Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/270

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198 uns xm.-Tum Juoiclaar.-cn. 21. years after the disability has'ceased: but no other disability than those enumerated shall prevent any claim from being barred, nor shall any of the said disabilities 0 erate cumulatively. _ R¤l¤¤0fP¤¢¥i<>€: Sec. 1070. The said court shall have power to establish rules for its

 government and for the regulation of (practice therein, and it may punish

,2g4SF;';‘,(}8'°Q’,,§‘ for contempt in the manner prescribe by the common law. may appoint §,’ y;,,,', ]Q%;;_ (Q commissioners, and may exercise such powers as are necessary to carry 92, s.4,v. 12, p. 765. into effect the_ wers granted to it by law. Oaths and ac- Sec. 1071. Ti; judges and clerks of said court may administer oaths k“°‘*l°‘l¥'“°““*· and atiirmations, take acknowledgments of instruments in writing. and 3 M"-- 186:2- "· give certihcates of the same. 92, s. 4,v. 12, p. 465. Petition. Sec. 1072. The claimant shall, in all cases. fully set forth in his peti- §“Fg,,_; ,85;,, c_ tion the claim, the action thereon in Congrem, or by any of the Depart- 122, s. 1, v. 10, p. ments, if such action has been bad; what persons are owners thereof 6l?- or interested therein, when and upon what consideration such persons 923sM{‘;··vl8g*· °· became so interested: that no assignment or transfer of said claim, or ·;6§_' ’’ p` of any part thereof or interest therein, has been made, except as stated W6 in the petition; that said claimant is justly entitled to e amount Cmh”,;:n'f;‘;'°"§; there1n claimed from the United States, after allowing all just credits www gg_and off-sets; that the claimant, and, where the claim has been assigned, the original and every prior owner thereof. if a citizen, has at all times borne true allegiance to the Government of the United States, and. whether a citizen or not, has not in any way voluntarilv aided, abetted, or given encoura ement to rebellion a inst the said Government, and that he believes Sie facts as stated in th: said tition to be true. And the said petition shall be verified by the afl.idii$·it of the claimant, his agent, or attorney. 1’etition_ dis- S1·:c. 1073. The said allegations as to true allegiance and voluntary j“'°"§d» lf lt"? aiding. abetting, or giving encouragement to rebellion against the Gov- (,j°,,Y:,;m, 2f!:,",; ernment may be traverse by the `overnment, and if on the trial such legiance, &c. issuesd shall be decided against the claimant, his petition shall be dis- 1;. misse . 3 Mar., 1863, c. 92, s. 12, v. 12, p. 767. B¤¤1<’¤ <>f Pm0f- Sec. 1074. \Vhenever it is material in any claim to ascertain whether j‘:‘LE$_‘d"""° ” m any person did or did not give any aid or comfort to the late rebellion. sy- ‘-is -.. the claimant asserting the loyalty of any such person to the United 25 -l“'}°· 1868,;- States during such rebellion shall be required to prove atiirmativelv that 71·"3·"15*p‘ ‘ such person did, during said rebellion, consistently adhere to the United States, and did give no aid or comfort to persons engaged in said rebellion; and the vo untary residence of any such person in any place where, at any time during such residence, the rebel force oro nization held sway, shall be prima~facie evidence that such person diglugive aid and comfort to said rebellion and to the persons engaged therein. Commissioners Sec. 1075. The Court of Claims shall have power to appoint com- §>_j¤l¢<jg¤§i¤¤i¤¤y· missioners to take testimony to be used in the investigation of claims 12;* F8?-1 **- which come before it; to prescribe the fees which they shall receive 6,3j " *" ·p‘ for their services, and to issue commissions for the taking of such tes- 3 Mm, 1g6g_ ,._ gtmpny, whether taken at the instance of the claimant or of the United 92, s. 4,v. 12, p. Power to cali Sec. 1076. The said court shall have power to call upon any of the uP0D Y’<‘P¤¤'*!¤°¤¤* Departments for any information or papers it mav deem necessarv, and i'"` '"f°""l‘“l°P·_ shall have the use of all recorded and printed reports made bv the com- 24 Feb., 1855, c. mittees of each House of Congress, when deemed necessarv in the gi? ¤· ll·"· W P· prosecution of its business. But the head of any Department may ' refuse and omit to comply with any call for information or papers when, in his opinion, such compliance would be injurious to the public interest. When testimony Sec. 1077. When it appears to the court in any case that the facts set 'fjjj Qs *·¤l*°¤· forth in the petition of the claimant do not furnish any ground for relief. 122; Fep., 12;%, o. it shaljclpot the duty of the court to authorize the taking of any testi- 1 ¤· 1 v• 1 · Y D. 613. P mon) erei