Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/273

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'1‘r.rLs x1v.——THE ARMY.—Ch. 1. 201 T I T L E X I V. 'YIIP] AI? KI Y. CHAP'l`rjl{ ONE. ORGANIZATION. Sec. Sec. 1094. Composition of the Army. 1149. Sales of tobacco. 1095. Title of General. , 1150. Officers not to trade. 1096. Staff. _ 1151. Corps of Engineers, organization. 1097. Lieutenant-( }eneral’s aids and secre— 1152. Regulation of supplies. tary. u 1153. Disbursements. 1098. Aids of major and brigadier generals. 1154. Engineer battalion. 1099. Artillery regiment. 1155. Engineer company. 1100. Artillery battery. 1156. Engineer officers. 1101. Light battery. 1157. Duties of engineer soldiers. 1102. Cavalry regiment. 1158. Engineers, limits of duty. 1103. Troop. 1159. Ordnance Corps, organization. 1104. Colored cavalry regiments. 1160. Appointment in. 1105. Dismounted. 1161. Store-keeper. 1106. Infantry regiment. 1162. Enlisted men. 1107. Infantry company. 1163. Detail of artificers 1108. Colored infantry regiments. 1164. Supplies. 1109. Post ordnancesergeants, number , 1165. Depots. and duty. l 1166. Orders for supplies. 1110. How selected. l 1167. Semi·annual reports. 1111. Bands. 1168. Medical Department, organization. 1112. Indian scouts. 1169. Right of command. 1113. Trading establishments. 1170. Volunteer service of assistant sur- 11*14. Brigades and divisions. geons. 1115. Number of enlisted men. 1171. Purveyors to be assignable as sur- 1116. General qualifications. geons. 1117. Enlistment of minors. 1172. Examinations. 1118. Persons not to be enlisted. 1173. Duties of chief medical purveyor. 1119. Term of enlistment. 1174. Supervision of cooking. 1120. Premium for bringing. 1175. Sick-diet in hospitals. 1121. Chaplains, number of. 1176. Trusses, to whom furnished. 1122. Rank, &c., of chaplains. 1177. Application for. 1123. Qualifications of. 1178. Trusses, purchase of. 1124. Duties as school-teachers. , 1179. Post hospital—stewards. 1125. Duties as clergynien. 1180. Hospitabstewards. 1126. Monthly reports. 1181. Classes of hospital-stewards. 1127. Facilities to. 1182. Paymastefs Department, organiza- 1128. Corps of adjutants-general, organ- tion. ization. 1183. Right of command. 1129. Vacancy to be filled from the line. 1184. Additional paymasters. 1130. When to be inspectors. 1185. Additional paymasters’ service tobe 1131. Corps of inspectors-general, organ- temporary. ization. 1156. Duties of Paymaster-General. 1132. Quartermastefs Corps, organization. 1187. Duties of deputy paymasters-gem 1133. Duties. eral. 1134. Commissary’s dutly. 1188. Duties of paymasters. 1135. Supplies to nava and marine de- 1189. Periods of payment. tachrnents. 1190. Paymasters’ clerks. 1136. Permanent barracks. 1191. Bonclsofdisbumingofficers, by whom 1137. Forage and wagon masters. to given. 1138. Officers not to trade. 1192. Renewing bonds of paymasters. 1139. System of accountability. 1193. Chiefs of corps and Departments, 1140. Subsistence Corps, organization. how selected. 1141. Duties. 1194. Appointments and promotions in 1142. Post commissary-sergeants. staff corps and Departments. 1143. Rations to naval detachments. 1195. Signal-service, rank of chief. 1144. Credit sales. 1196. Details for signal duty. 1145. Sales of rations. 1197. Signal-detail to be mounted. 1146. The ration. 1198. Bureau of Military Justice, organi- 1147. Coffee and sugar commuted. zation. 1148. Sugar and coffee in kind. 1199. Duties of J udge-A dvocate·General.