Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/452

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380 Trrm xxx.-Nsrunsnrzsrios. and he shall in all other respects comply with the laws in regard to naturalization. Widowandchil- Sec. 2168. When any alien, who has complied with the first condition d¤¤¤¤fd¤=l¤¤¤¤· specified in section twenty-one hundred and sixty-five, dies before he is ..26 ·¤*¤*A‘y.::*“"*1*°d· **1: td? :.2:*. *;*.:.;“*‘“*2.·· 1:* .1".$::;1#a.z*·.11 *12 ,s.,v.,. .cons1e asciizenso e n san sa 1 a P rigits and privileges as such, upon taking the oaths proscribed (‘) by law. Aliens of African mo. 2169. The rovisions 0 this Title shall apply to aliens [being free xglllty and d°· white persons, ami) to aliens] of African nativity and to persons of Afri- ..;1 d t. 14 July, 1870, c. 25: s. $?(i$li6, p. 256. 18 1kb., 1875, c. 80, v. 18, p. 318. Re¤id•;¤<=•=¤f§ve Sec. 2170. No alien shall be admitted to become a citizen who has not gag “‘ U‘“*°d for lthe cpntinnuzldtgrm of live years next preceding his admission resided —;—-; lt I ii ll. x m00S. 3 Mar., 1813, c. 4;:. 112 v. g, p. 8h}. ·:5i°*ltt;3-¤mi¤¤ Sec. 2171. No alien who is a native citizen or sulgoct, or a denizen of

 any counltry, stat1;,bor sowereignty  bvghgzh t15e pfitled Sgaztes are at

pri .1 c. war, att etuneo is app ication s a theua mit to omeacit— 28,% }· 2,g,g%¤· izen of the United States; butepeusons resident within the United States, 36, v_ S'); 5S_ ’°‘ or the Territories thereof, on e eighteenth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twelve, who had before thatday made a djeclpaigtéopapsccordipg to law, of mm intentzpcnl to become citizens of the n1 or w 0 were on thenti to become citizens without making such declaration, may be agmitted to become citizens thereof, notwithstanding. they were alien enemies at the time and in the manner p};escr;1bed_ by t glaw; blzegaktofore passed gg that sulpect; noir shall any- ing erein con ne en or constru to inter ere wit or revent the apprehension and removal, agreeably to law, of anly alien e1i)emy at _ any time previous to the actual naturalization of such a ien. Children oflper nc, 2172. The children of persons who have been duly naturalized under $erc‘;“r::i;f,;”$v‘; any law of the United States, or who, previous to the passing of any law to be damn op that subject, by the Government of the United States, may have become

 citizens of any one of the States, under the laws thereof, being under,the

28 A 4P _,, _ 155 a e of twent Y-one years at the time of the naturalization of their parents i..; s ll, if dwelling in the United States, be considered as citizens thereof; d31¤¤éDg:llf9g°P and the ehildren of persons who now are, or have been, citizens of the Uj S_ ,;j mL8h_ United States, shall, though born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the Held, 13 Blanch., United States, be considered as citizens thereof; but no person heretofore 330. proscribed by any State, or_ who has been legally convicted of having ]o1ned the army o (neat Britain during the Revolutionary lVar, shall be gdtmgtted tloblecomle a citizen without theacpnsent of the legislature of the _ in w 1G suc person was proscri . Dif;]i§°0;>°g;*u S1co,t2’173£ The pxpncecourt of the District of Columbia shall have no bin bu no Power powei na ura IZB orexgners. to naturalize for- SEEN. 17 June, 1870, . 133, s. 5, . 16, . 154. N¤*¤F¤li¤¤¢i<>¤ of Sec. 2174.pEvery seaman bein a forei er h d l h`te f 3 of becoming a citizen of the Unitged Stategnindiiyocoihzddgasntlddhrtn mid 3272 Engg, ,18;,:;, c. shall have served three years on board of a merchant-vessel of the United 2681 · » - 1 P- szigbsgggsg to the daltelpf sugh dceiclaratixan, may, on his ayéplication

  • cour an e pr u ion 0 is certificate of ischa

and good conduct duruig that time, together with the certificate of lid: declaration of intention to become a citizen, be admitted a citizen of the United _States;_ and every seaman, being a foreigner, shall, after his ec aration of intention to become a citizen of the United States, and gter he shall have served such three years, be deemed a citizen of the hnite 'States for the pugpose of manning and serving on board any mer‘— aointrzslsszzpfi -S;ates, anything to the contrary in any act of protiction as an Amerii:!d§1"citi:;ei1;1(ble $$323 dddhhafttr the Sd? hi; eclaration of intention to become such citizen. , g (‘) Error in the Roll; should be prsacrdml.