Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/549

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Tina xxxm.——DUTIES UPON IMPORTS. 477 willow sheets and sqnluares, used for making or ornamenting bats, bonnets, and hoods, compose of straw, chip, rass. palm—leaf, willow, orany other vegetable substance, or of hair, w adebone, or other material, not otherwise provided for: thirty}; per centum ad valorem. H&tt€IS, furs not on the skin, and dressed furs on the skin: twenty per centum ad valorem. Hatters’ plush, composed of silk and cotton, but of which cotton is the component material o chief value: twenty-tive per centum ad valorem. Hempseed and rapesced, and other oil-seeds of like character other than linseed or ilaxseed: one-half cent per pound. Hoffman`s anodyne and spirits of nitric ether: fifty cents per pound. Honey: twenty cents per gallon. Hqps: five cents per pound. 8}%,1875,6-36. In ia rubber and silk, manufactures of, or manufactures of India rub- l' 4’ v` 1S' p' 3% ber and silk and other materials: fifty per centum ad valorem. India rubber, articles com sed of.—Braces, suspenders, webbing, or other fabrics, composed wholly or in part of India rubber, not otherwise provided for: thirtvfive r centum ad valorem. Articles composed whogy of India rubber, not otherwise provided for: twenty-five r centum ad valorem. India rubdfr boots and shoes: thirty per centum ad valorem. Ink, printers’ ink, and ink-powders: thirty-tive per centum ad valorem. Insu ators for use exclusively in telegraphy, except those made of glass: twenty-tive per centum ad valorem. lodine, sa ts of: fifteen per centum ad valorem; resublimed: seventy- five cents per pound. Ivory or bone dice, dra hts, cbess—men, chess-balls, and bagaitelleballs: fifty per centum ad vlalorem. Japanned ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for: forty per centum ad valorem. Jellies of all kinds: fifty per centum ad valorem. Jet, manufactures and imitations of: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Lead, nitrate of: three cents per pound. Leather.——Be nd or belting-leather, and Spanish or other sole-leather: fifteen per centum ad valorem; calfskins, tanned, or tanned and dressed: twenty-tive per centum ad valorem; upper-leather of all other kinds, and skins dressed and finished of all kinds, not otherwise provided fo1·: twenty per centum ad valorem; skins for morocco, tanned, but unfinished: ten per centum ad valorem; manufactures and articles of leather, or of which eather shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Leather and skins, japanned, patent or enameled: thirty-tive per centum ad valorem. All leather and skins, tanned, not otherwise provided for: twenty-tive per centum ad valorem. Lemon and lime-juice: ten per centum ad valorem. Licorice-pate, or licorice in rolls: ten cents per pound. Licoricequice: five cents per pound. Lime: ten per centum ad valorem. _ _ Linseed or tlaxseed: twenty cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds weight. But no drawback shall be allowed on oil—cake made from nnlported seed. Magnesia, carbonate: six cents per pound; calcined, twe ve cents per poun . Malt: twenty r centum ad valorem. Marble.—Marlile, white statuar ·, brocatella, sienna, and verdantique, in block, rough or squared: one dlollar per cubic foot, and, in addition thereto, twenty-tive per centum ad valorem; vcined marble and marble of all other descriptions, not otherwise provided for, in block, rough or Squared: fifty cents per cubic foot, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem; sawed, dressed, or polished marble, marble slabs, and marble paving-tiles: thirty per centum ad valorem, and, in addition, twenty-five cents per superficial square foot not exceeding two inches in