Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/392

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320 Tins xxi.-san or GOVERNMENT. Chief of Ensin- Sno: 1800. The Chief of Engineers shall have the immediate superin- °°’““°h“"€°h“'€c tendence of the Washington aqueduct, together with all rights appur- 0* “’·~*~·¤*··¤ r 4 11 t d in it d b 1 - ’ t

  • "*““‘“°*~ r?"€1“‘é°§r§{‘.. .."&".L‘}".‘ii".Z'€i‘E.€.$°p lis w0$r““'§‘°a *11. .§;»°"g‘"{€. *’° if

--—-———ne sn u snremenine 3 MM-. 1859. o- District of Columbia in which the Government has an interest, and which 84:, ·}$;1i&g3i· are not otherwise specially provided for by law. 211f5s. 1,% 12, yp. 106. 2 Mar., 1867, c. 167, s. 2, v. 14, p. 466. 30 Mar., 1867, c. 20, s. 3, V. , P. . Chief of Engin- Sec. 1801. _He shall obev, in the discharge of the duties mentioned in ‘£;;“siégn;’b°Y im the prgctedinlg sgctioré, suchhregulgtilqusbpursuant to law, as may be pre- ____ _ _;__g_ scribe y the resident, t roug the epartment of War. 2 May, 1828, c. 45, s. 4, v. 4, p. 266. 3 Mar., 1859, c. 84, s. 1, v. 11, p. 435. 25 June, 1860, c. 211, s. 1, v. 12, p. 106. 30 Mar., 1867, c. 20, s. 3, v. 15, p. 12. How moneys for Sec. 1802. All moneys appropriated or hereafter appropriated for the

g‘§2“°;h£°·· w Washington Aqueduct, an for the other public works in the District of

pe ‘ Cogumblta, pot otherwésehexpgessly providpd for by law, shall be expended 3 M .,1859, I un ert e 1rection o the cretary of ar. 84, g frq.211, p.c435. 18 June, 1862, Res. No. 36, v. 12, p. 620. 30 Mar., 1867, c. 20, s. 3, v. 1 , p. . Unauthorized Sec. 1803. No person, unless by consent of the Chief of Engineers in ggigggbig P*P°” charge; o§ thehpub pc buildings and works, shall tap or open the mains or --——--4-—— pipes B1 or erea ter to be laid by the United btates u d lt * B_ rf},85?fgg?’ of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollarh. n Br a perm 5 wu 1 fug, &c., Sec. 1804. Every person who maliciously breaks, injures, defaces, or breaking &<‘-. of destroys any main or pipe, bend branch, valve hydrant service-pipe or lf§’f’€PEE'& any other fixture used for the, distribution df water ’throughout the 3 Mar., 1859, c. streets and avenues, or for its introduction into the houses, tenements, 84,s.5,v.11,}•-433 or buildings of Washington and Georgetown, shall be punishable by _ imprisonment in the county ]a1l for not more than two ·ears. L¤Yi¤€ of PIP? bac. 1805. No greater number of main pipes of the W)ashington Aqueg’;ik%:°g8°f P“bh° gpqt shalll 1;; laid tqp epflpense 0% the United States than are sufficient _.,.;,... urms e pu ic Ul ings, 0 ces an grounds with the necessary 843 Iiélur-aB35k supply of water. The cost of any maih pipe, for the supply of water to ·“· »"- »P · the inhabitants of Washington and Geor etown, must be paid by the _ District of Columbia, in the manner provided bv law. _ Malicionslymnk- Sac: 1806. Every person who maliciously commits any act bv reason

:;€){clmP“" of which the supply of WBCBI', or any part thereof, to thecities of Washm§_i-_-@ . pngtpn app Gqcpgepiownli begonées impure, figlthy, or unfit for use, shall be

nr-, .¤· ne no ess an ve un re nor more t. an one thousand dollars, 84»S· 7»"· u·P· 431 imprisoned at lpgrd labor in the District of Columbia not more than thrg; years nor ess an one year. Compensation of Sec. 1807. The Chief of En 'neers shall rt'

 other than his regular pay as argloflicer of the Cdllpz gf) Ehmirfiigfh ufgf

84 sj,x‘h'p_‘y3§; the services required 0 him under the provisions of this Titg. , _ AP$·!'f·m€»Dt$»$l$·‘ Sec. 1808. He shall be furnished offici l t t. '

 public buildings in the city of Washington, aah niialf dtiilegtdd lgrndieohdgé

843 1\{1ar.h185a£ ident, and shal be supplied by the Government with the stationery, instru· »¤· ·V· ·P- · meptgdbqoks, and furniture which may be required for the performance is u ies. Record of prop- Sec. 1809. He shall keep in his office a complete record of ll th I d [=_¤'f>Q<>l¤>k€P'#· and other property connected with or belonging to the fl/Vashdngltod 3 Mu, 1859, c_ Aqueduct and other public works under his charge, together with accu- 84,s.1,v. 11,p. 435. rate plans and surveys of the public grounds and reservations in the _ District of Columbia. __fijhonty,&c. Sec. 1810. He and his necessary assistants are em wered to use all 2May,]828,,,_45' lawful means for the discharge of their duties; and):)particularlv, he s. g, Ina-:,’pi8€e;e.c. 3E1p11g1g3v;] gxlgcgcloqflréol oxggr tpe Washlington Aqueduct, to regulate the =¤··»~-1~-¤·¤»-·e5- .1.. suplply of water £“n.3'£.i§`;$b?I..$..°J.)é$§'LIF° °*.r°»‘¥l“"i."i’i "€£’ Zip _ , _ · an e s a s p e same w cnet er it IS found to be no more than adequate to the wants of the public bu1ldings and grounds.