Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/557

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Trru: xxxm.—DUT1ES UPON IMPORTS. 485 Cuttle iish bone. Cyanite, or kyanite. Diamonds, rough or uncut, including glaziers’ diamonds. Diamond—dust or bort. Divi-divi. Dragon’s-blood. Dried and repared flowers. Dried blood. Dried bugs. Dyeing or tanning: articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for. E ecampane-root. Ergot. Esparto, or Spanish grass, and other grasses, and pulp of, for the manufacture of paper. Fans, common palm—leaf. Farina. F ashion-plates engraved on steel or on wood, colored or plain. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels. Fibrin, in all forms. Fire-wood. Fish, fresh, for immediate consumption Fish for bait. Flint, Hints, and ground flint-stones. Flowers, leaves, plants, roots, barks, and seeds, for medicinal purposes, in a crude state, not otherwise provided for. Foliae digitalis. Fruit-plants tropical and semi-tropical for the purpose of propagation 9 May, 1874, c. or cultivation. 163- v- 18- P- 43- 15 Aug., 1870, c. 290, v. 19, p. 200. Fur—skins of all kinds not dressed in any manner. Galanga or galangal. Garancine. Gentian-root. Ginger-root. Ginseng-root. Glass, broken in pieces, and old glass which cannot be cut for use, and iit only to be remanufactured. Goat-skins, raw. Goldbeaters’ molds and goldbeaters’ skins. Gold size. Grease, for use as soap-stock only, not otherwise provided for. Guano, and other animal manures. Gums.—Arabic, Jeddo, Senegal, Barbary, East India, Cape Australian, gum benzoin or benjamin, gum copal, sandarac, dammar, glamboge, cowrie, mastic shellac, tragacanth, olebanum, gmac, myrrh, dalhum, garbanum, and all gums not otherwise provided for. Gunny-bags and gunny-cloth, old or refuse, fit only for remanufacture. Gut and worm-gut, manufactured or unmanufactured, for whip and other cord. Guts, salted. Gutta·percl1a, crude. Hair, all horse, cattle, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured. _ Hair of hogs, curled, for beds and mattresses, and not iit for bristles. Hellebore-root. Hemlock-bark. _ illigacuttings, raw, with or without the hair on, for glue-stock. 1 e-ro . _ Hides.—p§.aw or uncured, whether dry, salted, or_ pickled, and skins, except sheep-skins with the wool on, Angora—goat skins, raw, without the wool? unmanufactured, asses’ skins, raw, unmanufactured.