Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/540

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468 Txcrma xxx11r.——DUTIES UPON IMPORTS. Lard: two cents per pound. Rve and barley: fifteen cents per bushel. Indian corn or maize: ten cents per bushel. Oats: ten cents per bushel. _ _ Fish: Mackerel, two dollars per barrel; berrmgs, pickled or salted, one dollar er barrel; pickled salmon, three dollars per barrel; all other fish pickled? in barrels, one dollar and fifty cents per barrel; all other forei n-caught fish imported otherwise than in barrels or half-barrels,or whether fresh, smoked), or dried, salted, or pickled, not otherwise provided for, fifty cents per one hundred pounds. 2Mar.,1861,c. 68, Salmon, preserved: thirty per centum ad valorem, ¤-22.v-12.1>·190- Anchovies and sardines, preserved in oil or otherwnse: fifty percentum 30 June, 1864,c. ad valO,.€m_

 s·81é‘ch:,lg:7£· r-. 36, s. 4, 1:. 18, p. 308.

2 Mm·.,1861,c.68, dFis}1 preserved in oil, except anchovies and sardines: thirty per centum S- 22.v-22.1>·190- a va orem. Ibid.,s. 19. Corn-meal: ten per centum ad valorem. 682, {gv-r.i;861b Oat-meal: one-half cent per pound. . V. , . . 2S 11g5i-.3 Rye-flour: ten per centum ad valorem. 68§iJ1ihe.lgé4»¤· Rice: cleaned, two and a half cents per pound; on uncleaned, two 1,3. S- 135 V- 13- P· cents per pound. 15 Aug., 1876, c. 290, r. 19, p. 200. On paddy: one cent and one—half per pound. 2 Mar., 1861, c. Capers, pickles, and sauces of al kinds, not otherwise provided for: 68·S-22·"·12·P· 190- thirty-five per centum ad valorem. .5§"3‘f§*3"‘{€’ °‘ 555 1 IQ Jul; 1862,;] Catsup: forty per centum ad valorem. 163, s. 63 12, ,p.' 549. 14 July, 1862, c. 163, s. 13, v. 12, p. 555, mg .Tpnrei}87§3§. Preserved or condensed milk: twenty per centum ad valorem. ,8. , . 1, . · Ibid., s. li) Potatoes: fifteen cents per bushel. 6828 l;1)a;.k1f;61h Vegetables, not otherwise provided for: ten per centum ad valorem. Ibidi, s. 22. Prepared vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, and game, sealed or unsealed, l6},4él‘3;·\l8g·;; in cans or otherwise: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 55:;;) June, 18,,;, C. Zlyimgur; ten cents per gallon. 171, s. 11,v. ,p. . Scnmmna G.-Suenns. 22 Dec.,1870, c. Sugar not above number seven, Dutch standard in color: one and 6, v. 16, p. 397. three-quarters cents per pound. Super above number seven, and not above number ten, Dutch standard in co or: two cents per pound. Sugar above number ten, and not above number thirteen, Dutch standard in color: two and one-quarter cents per pound. Sugar above number thirteen, and not above number sixteen, Dutch standard in color: two and three-quarters cents per pound. Sugar above number sixteen, and not above number twenty, Dutch standard in color: three and one·quarter cents er pound. 30 June, 186:1, c. Sugar above number twenty, Dutch standard) in color, and on all re- 17,1»¤,;&:·1i§»§>§§°g· fined loaf, lump, crushed, powdered, and granulated sugar: four cents ,27’;_3,,_:a8,p_3;,0; per pound. But sirup of sugar, sirup of sugar-canejuice, melado, con- 15 A,,,," 1876, ,_ centrated melado., or concentrated molasses, entered under the name of 290, v. 19, p. 200. molasses, shall be forfeited to the United States. Supar-candy, not colored: ten cents per pound. Al other confectionery, not otherwise provided for, made whollv orin part of sugar, and on sugars after being refined, when tinctured, colored, or in any way adulterated, valued at thirty cents per pound or less: fifteen cents per pound.