Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/488

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416 TITLE xxx11.—THE PUBLIC LANDS.—C1~1. -1. LWB ¢‘· ·APk¤¤- Interior; and all assignments and transfers of the right hereby secured, a‘·;·n?liE1I;‘;;£3$i prior to the issuing of the patent, shall be null and void. Ashley, 14 How., 377; Barnard’s Heirs v. Ashley's Heirs, 18 l—low.,_ 44; Garland on Wynn, 20 How., 6; Lytle 1-. Arkansas, 22 How.v12i§; lgprkness r. Underhill, 1 Bl., 325; Lindsey r. Hawse, 2 Bl., 554; Myers v. Croft, 13\ a ., 2. . St·¤·l=¤m¢¤¤ ¤> be Sec. 2264. When any person settles or improves a tract of land sub-

 ject at the time of settlement to private entry, and intends to purchase

0,,,,,,,,, 0,, ]£,ds the same under the preceding provisions of this chapter. he sha |,_witl1in subject to private thirty days after the date of such settlement,_nlc with the register of <·>¤¤&'· the proper district a written statement, d0BCl`1l'T1llg' the land settled upon 4 Se t_ 184; c_ and declarin r his intention to claim the same under the 1'0—Cl1\ tion 16 15),5 {51 lhéhll `th` tl tl ftelth dl) f ,s. ,v.. ,p. T. laws· anc c s a moreover wi in we ve mon is a r c a e o suchisettlement, niake the proof, atlidavit, and payment hereinbcfore required. If he fails to file such written statement, or to make s11ch affidavit, proof, and payment within the several periods named above, the tract of land so settled and improved shall be subject to the entry _ 6 V of any other purchaser, _ 3}*****1 lledl bét bac. 226o. Every claimant under the pre-eniption law for land not yet

$0c‘f;i;;‘€,§l;;S;‘&_ plpoclaimpd ftptzile is rcquireél makejlltnicplyri his chzjlm fin wiglting to

—-»—;— e re is er o e ro er lan -o cc wi nn ree m . r ,. ll 863S)g“;··5184?g25- of thegscttlement, giivihg the designation of the trgpt mid dh; thne bf _1_Q_Q L.;;}';..; settlement; otherwise his claim shall be forfeited and the tract awarded J¤h¤¤0p¢‘-T¤g*S· to the. next settler, in the order of time, on the same tract of land, who l · 13 W all 2 · ~ · · °¥· ‘ ·· ’ · has given such notice and otherwise complied with the conditions of the law. Declernftory Sec. 2266. In regard to settlements which are authorized upon unsurijgrigllziiltllglsgit; veyed lands, the pre-emption claimant shall be in ull cases required to veved 1,,,,,,,, when iile his declaratory statement within three months from the date of the hléd. recpipt at the gistrict land-officelof the approved plat of the township 30 May, 1862, c. em Jracing suc pre-emption sett ement. 86, s. 7, v. 12,p.4l0. __ _ _ _ p,.,,..,,,,,,,;,,,, Sec. 2264. All claimants of pre-emption rights, under the two precedciannants; time of ing sections, shall, when no shorter time is prescribed by law, make the $@*2-‘¢#·#?'°“ s:::.rr;rss5.*·;i..I;s;"::*;&.J:; ***2 `“"*T·‘".“?T“°? W 2$·,i·=r.1···a"**·S

 t.,.. notit e. 1.5. speed “’ `”"°° " ° " "‘ ‘“*“‘ "“ ‘“ ’"'“`

y, 1 , .B .', . . 272, ·. 2, v. 16, . ` 27s;b;3 M13;-,, Mil, %§s.u52, 12B1g, p. 31.gum·,5g874, 1*. 206, r. 18, p. 52. 18 June, 187-}, C. m, l'. ,p. . A Gy, I , C. , ll. , p. . _Ext_ension of Sec. 2268. Where a pre-emptor has taken the initiatory steps re uired

  • ’t;¤ by law in regard to actual settlemen_t, and is called away from suiih setmmmy and mm,] tlement by being engaged in the military or naval service of the United

,,,,.,·;0e_ ——_ Stages2H and by reiason of such absence is unable to appear at the district -·-———-21 M"., 1864, C. lan -o ce to ma e before the register or receiyer the andavit, proof, and 38, M, v_ 13,1, 35_ payment, respectively, req uired y the preceding provisions of this chapter, the time for filing such affidavit an making nnal proof and entry or location shall beextended six months after the expiration of his term of service, upon satisfactory proof by affidavit, or the testimony of witnesses, thatsuch pre-emptor 1S·S(2 1H the serv1ce,_being filed with the register of the land-oflsice fpr the district in which his settlement is made. Death before cen- _ bac. 2269. \\ here a party entitled claim the beneiits of the pre—em — ?l¤;r(;¤;v6t1;j(;fmc1§¤;;¤;; tion laws diesbefore consummating his claim, by filing in due time all the aw. P » papers essential to the establishment of the same, it shall be competent W -1 .- . ——- for the executor or administrator of the estate of such party, or one of the 863 gar.,5l843é2g· heirs, to file the necessary papers to complete the same; but the entry in · #"· ·· ‘·‘ · p· ‘ such cases shall be made in favor of the heirs of the deceased pre—empt0r and a ppltrénp) thereon sliall cause the title to inure to such heirs, as if theif _ _ names a een speeia ly mentioned. wiK:£>¤f§3};¤1;g;;;§ i Sec. 2270. Wll€3h€\’0Y the_vacancy_0f the office either of register or by Vacancy in of 1ece1ver,orof both, renders it impossible for the claimant to comply with race pr register (p- ?;Ya¥`i<|¤¤;¤l?{>¤ if H10 p:'0;‘¤`;Eil0(p laws within phe appointed time, such TBCGIVBP not toa-<‘ ll y S R D0 opera G 0 0 etriment of the art claimi l YE- f§9§»_&q·__ M____ spect to any matter essential to the establishment (li hill claim;uEil1dl~luch