Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/277

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Tins x1v.——THE ARMY.—-Ch. 1. 205 Sino. 1116. Recruits enlisting in the Army must be effective and able- General qualifibodled men, and_between the ages of sixteen and thirty-five years, at the “"'°““· time of their enlistment. This limitation as to age shall not apply to sol- 16 Mar., 1802, c. diers re-enlisting. 9. S- U. V- 2. p- 134. __ 3 Mar. , 1815,c. 79, s. 4, v. 3, p. 224. 5 July, 1838, c. 162, s. 30, v. 5 p. 260. 13 Feb., 1862, c. 25, s. 2, v. 12, p. 339. 21 June, 1862, Res. 37, v. 12, p. 620. 17 July, 1862, c. 200, s. 21, v. 12,p. 597.- In re McDonald, 1 Lowell, p. 100. Sec. 1117. No person under the age of twenty-one years shall be Lnlistment of enlisted or_mustered into the military service of the United States with- “““°““· _ out the written consent of his parents or guardians: ]’mvz'dea', That such 15 May_ 1872, i-_ minor has such parents or guardians entitled to his custody and control. 162,s.l,v.17,p.117. sliomerm om, 1 car. 1.. mpi Ks. _ Sec. 1118. No minor under the age of sixteen years, no insane or intox- Ifersonsnotto be lcated person, no deserter from the military service of the United States, @2; Hf1d DO p€1‘S0l1 Wl1G has been convicted of Lang C]°I·)})I.’II,(l] 0_f2>n,.gg,] [3. felony] 2 Mal'-, 1833. 0- shall be enlisted or mustered into the military service. 68;{”;,?;,;',·4i§g 2324% 5, v. 13, p. 380. 3 Mar., 1865, c. 79, s. 18, v. 13, p. 490. 27 Hb., 1877, 0.,69, r. 719, p. . Sec. 1119. All eulistments i11 the Army shall be for the term of five 'f¢¤¤ of enlist v6al•S_ Hl€l'li. 3 Mar., 1869, c. 124, s. 4,v. 15, p. 318.—l'. S. r. Travers, 2 Wh., Cr. Cas., 490. SBC. 1120. A {premium of two dollars shall be paid to any citizen, non- Premium for commissioned office1·, or soldier for each accepted recruit he may bring to lK‘H§}]‘§_ a recruiting rendezvous. 21.1 une,1862,Res. _ 37, v. 12, p. 620. Sec. 1121. The President may, by and with the advice and consent of Ch?Pl¤¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤· the Senate, appoint a chaplain for each regiment of colored troops, and lj" ° ‘___,-_ thirty post—chaplains: Prmdded, That no appointment of regimental or 7 July, 1838, c. post chaplains shall be made until those on waiting orders are assigned. l9;.Ki5.p-gig ar., , c. 83, s. 3, v. 9, p. 351. 9 April, 1864, c. 53,s. 1, v. 13, p. 46. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, ss. 7, 30, v. 14, pp. 333, 337. 2 Mar., 1867, c. 145, s. 7, v. 14, p. 423. 15 Ju y, 1870, c. 294, s. 12, v. 16, p. 318. Sec. 1122. Cha(plains shall have the rank of captain of infantry, with- Rank. &<=-. of out command, an shall be on the same footing with other officers of the °h“Pl““‘*· Army, as to tenure of office. retirement, and pensions. 9 April 1864 c 53, s. 1, v. 13, p. 46. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, ss. 7, 30, v. 14, pp. 333, 337. 2 Mar.: 1867: ci 145, s. 7, v. 14, p. 423. 15 Ju y, 1870, c. 294, s. 12, v. 16, p. 318. Sec. 1123. No person shall be appointed as regimental or post chaplain Qunlificationsof. until he shall furnish proof that he is a regularly-ordaine minister of 17 Jul`,) 18629 c_ some religious denomination, in good standing at the time of his appoint- 200, s. 8; v. 12, p. ment, together with a recommendation for suchappointment from some 595- authorized ecclesiastical body, or from not less than five accredited ministers of said denomination. _ _ Sec. 1124. The duty of chaplains of regiments of colored troops and of Dutiesassehoob postrchaplains shall include the instruction of the enlisted men in the com- *¤¤=h¤f¤- mon English branches of education. 5 July, I 83,1 "c`· 162, s. 18, v. 5, p. 259. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 30, v. 14, p. 337. Sac, 1125. All re imental chaplains and post-chaplains shall, when it Dutiesasclergy- may be practicablejiold appropriate religious services, for the beneiit of mm theicommands to which they may be assigned to duty, at least once on 9 April, 1864, C each Sunday, and shall rform appropriate religious burial services at 53.¤· 4.1*.13, p. 46. the burial of officers anclioldiers who may die in such commands. Sac, 1126. Post[,] hos ital andregimental chaplains shallmake monthly Monthly reports, reports to the Adjutant-gieneral of the Army, t rough the usual military 9 April, 1864, o. channels, of the moral condition and general history of the regiments oi- 53; ; iyépyifgposts to which they may be attached. 69, ,,_ ,9;}, 2d ‘ Sec. 1127. It shall be the duty of commanders of regiments, hospitals, Facilities to. and posts to aiiord to chapllains, assigned to the same for duty, such facil- wg, Ai‘“p,,l, 1864. ,,_ ities as may aid them in the performance of their duties. 53, s.3, v. 13,p.46.