Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/402

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330 Trru: xxm.——THE TERRITORIES.-—Ch. 1. proclamation; but at all subsequent elections therein, as well as at ag elections for a Delegate in organized Territories, such time, places, an manner of holding the election shall be prescribed by the law of each T 'to Y. {se s ¤¤·1 _ , S,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,0,,,,,, 88;:. The supreme court of every Territory shall consist of a or Territories. chief justice and two associate justices, any two of w om shall constitute ’ N M gse { a quorum, and they shall hold their omces for four years, and unt1l their jg5d,},?;,';, lOl3v: successors are appointed and qualified. _They shall hold a term annually 9, p. 449. at the seat of government of the Territory for which they are respec- 18g)*°h·5f’ HSSP? tivelv appointed. C. . ’. ` ll’ ‘ . . , . ,. , ·. 0, .175. Cl.,28Fb.,1861, .59,s.9,

   17d8s1I3a:.  86?s.`9,lv. II2, p. 241. Ofdijvho, 3ێ\;aIr.,   11;,};.

9, v, 12, p. 811. Mont., 26 Miiy, 1864, c. 95, s. 9, v. 13,p. 88. mgo., n y, , c. .. , s. 9, v. 15, p. 180. Ariz., 24 eb., 1863, c. 56, s. 2, v. 12, p. . Judicial districts Sec. 1865. Every Territo shall be divided into three judicial districts; and °°“f*“-_ and a district court shall berheld in each d1str1ct_of the Territory by one I-ibid. T of the justices of the suprlemedcourtétgt such time pndhpjpce asimaytpe prescribed by law· and eac judge a r assignmen , s a resi e in e district to which lie is assigned. , _ _ Jurisdiction of Sec. 1866. The jurisdiction, both appellate and original, of the courts ¤0¤¤’*¤- provided for in sectionnineteen hundred and seven an nineteen hundred "Ib;d‘°"”"`"` and eight, shall be limited by law. 7 April, 1874, r. 80, r. 18, p. 27. Jurisdiction of Sec. 1867. No justices of the peace in any Territory shall have jurisi¤¤*l<'°¤ af *9** diction of any case in which the title to land, or the boundary thereof, {Ti _____,_ __ in anywise comes in question. Ibid. And see, for Arizona, 23 May, 1870, c. 29, s. 5, v. 16, p. 77. Chancery nu d Sec. 1868. The supreme court and the distxijct courts, respectivelyé of °°¤¤¤°¤ l°“‘ l‘“’l”‘ every Territory, shall possess chancerv as we as common aw juri icdiction. · " _______, _ tion. Ibid. 7 April, 1874, o. 80, v. 18, p. 27. d_-'tppelljitc iurin- Such 1869. §i’rits oi; errorg, biillslog exception}, alpd dappeals shall be ‘° ‘°" ° S“P’°m" allow in a cases rom the na ecisions o the 'strict courts to TT; ...A_.. the supreme court of, all the Territories, respectively, under such reguibid- lation as may be prescribed by law; but in no case removed to the 807 Arg". 12;**. v- supreme court shal trial by jury be allowed in that court. , I`. , . . ' Clerk oflaupwme Sec. 1870. The supreme court of each Territory shall appoint its own fj"- clerk, who shall hol his office at the pleasure of the court for which he um Lass i., is “PP°“'°°d· 1850, c.?49, s. 10Fp. 449. Utah, 9 Sept., 1850, c. 51, s. 9,v. 9, p. 455. 1W5six., 2 Mar., 1853, c. 983, s. 3, v. {(21, p. E0., 28 Eeb., 132:1, 0.59, s.;, v.1;2, p251g!. l12a:., gljéar., 1%, C. ,8. ,V. ,p. . Z., 0 ., ,C. ,8. ,V. ,p. . 3 0, B1'., , c. 117, s. 9, v. 12, p. 811. Mont., 26 May, 1864, c. 95, s. 9, v. 13, p. 88. Wyo., 25 July, 1868, c. 235, s. 9, v. 15, p. 180. Clerk 0* dlvtrivt Sec. 1871. Each judge of the supreme court of the respective Terri- ‘j°“"· _ __ tories shall designate and appoint one person as clerk of the district Ibid. over which he presides, where one is not already appointed, and shall 12:6 »j38·»1;85653- designate and retain but one such clerk where more t an one is already

  • “‘ ·"‘ **" ‘ appojnted, ;ndUonlydsé1ch district clerk shall be entitled to a compensa-

_ _ tion rom the United States. 0;**8*::*;;*5;};*;*é Sec. 1872. Every district clerlr shall be also the register in chanm,j';,mLge_ gepy, and shall reside and keep his office at the place where the court is —--—- -—--—- e . Ibid. Judicialdistricts; Sec. 1873. Temporarily and until otherwise provided by law the v- P91$£:£B9g.v_€. ernor of every Territory whicnmay be hereafter established shdll dehhe, ,,,5,,, c_ 4,£·s_§":,l:v: by proclamation the judicial districts of such Territory, and assign the 9, ,,_4,g,2_ judges appomted for such Territory to the several districts as well as iia