Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/369

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TITLE xvIu.——DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR OFFICERS.—(JH. 2. 297 ITALY. Rome, one thousand five hundred dollars. TURKISH DomN1oN. Constantinople, three thousand dollars. 18 Aug, 1856, c_ Beirut, two thousand dollars. 12gbSJhrlé,1i§is)4?€i 136, . 1, . , . CHINA. 137,138. V 13 pp Shanghai, four thousand dollars. 22 Feb., 1873, c. 184,s.l,v. 17,p.472. II. Cousuns. GREAT BRITAIN. Liverpool, seven thousand five hundred dollars. 18 Aug., 1856, c. Leeds, two thousand dollars. mibldblivi 1], p` 52. Manchester, three thousand dollars. 20 _;,,,,e_ ISM_ c_ 136, s. , . , . , . Southampton, two thousand dollars. 11;1S3AhIg.,1lg5d?:. .. ,s.3, .11, . . Newcastle-upon—Tyne, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. l4Feb;1s6§;gi$, s. , ·. , .' . Birmingham, two thousand five hundred dollars. 1822 !é{eb.§}873, , . , . , .47 . Tunstall, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. V p Glasgow, three thousand dollars. 18 Aug., 1856, c. 127 s. 3, v. 11,p. 52. Dundee, two thousand dollars. Ibid. Belfast, two thousand dollars. Ibid. Cork, two thousand dollars. Ibid. Hong—Kong, three thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Singapore, two thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Mauritius, two thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Melbourne, four thousand dollars. Ibid. Gibraltar, one thousand dollars. H20 Iunefgiseih ,S. ,\'. , . . Malta, one thousand five hundred dollars. 2335 hnlyhitlegb ,S. ,V. , . . St. Helena, one thousand five hundred dollars. H20 .tune,31g6·:,3;. ,S. ,V. , . . Clifton, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. P Fort Erie, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Goderich, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Kingston, (Canada,) one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Prescott, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Port Sarnia, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Toronto, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Windsor, (Ontario,) one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Coaticook, one thousand five hundred dollars. Ibid. Quebec, one thousand five hundred dollars. 9928-I‘ebi,41867,:. ,S.. ,V. ,p. . Halifax, two thousand dollars ]2}I8·-yn5H18S6k;. Saint J ohn’s, (Quebec,) one thousand five hundred dollars. 23§5 Iii1y;, gabgbgl ,s. ,v. , . . Pictou, (N. S.,) one thousand five hundred dollars 174 11eb.,l ,s. ,v. , . . Prince Edward’s Island, one thousand five hundred dollars. 23§5 J1ulyi£g662§§. ,s. ,v. , . . Winnipeg, one thousand five hundred dollars. 1822sEeh,i}@7;; Kingston, (Jamaica,) two thousand dollars. 12I8¤a:u%·,]I pls; Nassau, (West Indies,) two thousand dollars. Ibid., l