Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/427

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Trruu xxvr.—THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE. 355 voting is done, and the way and method in which the poll-books, registry- lists, and tallies or check-books, whether the same are required by any law of the United States, or any State, territorial. or munici l law, are kept. Sec. 2018. To the end that each candidate for the officse of Represent- To personally ative or Delegate in Congress mav obtain the benefit of every vote for ¤¤*¤¢i¤i¤¤ wd him cast, the supervisors of election are, and each of them is, required [’°““t mh b"u°'i to personally scrutinize, count, and canvass each ballot in their election 28 Feb., 1871,4; district or voting precinct cast, whatever may be the indorsement on the W °· 5· "·16» P- 434- ballot, or in whatever box it may have been placed or be found; tomake and forward to the officer who, in accordance with the provisions of section two thousand and twenty-tive, has been designated as the chief supervisor of the judicial district in which the cit or town wherein the may serve, acts, such certificates and returns of ah such ballots as such officer may direct and require, and to attach to the registry-list, and any and all copies thereof and to any certificate, statement, or return, whether the same, or any part or portion thereof, be required by any law of the United States, or of any State, territorial, or municipal law, any statement touching the truth or accuracv of the registry, or the truth or fairness of the election and canvass, which the supervisors of the election, or either of them, may desire to make or attach, or which should prop- Engg and honestly be made or attached, in order that the facts may become wn. Sec. 2019. The better to enable the supervisors of election to discharge Then- positions. their duties, they are authorized and directed, in their respective election`2?I§é{,_g,if districts or voting precincts, on the day of registration, on the day when 99, s,6,v,·l6,p_4h$· registered voters may be marked to be challenged, and on the day of election, to take, occupy, and remain in such position, from time to time, whether before or behind the ballot-boxes, as will, in their judgment, best enable them to see each person offering himself for registration or olfering to vote, and as will best conduce to their scrutinizing the manner in which the registration or voting is being conducted; and at the closing of the polls for the reception of votes, they are required toplace themselves in such position, in relation to the ballot-boxes, for the purpose of en ging in the work of canvassing the ballots, as will enable them to fuql rform the duties in respect to such canvass provided herein, and slialilxthere remain until every duty in respect to such canvass, certificates. returns, and statements has been wholly completed. {sa 5 san.] Sec. 2020. When in an election district or voting precinct in any city When molested. or town, for which there have been appointed supervisors of election for 28T;;g_T`1871i E any election at which a Representative or Delegate in Congress is voted cas. 1,v.16, p. 435. for, the supervisors of election are not allowed to exercise and discharge, fully and freely, and without bribery, solicitation, interference, hinderance, molestation, violence, or threats thereof, on the part of any person, all the duties, obligations, and powers conferred upon them by law, the supervisors of election shall make proript report, under oath, within ten days after the day of election to the officer who, in accordance with the provisions of section two thousand and twenty-tive, has been designated as the chief supervisor of the jpdicial district in which the city or town wherein they servui, acts, of the manner and means by which they were not so allowed to fully and freel exercise and discharge the duties and obligations required and imposed herein. And upon receiving ang such report, the chief supervisor, acting both in such cappcrty an o cialliy as a commissioner of the circuit court, shall forthwit examine into a l the facts; and he shall have power to subpoena and compel the attendance before him of any witness, and to administer oaths and take test1- mon in respect to the charges made; and, prior to the assembling of the Con oss for which an such Representative or Delegate was voted for, he gall file with the &erk of the House of Representatwes all the evidence bv him taken, all informatron by him obtained, and all reports to him made. [M S 652*-l