Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/230

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158 Trrra xm.-—THE JUDICIARY.—Cr1. 16. returns the fees and emoluments received or payable under the bankrupt act; and every marshal shall state separately therein the fees and emoluments received or payable for services rendered by himself (personal1y,th0se received or payable for services rendered by each of his eputies, naming him, and the proportion of such fces and emoluments whxc , by the terms of his service, each deputy is to reccrve. Said returns shall be verified by the oath of the officer making them. [ses $5 sou, 4644, 4647.] What re be in- Src. 834. The receding section shall not apply to the fees and com- ¤l“d*>di¤*h°¤°*¤*· pensation allowed) to district attorneys by sections eight hundred and

 rggggpge 0; twenty-five and eight hundred and twenty-seven. All other fees, charges,

and m,,,,-,hai,_ y and emoluments to vyhiplb ahdistrictf atttorgey or afmlarshg may be enti- ···—···—·— tied, br reason of the isc ar e o the uties 0 is 0 ce, as now or 3 M'"" 1g6g' °' hereafter rescribed by law, 0%* in any case in which the United States M72i u’]2’ v` 12’ will be bdbnd b the judgment rendered therein whether prescribed . . 7 P 27 June. 1864,c- by statute or allolwed by a court, or any judge therof, shall be included 163·”·2>"·l3»P·196· in the semi-annual return required of said officers by the preceding section. Compensation of Sec. 835. No district attorney shall be allowed by the Attorney—General district ¤t¤>1‘¤¤y· to retain of the fees and emoluments of his office which he is required to

 include in his semi—annual return, for his personal compensation, over

80,,, 3,,._`{0_,,_1g6f and above the necessary expenses of his office, including necessary clerk- 3 Mar., 1863, c. hire, to be audited and allowed by tire properhaccourpiggllqmcers of the 76.¤-UN-I2. -74l- Treasury De rtment, a sum excee ing six thousand o rs a year, or ,6§7SjI2“‘;§31g3:{,g: exceeding thsit rate for any time less than a year. 30 Jiine, l§64, c. 174, s. 19, v. 13, p. 312. 22 June, 1870, c. 150, s. 15, v. 16, p. 164. S¤}¤1_fo b¢ mid Sec. 836. There shall be (paid to the district attorney for the southern

  • °d‘“"°““P"“?Y district of New York, in ad ition to his salary at the rate of six thousand

ofsoutherndrstrrct ’ . °fNe,,.y0,H,,,,,f_ dollars a year, such sum as shall be necessary, together with the costs acs expenses. and fees allowed him by law, to pay such amount as may be fixed by -·—-—·— the Attorne -General for the proper expenses of his office. But nothin 6-·\¤z-.l86L<‘·55» in this or the l‘€C€dl1lg section shall forbid the allowance of addition:5 °j gi, Ymlli Tfi,,?37é compensation tbr services in prize causes,as provided in Title "Pa1zm." 150, s. 15, v. 16, pl 164. 30 June, 1864, c. 174, s. 19, v. 13, p. 312. Di¤¤‘i¢¢¤¢¢9¤¤€Y Sec. 837. The district attorneys and marshals for the districts of Oregon ‘“dn";;’sh§;;';g;‘ and Nevada shall be entitled to receive, for the like services, double the m fees hereinbefore provided; but neither of them shall be allowed to retain

 §:l1Y3lg*i54;,g; gggppqsfpzsieppyepplm Iesgcgeldiipg the aggregate compensation of such

Prosecution of Sec. 838. It shall be [the] duty of every district attorney towhomany f¤¤d¤ °¤ ***8 '€V· collector of customs, or of internal revenue, shall report, accordingto law, '"‘“°‘ any case in which any fine, penalty, or forfeiture has been incurred in the 3 Mm-., 1873, c. district of such attorney for the violation of any law of the United States 2*;;,Vj,g,Z» ghggl- relating to the revenue, to cause the proper proceedings to be commenced 69 ,,_ 19 2u; °‘ and prosecuted without delay, for the fines, penalties, and forfeitures in ’ ’ such case provided, unless, upon inquiry and examination, he shall decide that such proceedings cannot probably be sustained, or that the ends of public justice do not require t at such proceedings should be instituted; in which case he shall report the facts in customs cases to the Secretary of the Treasury, and in rnternal-revenue cases to the Commissioner of Internal Revlenug for tpeireprection. h sind for the expensles incurred ang services ren ere in a suc cases, the istrict attorne s all receive an ble from the &1`reasury}$uch sum is the Siecretaqyyplf thei Tregaéury s a eem ]ust an reasonae e, upon the certi cate o the 'u e ore whom such cases are tried or disposed of: Prcmided, Thad. the annual compensation of such district attorney shall not exceed the maximum _ amount prescribed by law, by reason of such allowance and payment. C0é¤aP•=¤¤¤¤?¤¥¤· Sec. 839. No clerk of a district court, or clerk of a circuit court, shall

?   allowed by the Attorney-General, except as provided in the next sec-

80 ¤_3‘:,_y0 pig; tron, and in section eight hundred and forty-two to retain of the fees éz JQ,,,,,, is-0,0 and emoluments of his office, or, in case bot of the said clerkships are 150,s.15,v.16,p.174. held by the same person, of the fees and emoluments of the said offices,