Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/519

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Tr·rr.n x1¤m.—THE PUBLIC LANDS.—C11. 10. 447 time of his enlistment, the period of service. and the report of some oliicer of the corps to which he was atta.ched. Sec. 2-1-L1. Vhenever it appears that any certiticate or warrant, issued New *Y¤¤‘¤¤t iS- in pursuance of any law granting bounty-land. has been lost or destroyed, ““°d “‘ l‘°“ °f l°“ whether the same has been sold and assigned by the warrantee or not, the Secretarv of the Interior is re uircd to cause a new certincate or 23·l““"·186°¤°· warrant of like tenor to be issued inqlieu thereof; which new certificate 20g68k;; lfé?,??' or warrant may he assigned. located. and patented in like manner as $30, i-. 18,};.1111 ` other certificates or warrants for bounty-land are now authorized by law to be assigned. located, and patented; and in all cases where warrants have been. or may be, re·issucd. the original warrant, in wboseever hands it may be, shall be deemed and held to be null and void, and the assignment thereof, if any there be, fraudulent; and no patent shall ever issue for any land located therewith, unless such presumption of fraud in the assignment be removed by clue proof that the same was executed by the warrantee in glood faith and for a valuable consideration. Sec. 24-L2. . he Secretary of the Interior is required to prescribe such Regulations by regulations for carrying the preceding section into effect as he may deem S9°'°”"Y °f I¤*¢· necessary and proper in order· to protect the Government against imposi- tion and fraud by rsons claiming the benefit thereof; and all laws and 2036,, QH2F3Q8B0g,;' parts of laws for th; punishment of frauds against the United States are 2h fish}, isfi, ci made applicable to frauds under that section. 330.*-18.1)-111- Suc. 2443. In all cases where an officer or soldier of the revolutionary Mode of issuing war, or a soldier of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, was entitled Pewnfswthe heirs to bounty-land, has died before obtaining a patent for the land, and ff gg”°;"',‘°”*g:°d where application is made by a part only of the heirs of such deceased .0 . un X` all " officer or soldier for such bounty-land, it shall be the duty of the Secre- Y3M°'··l843·R°¤· tary of the Interior to issue the patent in the name of the heirs of such ‘ °' 7** 5’p‘650‘ deceased officer or soldier, without specifying each; and the atent so issued in the name of the heirs. generally, shall inure to the benefit of the whole, in such portions as they are severally entitled to by the laws of descent in the State or Territory where the olhcer or soldier belonged at the time of his death. Sec. 24+1. When roof has been or hereafter is filed in the Pension- Death Of claim- Oihce, during the lifldtime of a claimant, establishing, to the satisfaction fst ‘:€'°,:t°*;"Bl';l; of that office. his right to a war·rant for military services, and such war- fogeisguinggf Wm_ rant has not been, or may not be. issued until after the death of the rant. claimant, and all such warrants as have been heretofore issued subse- ‘ 3 JQ lggjj quent to the death of the claimant. the title to such warrants shall vest 8.,,,,_],v_]1,p_3})8§ in his widow, if there be one. and if there be no widow, then in the heirs or legatees of the claimant; and all military bounty—land warrants issued pursuant to law shall be treated as personal chattels, and may be conveyed by assignment of such widow. heirs. or legatees, or by the legal representatives of the deceased claimant, for the use of such heirs or legatees only. _ Sec. 2445. The legal representatives of a deceased claimant for a Whegpmotsmay b0unty—land warrant, whose claim was tiled prior to his death, may tile :3: :_;ent£{’v;S°S°l the proofs necessary to perfect such claim. _B;___ _;_ 3 Mar., 1869, c. 138, v. I5, p. Sec. 2446. Where an actual settler on the public lands has sought, or _Re\<><·ati¤¤<>fmi1- hereafter attempts, to locate the land settled on and improved by him, :;'3_’a;’:q"?;¥'2:S‘;‘g with a military bounty-land warrant, and where, from any cause, an of m,0,._ error has occurred in making such location, he is authorized to relrn- —;jr——1——-3 — . s . ar., 853, c. < ursh the land so erroneously located. and to locate such warrant upon H7, S_ 1, v_ 10, P_ the land so settled upon and improved by him. if the same then be 25g_ vacant, and if not, upon any other vacant land, on making proof of those facts to the satisfaction of the land-officers, according to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed bv- the Qoimnrssioner of the (rencral Land-Office, and subject to his final adjudication.