Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/435

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Trru: xxvm.——INDIANS.—Ch. 1. 363 nated, by the proper agents, to the Department of the Interior for approval, and may be suspended bv the agent from pay and duty, and Ecircumstances reporte to the Department of the Interim- for final ac non. Sec. 2069. In all cases of the a intments of inte reters or other r- Prefgygnq In. sons employed for_the benefit oflthe Indians, a reflelfence shall be ggflen di¤¤¤f¤ri¤t§riiir¤t- to npersons of Indian descent, if such can be fbund, who are properly °i'*‘;.-._..-_.._ qu itied for the execution of the duties. 1 30 ·l““?· 183% C- S1-:0. 2070. The salaries of interpreters lawfully em loyed in the service 6g§j,,%,;£,,lj,,E[.Q of the United States, in Oregon, Utah, and New Bilexico, shall be five preters. hundred dollars a year each, and of all so employed elsewhere, four {Y hundred dollars a year each. 14, s. 8, vii? p.5h7: 14 Feb., 1873, c. 138, s. 1, v. 17,,p. 437. Sec. 2071. The President may, in every case where he shall judge Instruction of Inimprovement in the habits and condition of uch Indians practicable, and disusthat the means of instruction can be introduced with their own consent, ifM,}_ 1g1g_ ci employ capable persons of d moral character to instruct them in the 85, v. 3, 516., mode of agricu ture suitedgotld their situation; and for teachin thei1· children in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and performing such other duties as may be enjoined according to such instructions and rules as the President may give and prescribe for the regulation of their conduct, in the discharge of their duties. A re rt of the proceedings a(Jd)opted in the execution of this provision shalfxbe annually laid before ‘ n ress. SITC. 2072. Where any of the tribes are, in the opinion of the Secretary Whentribesmay of the Interior, competent to direct the employment of their blacksmiths, direct the employ- mechanics, teachers, farmers, or other persons engaged for them, the ‘“'?3ll’ °£ bl'° ‘ direction of such persons may be given to the proper authority of the °¥.iM tribe- 162, s. 0;.4 . ’ I Sec. 2073. The Secretary of the Interior shall, under the direction of Discontindgngdf the President, cause to be discontinued the services of such [agents,] sub- the ¤m¤<1¤ Of ¤¤b- agents, interpreters, and mechanics, as may from time to time become gggngé ““°’!”`°*' unnecessary, in consequence of the [immigration] [emigration] of the Indians, or other ca.uses. 174_,,_5’l}_4,p_ 564: 27 Feb., 1877, 0. 69, r. 19, p. 244. Sec. 2074. No person shall hold more than one office at the same time No person to hold under this Title, nor shall any agent, subagent, interpreter, or person *;"°bgm<*€¤9 leave employed under this Title, receive his salary while absent from his agency Y ° °"°°‘ o__ or employment, without leave of the superintendent, or Secretary of the 30 June, 1834, c. Interior; but such absence shall at no t1me exceed sixty days. 162»*’·10·"·4·P·737· Sec. 2075. The President may, from time to time, require additional Additional sesecurity, and in larger amounts, from all persons charged or trusted, ¤¤Plty- under the laws of the United States, with the disbursement or applica- 30 June, 1834, c. tion of money, goods, or effects of any kind, on account of Indian a airs. 162. ¤- 8,v.4, n. 737. Sec. 2076. The several compensations prescribed by this Title shall be Compensation in full of all emoluments or allowances whatsoever. But where necessary, p1r¤¤<·rib<~>d to be in a reasonable allowance or provision may be made for offices and office -g6J..m,_ <=<>¤¢i¤g¤¤¤i¤~¤- in.s.ft>?$f4i$it$I Sec. 2077. Where persons are required, in the performance of their Allowance for duties, under this Title, to travel from one place to anothe1·, their actual traveirn 2 H- expenses, or a reasonable sum in lieu thereof, may be allowed them, PP§0“°;gn;§ except that no allowance shall be made to any person for travel or ,62,,0 xg, p];,.,; e .nses in coming to the seat of Government to settle his accounts, ·M,n,,,’,.j,jjS__,5 uiilldss thereto required by the Secretary of the Interior. pst., 423_ Sec. 2078. No person employed in lnd1an_ affairs shall have any lPerspn¤ erninterest or concern in any trade with the Indians, except for, and on Bgtgnzitgzggz account of, the United States; and any person offending herein, shall be w,,,, the Indian liable to a penalty of five thousand dollars, and shall e removed from j6 his office. 162,s.14,v.4,p.738.