Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/562

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490 Trrmc xxxm.——DUTIES UPON IMPORTS. thirty-third of said treaty, all fish-oil and fish of all kinds, (except fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and except fish reserved in oil,) bein the (produce of the sheries of the Dominion of Uanada or of Prince Igdwar ’s Island, shall be admitted into the United States free of duty, and whenever the colony of Newfoundland shall give its consent to the application of the stipulations and provisions of the said articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth of said treaty, inclusive, to that colony, and the le islature thereof and the Imperial Parliament shall pass the necessary ihws for that purpose, the ab0ve~enumerated articles, bein the produce of the fisheries o the colony of Newfoundland, shall be admitted into the United States free of duty, from and after the date of a proclamation by the President of the United States, declaring that he has satisfactory evidence that the said colony of Newfoundland has consented, in a due and proper manner, to have the rovisions of the said articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth, inclusive, ofp the said treaty extended to it, and to allow the United States the full benefits of all the stipulations therein contained, and shall be so admitted free of duty, so long as the said articles eighteeuth to twenty-fifth, inclusive, and article thirtieth, of said treaty, shall remain in force, according to the terms and conditions of article thirty-third of said treaty; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to any articles of merchandise mentioned therein which were held in bond by the customs officers of the United States on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. _Specia1 exemp- Sec. 2507. Whenever any vessel laden with H)Bl`Clll1hdlS6 in whole or g?¤6”*;’2§"°g;“& in part subject to duty has been sunk in any river, harbor, bay, or waters abgndgmxt sub]ect to the iurisdiction of the United States, and within its limits, ——·——; for the period of two years, and is abandoned by the owner thereof, any 723 Mg"-· 1g(%» °· person who may raise such vessel shall be permitted to bring any mer- "" ’ p'ehandise recovered therefrom into the port nearest to the place where such vessel was so raised, free from the payment of any duty thereupon, and without being obliged to enter the same at the custom-house; but under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasur may prescribe. As to lumber Sec. 2508. he produce of the forests of the State oty Maine upon the f¤‘9m $¤i¤¢ J<>h¤ Saint John R,iver and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and l}_§________ sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, 16 Mar., 1866, c. the same being unmanufactured in whole or in part, which is now admit- 18%/if Pi%7 ted into the ports of [the] United States free of duty. shall continue to 69 U 1Q,'? 2441 °‘ be so admitted under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury ’’ shall, from time to time, prescribe. f AS SW tluglbifr j 2509. The produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the Igfgr “"‘ ’°"‘ Saint Croix R.1ver and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and -—.J..—.——- sawed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the I0; ·l¤;¤€»1l18663g· same being unmanufactured in whole or in part, and having paid the ·’· ·"‘ ·P‘ ‘ same taxesas other American lumber on that river, shall be admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, under such regulations as the Seeretarv of the 'l`r•-asury shall. from time to time, prescribe. As to machinery Sec. 2510. Machinery for the manufacture of beet sugar, and imported mgggfgsgf of for that purpose solely. shall be exempted from duty. 2 Mar., 1867, Res. 47. s. 2, v. 14, p. 571. _ Astomnchincry Sec. 2511. Machinery for repair may be imported into the United

  • "‘£_°’**’d *°' ’°‘ States without payment of duty, under bond, to be given in double the

Kas;.. appraised value thereof, to be withdrawn and exported after said ma- 3519 P}?-. 13*;% ¤· e nnery shall have been repaired;_and the Secretar · of the Treasury is §‘i;cb·j§’é5,C'é6, authorized and directed to prescribe such rules and regulations as may ,,_ 7, ,._ 18, ,,_ 30S_ be necessary to protect the revenue against fraud, and secure the identity and character of all such importations when a in withdrawn and exported, restricting and limiting the ex ort and widmrawal to the same port of entry where imported, and also limiting all bonds to a period of Certain pa. t tinge of ggtziiipxigcie thantsix months from (fhg! date of the importation. _ rn - _ 1:0. ‘: pain ings. statunry. an p otogra hie ictures im rtcd ‘“¥“·““‘*“"Y»&°·» into the United States for exhibition by any assoeihtioh) duly authldfizcd