Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/332

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260 TITLE xv.-THE NAVY.—Cr=1. 4—5. Prornotionwhen Sec. 1507. Any officer who is nominated to a higher grade by the 8m.’“‘l° EBLW- provisions of the preceding section, shall be promoted, notwithstandin ,92: g‘tl‘y3l86§2§· the number of said grade may be full; but D0 further promotions gbl1H gg j,,,,,_ gg,,,, C; take place in that grade, except for like cause, until the number is reduced 392,1:. 18,p. 191. to that provided by law. Oilicers receiv- Sec. 1508. Any line officer, whether of volunteers or of the regular iug¢l1¤ul<¤¤l ('uu- Navy, may he advanced one grade, if, upon recommendation of the g"’“· President by name, he receives the thanks of Congress for highly dis. »*__l lll4 tinguished conduct in conflict with the enemy or for extraordinary lg? gu?`} gf? "· heroism in the line of his professron. 584: 24'Jan, izi)66, c. 111, s. 2, v. 13, p. 424. 25 Jury, 1866, r-. 231, s. 1, v. 14, ii. 222. Effect of vote of Sec. 1509. A vote of thanks by Congress to any officer of the Navy ll"”‘l“· shall be held to affect such officer only; and whenever, as an incident T}§i§·,`fs;oT@ thereof, an ofli cer who would otherwise be retired is retained on the active 96, `s. "l, v. 16, p. list, such retention shall not interfere with the regular promotion of others 38*- who would otherwise have been entitled by law to promotion. _ vacancies occa- Sec. 1510. No promotion shall be made to till a vacancy occasioned by

  • 2°”°d,l’5',g°“*h_; the final retirement, death, resignation, or dismissal of an officer who

,,;;,k°;d_° m"` has received :1 vote of thanks, unless the number of officers left in_the

    • 1j grade where the vacancy occurs shall be less than the number authorized

96, s. 1,v. 16, p. 384. by law. CHAPTER FIVE. THE NAVAL ACADEIY. Sec. ~ Sec. 1511. Where established. 1521. Promotion to midshipmen. 1512. Title of students. 1522. Cadet engineers. 1513. Number of cadet midshipmen. 1523. Number and appointment oi. 1514. Nomination of candidates. 1524. Academic course of. 1515. Examination of candidates. 1525. Examinations of. 1516. Second recommendation. 1526. Studies nottobepursued on Sunday. 1517. Qualidcations. 1527. Store·keeper at the Academy. 1518. Appropriations, how applied. _ 1528. Professors of ethics, Spanish, and 1519. C et. rmdshrpmen found deficient. drawing. 1520. Academic course. _ Where estab- Sec. 1511. The Naval Academy shall be established at Annapolis, in ll*l‘°‘l· the State of Maryland. 21 May, 1864, c. 93, s. 4, v. 13, p. 85. _ Titleofstudgite; Sec. 1512. The students at the Naval Academy shall be styled cadet l5 July. l870» ¢· midshipmen. 295,1<.12,v.16,p.334. _Nu¤)b<>f ofcwdet Sec. 1513. There shall be allowed at said Academ one cadet midshipl“l2E‘l"li"L"‘£;_ man for every Member or Delegate of the House of he resentatives, one 2 M‘“·· lS°7· °· for the District of Columbia, and ten appointed annually at large. 174, s. 8, v. 14, . 517. 15 July, 1870, c. 295,s. 12, v. 16, p. 334. Noulluutluu of Sec. 1514. The Secretary of the Navy shall, as soon after the 5th of $‘T@"*"“· March in each year as ossible, notify, in writing, each Member and 16 July, 1862, c. Delegate of the House oi) Representatives of any vacancy that may exist gg3i S- ll· V- l2» P- in his district. The nominatron of a candidate to fill said vacancy shall _ be made uppn the recommendation of the Member or Delegate. if such Benjamin’sCase, recommen tion is made b the first day of July of that year; but if rt lll C- Cl¤·» 474- is not made by that time, the Secretary of the Navy shall till the vacancy The candidate allowed for the District of Columbia and all the candidates appointed at large shall be selected by the President. Examination of EC. 1515. A l candidates for admission into the Academ shall be @<h<gteL__ examined according to such regulations and at such stated, times BS lll July. l8€2· ¤ the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe. Candidates rejected at such ggm 11* "· 1* l" examination shall not have the privilege of another examination for 1} A,,,.,,_1866,c_ adm1ssion to the same class, unless recommended by the board of 45, s. 6. v. 14, p. 38 examrners.