec- 21g3g“éY·v1§i6·°· ticut, and New York. '’'p' Third. The third circuit includes the districts of Penns lvania, New 209. Y 25 Mar., 1867, e. Jersey, and Delaware. 7, ¤· 2. V- I5. P- 5· Fourth. The fourth circuit includes the districts of Maryland,Virginia, 14$6vJ'f3“· lgflh “· West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. ’ ’ ’p`Fifth. he fifth circuit includes the districts of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Sixth. The sixth circuit includes the districts of Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee. _ Seventh. The seventh circuit includes the districts of Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. _ Eighth. The eighth circuit includes the districts of Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas. Ninth. The ninth circuit includes the districts of California, Oregon, and Nevada. CHAPTER SIX. CIRCUIT COURTS—0BGANIZATION. Sec. j Sec. 605. Justices allotted to circuits, how des· , 616. Cause certified back. i nated. , 617. Justices may hold courts of other cir- 606. Afiotment of the justices to the cir- ‘ cuits on request. _ cuits. 618. When no justice is allotted to a cir- 607. Circuit judges cuit. 608. Circuit courts, where established. 619. Clerks. 609. Circuit courts, by whom to be held. 620. Clerks in Kentucky. 610. Justices of Supreme Court to attend 621. Clerks in North Carolina. _ once in every two years. , 622. Clerks in western district of Vir· 611. Judges of circuit courts may sit apart. , ginia. 612. Circuit courts held at same time in623. Clerks in western district of Wiscondifferent districts. sin. 613. Criminal terms in the southern dis- 624. Deputy clerks. trict of New York; how held. 625. Deputy clerks of circuit court in ln- 614. When district judges may sit in cases diana. of appeal or error to their own de- 626. Compensation of deputy clerks. cisions. 627. Commissioners. 615. When suits transferred from one cir- 628. Marshals not to be commissioners. cuit to another. ;