Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/282

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210 TITLE xiv.-—THE ARMY.—Ch. 1. direct the inspection and proving_of the same, and to direct the construction of all cannon and carriages, amniunition-w?ons, traveling forges, artificers’ wagons, and of every implement an apppratps for ordnance and the preparation of all kinds of ammunition an or nance stores constructed or prepared for said service. _ _ Depots. Sec. 1165. The Chief of Ordnance, under the direction of the Secre- 8F€{,f§gg§ tar of War, may establish depots of ordnance and ordnance stores ID s. 9, v. 5, p. 204. i such parts of the United States, and in such numbers, as may be deemed necessary. Qrdvm f<>¤‘-¤¤P· Sec. 1166. The Chief of Ordnance, or the senior officer of that corps P1_‘?$· _ fol' any district, shall execute all orders of the Secretary of War, and, sFeb.,1815,c.38, in time of war, the orders of any general or field officer commanding B- 5, V- 3. p-203 an army, garrison, or detachment, for the supply of all ordnance an _ ordnance stores for garrison, field, or siege service. _ S;S¤¤1·¤¤¤¤¤l ¤‘¤· Sec. 1167. The Chief of Olrdnance sha ,fl%1lf-yegrly, of] oftginer if sg Bf; _ directed, make a report to the Secretary o 'ar o a the officers an 8 Feb., 1815, c. enlisted men in his department of the service, and of all ordnance and 38,8-8.V·3,P; 204- ordnance stores under his control. [Every officer of the Ordnance 27 F‘b‘* 18'7’ °' De rtment, everv ordnance-store keeper, every post ordnance sergeant, as v. 19 p. 242. Y · . . . ’ ’ eac keeper of magazines, arsenals, and armories, every gssisgaathand deputy of such, and all other officers agents or persons w o s a ave received or may be entrustedl with any stores or supplies, ghall quarterly, or oftener if so directed, an in such manner and on suc forms as may be directed or prescribed by the Chief of Ordnance, make true and correct returns to the Chief of Ordnance of all ordnance-arms, ordnancestores, and all other supplies and property of every kind, received by or intrusted to them and each of them, or which mmv in any manner come into their and each of their possession or charge. lhe chief of ordnapce, subyect to the approval of the Secretarly of War, is hereby authorizec and directed to draw up and enforce in is department a system of rules and regulations for the government of the Ordnance Department, and of all persons in said department, and for the safe-keeping and preservation pf all ordngnce piépperty off eyleryk kind, a15d to dizect a&nd0prepcrihe the ime num er an orms o a re urns an repo an en orce compliarfce therewith.] ’ M¤di¢¤l Depart Sec. 1168. The Medical Department of the Army shall consist of one

'i‘0;“t· °"U“’“‘“' Surgeon-General, with the rank of brigadier-general; one sassistantdsur-

_..%.____._ on- eneral with the rank of colone of cavalr · one c ief me ical 28J¤lY, 1866. °- €$1l'V€§0l‘, and four assistant medical purveyors, with the rank of lieu- @· “· 17r "· 14· p‘ tenant·colonel of cavalry; sixty surgeons, with the rank of major of 3'M,,,_’ lm, c_ cavalry; one hundred and fifty assistant surgeons, with rank of lieuten- 124, s. 6, v. 15, p. ant of cavalry, for the first three years of service, and the rank of cap- 318- _ tain of cavalry after three years of service; and five medical store- 4.,1Z,_]°§‘;"·· 1%2· °· keepers, with the rank of captain of cavalry. All the original vacancies 53 j,,,,;’pj8·;,{, c_ in the grade of assistant surgeon shall be filled by selection, by examina- 458, n. 4, 8, v. 18, tion, from among the persons who have served as staff or re imental surpp- 244.245- geons or assistant surgeons of volunteers in the Army of the United u_1g";f%i"]gé States during the late war. June, 1876, c. 146, r. 19, p. 61. Rifht of com- Sao, 1169, Officers of the Medical Department of the Army shall not

 be Entitled, in virtue of their rank, to command in the line or in other

·· 1 · ·ta corps. s, s. s,v.s, p. 125. “ Volunteerservice Sec. 1170._ Assistant surgeons who have served three Iyears as sur- 0f ¤·¤¤¤¤*·¤¤t suf- geons or assistant surgeons in the volunteer forces (‘) be e igible to pro- ¥°°"“· ____ motion to the grade o captain. 2 Mar., 1867, c. 145, s. 5, v. 14, p. 423. lfurveyors to be Sec. 1171. The chief medical urveyor and the assistant medical purggxab ° ” S"' veyors may be assigned by the president to duty as surgeons, when not .;-._-_.. acting as purveyors. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 17, v. 14, p. 334. (‘) The word shall is omitted from the Roll.