Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/304

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232 TITLE xrv.—THE ARMY.-Or-r. s Feb., 1815, e. cient for rc 'ring the loss or damage, and shall be punished by confine- 3*. S- 7. W3. p- 204- ment or sugl other corporal punishment as the court may direct. Commanders not A21'. 18. Any officer commanding in any garrison, fort, or barracks of to be i¤$¢f¢8¤>d i¤ the United States who, for his private advantage, lays any duty or We °f"‘°°“”·1"¤&°· sition upon, or is interested in, the sale of any vrctuals, liquors, or o er An. of wm- 31. uecessaries of life, brou ht into such garrison, fort, or barracks, for the use of the soldierswshallgbe dismissed from the service. Disrespecttul Ama 19. Any officer who uses contemptuous or disrespectful words W<>¤}¤ ¤¤i¤¤* ***6 against the President, the Vice-President, the Congress of the United P’°“‘d°“t• "‘°‘ States, or the chief magistrate or legislature of any of the United States Art. of war 5. in which he is quartered, shall be d1smissed from the service, or otherwise unished, as a court-martial may direct. Any soldier who so offends shallgne punished as a. court-martial may direct. Disrespect t¤- ART. 20. Any officer or soldier who behaves himself with disrespect wgd °°mm°—“d‘“€ toward his commanding officer shall be punished as a courtrmartial may 9{{5;,§€-- direct. Striking e. supe- Am. 21. Any officer or soldier who, on any pretense whatsoever, ¥i<>¤‘ 0*566*- strikes his superior officer, or draws or lifts up any weapon, or offers any "`Am of wu, g_ violence against him, being in the execution of his office, or disobeys any lawfull command of his supergor ofliser, shall suffer death, or such other unis ment as a court-martia ma irect. Mutiny. p Amr. 22. Any oiicer or soldierywho be ins, excites, causes, or joins in ` Am of wa, 7-_" any mutiny or sedition, in any troop, battery, company, party, post, detachment, lor guapl, shall suffer deat , or such other punishment as a court-martia may ircct. Feilinz tv ¤*¤i¤* Am`. 23. Any officer or soldier who, being present at any mutiny or “‘“°"‘Y‘ _ .1 .__, _ sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or having Art. or war 8. knowledge of any intended mutiny or sedition, does not, without delay, give information thereof to his commanding officer, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. Quarrels and Am`. 24. All officers. of what condition soever, have power to part and WW- _ __ quell all quarreis, i rays, and disorders, whether among persons belonging Art. of war- 27. to his own or to another corps, regiment, troop, batter , or com ny, and to order officers into arrest, and non·commissioned oécers andm soldiers inte confinement, who take rt in the same, until their proper superior officer is ac uainted therewidf And whosoever, bein so ordered, refuses to obev sudh omcer or non ·commissioned officer, or chraws a weapon upon him, shall be punished as a court—martial may direct. Re prone-hful Arrr. 25. No officer or· soldier shall use any reproachful or provoking or prcvok i ug speeches or gestures to another. Any officer who so offends s all be (put

  • ‘Pi°@...- .- in arrest. Any soldier who so offends shall be confined, and require to

Art. of war 24- ask pardon of the party offended, in the presence of his commanding officer. Challenges to Am'. 26. No officer or soldier shall send a challenge to another officer iight duels. or soldier to fi ht a duel, or accept a challenge so sent. Any officer who

 so offends shadl be dismissed from the service. Any soldier who so

27 i,.;’b_r°18-"",._ gffends shall suffer such [corporal] punishment as a court-martial may 69, 4-. 19, . 244. INC · Allowingpersons Am`. 27. Any officer or non-commissioned officer, commandinga rd, wgo cutand iight; who, knowingly and willingly, suffers any erson to o forth to hlglit a

2;*;* 'md P"' duel, shall be punished as a challenger; andp all secondgs or promoters of

_..;W._. W duels, and carriers of challen es to fight duels, shall be deemed princi- A¤‘t· of W¤¤‘ 26- pals, and punished accordinglgr. It shall be the duty of any officer commanding an army, regiment, troop, battery, company, post, or detachment, who knows or has reason to believe that a challenge has been given or accepted by any officer or enlisted man under his command, immediately to arrest the offender and bring him to trial. Upbn-aiding an- Arrr. 22. Any officer or soldier who upbraids another omcer or soldier vhhg fer W ¤¤¤¤S for refusing a c allenge shall himself be punished as a challenger; and all

 officers and soldiers are hereby discharged from any disgrace or opinion

Art- of war 28. of disadvantage which might arise from their having refused to accept challenges, as they will only have acted in obedience to the law, and have done their duty as good soldiers, who subject themselves to discipline.