Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/256

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184 Trrma xm.—THE JUDICIARY.—Ch. 18. prosecution, and the court certifies that there was reasonable cause for commencing the same; in which case the United States shall be responsible for such fees. Oostsqvbou Bov- Sec. 977. If several actions or processes are instituted, in a court of °”l “°*'°"” ¥"`° the United States or one of the Territories, against persons who might bmpght agqmst legally be joined in one action or rocess touching the matterin dispute, E“.§"`*’“`"*°“"gm - - · 11 11 if · - · ll 1 h · 11 ts joined in one. the peut) pursuing the same s a not iecoi ei, on a o the ju gmen

 therein which may be rendered in his favor, the costs of more than one

,4, ,,_ 1, ,{ Q3_ p_ 1g_action or process, unless special cause for said several actions or processes 1S satisfactorily shown on motion in open court. _ Allowance of Sec. 978. When proceedings are had before a court of the United costs in 1ibo1¤ States or of the Territories, on several libels against any vessel and cargo, agmnsl "‘*SS°l and which might legally be joined in one libel, there shall not be allowed Zig thereon more costs than on one libel, unless special cause fo1' libeling the 22 ·1¤1y,1813»¤· vessel and cargo separately is satisfactorily shown on motion in open 141 S· 2· "·3· P· 2°· court. And in proceedings on several libels or informations against any cargo, or parts of cargo, or merchandise seized as forfeited for the same cause, there shall not be allowed more costs than would be lawful on one libel or information, whatever may be the number of owners or consignees therein concerned. But allowance may be made on one libel or information for the costs incidental to several claims. Claimanvs costs Sec. 979. When judgment is rendered in favor of the claimant of any to be paid beltore vessel or other property seized 0n_ behalf of the United States, and £°”°°°1°¤· W ***1- libeled or informed against as forfeited under any law thereof. he shall j;-.cc_ -_ ,1, be entitled to possession of the same when his own costs are paid. 22 July, 1813, c. 14, s. 2, v. 3, p. 21. Wh¤¤_<1i¤¤ri<jf M- Sec. 980. When a district attorney rosccutes two or more indict-

°’“°Y ‘“ °“i“l°d ments, suits, or proceedings which should be joined he shall be paid but

o but one bill of . ’ com ,0,, $,,,,,,,,,1 one bill of costs for all of them. prosecutions. 26 Feb., 1853, c. 80, s. 1, v. 10, p. 162. Taxation offeos Sec. 981. In no case shall the fees of more than four witnesses be °lW'*'}$’€” b*’f°"“'· taxed against the United States, in the examination of any criminal case

 before a commissioner of a circuit court, unless their materiality and

16 APR-- 1851% C- importance are first approved and certiiied to by the district attornev for 12* “· 3***11* p‘49‘ the) district in which the exgmination is had; and such taxation shall be su "ect to revision, as in other cases. ’ Atwrney liable Size. 982. If any attorney, roctor, or other person admitted to con- 19*90****1 V°Xag°l1)°‘ duct causes in any court of theglnitcd States, or of any Territory, appears j,{n:“°'"" y to have multiplied the proceedings in any cause before such court, so as .-4-——- to increase costs unreasonably and vexatiously, he shall be required, by ,42_‘lQiX·3i8}3·2§: order of the court, to satisfy any excess of costs so increased, 26 Feb., 1853, c. 80, s. 1, v. 10, p. 162. Bill ofcostshow Sec. 983. The bill of fees of the clerk, marshal, and attorney, and the

  • ¤X°‘ ( amount paid printers and witnesses, and lawful fees for exemplifications

26 Feb-, 1853.} and copies of papers necessarily obtained for use on trials in cases where §0;“é§2’;l9&@ by law costs are recoverable in favor of the prevailing party, shall be P I;;;;?';,;: taxed by a judge or clerk of the court, and be included in and form a or- L an ,Z_ Mm,;,, 6 tion of a_]udgment or decree against the losing party. Such taxed bills M’cLean, 422. shall be nled with the papers in the cause. Bill of costs tobe Sec. 984. Before any bill of costs shall be taxed by any jud e or other 8W0m to before officer, or allowed by any officer of the Treasurv, in favor of clerks marwsse 9E‘E‘E21; shals, commissioners, or district attorneys, the party claiming such bill SO2? §`*;bg0185i;k§- shall prove by his own oath, or that of some other person having a kg fuk, ig,,,, C; knowledge of the facts, to be attached to such bill, and filed therewith, gg, ,_ 7, ,_ 18, p_ phat thie serg;ces_chat1;gcd1 therein have been actually and necessarily per- . orme , as ere1n s . ]·;x,,wt;0m, to Sec. 98§». All writs of execution upon jud ents or decrees obtained nin in all the dis- in a circuit or district court, in any State whibh is divided into two or

 more districts, may run and be executed in any part of such State; but