Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/564

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492 Trr1.1·; xxx1x'.---COLLECTION OF DUTIES.-Ch. 1. T I T If E X X X I V . COLLECTION OF DUTIES U PON IMPORTS. C H A P T E R O N E . COLLECTION-DISTRICTS, PORTS, AND OFFICERS. Sec. 1 Sec. 2517. Districts in Maine. » 2567. Officers in Mississippi. 2518. Officers in Maine. . 2568. Districts in Louisiana. 2519. Collectors may agree upon division 2569. Officers in Louisiana. of districts. 2570. Vessels bound to ports of delivery 2520. Unlading vessels entered at Wis~ 7 Vmust rlmrkedeptry at N¢;wOrlIea}ps. casset. 25 1. esse s un or ayou Qaint o n. 2521. Entering and clearing vessels at 2572. Vessels bound for Lakepzrt. Calais. 2573. Vessels departing from keport. 2522. District in New Hampshire. 2574. Vessels bound for Ponchartrain. 2523. Officers in New Hampshire. 2575. Vesselsdeparting from Ponchartrain. 2524. Merchandise for Kittery or Berwick, '2576. Collector at New Orleans may apwhere may be entered. point additional inspectors. 2525. District of Vermont. ~ 2577. Collector at New Orleans may ap- 2526. Officers in Vermont. point head gaugers. 2527. Districts in Massachusetts. 1 2578. Districts in Texas. 2528. Ports of Si ican and Mattapoisett. , 2579. Officers in Texas. 2529. Officers in Massachusetts. Q 2580. Additional inspectors. 2530. Employés in appraiser’s office at ‘ 2581. Transjshipment of goods transported ond to Brownsvi e. 2531. Districts in Rhode Island. 2582. Districts in California. 2532. Officers in Rhode Island. { 2583. Officers in California. 2533. Districts in Connecticut. r 2584. Vessels going to or from Vallejo. 2534. Officers in Connecticut. 2585. Vessels going to or from Eureka or 2535. Districts in New York. Wilrxiirrgton. 2536. Officers in New York. 2586. Districts in Oregon and Washington 2537. Entry of merchandise for Greenport. Territory. 2538. Examiners at New York. 2587. Officers in Oregon and Washington. 2539. Ermployés in appraisefs officeat New 2588. Manifests of vessels bound for Portork. land. 2540. Entry of merchandise for Cold 2589. Manifests of vessels clearing from Spring, Long Island. Portland. 2541. Districts in New Jersey. 2590. Vessels having merchandise for both 2542. Officers in New Jersey. Astoria and Portland. 2543. Districts in Pennsylvania. 2591. District of Alaska. 2544. Officers in Pennsylvania. 1 2592. Officer in Alaska. 2545. Em loyés in appraiser’s office at l 2593. District of Montana and Idaho. Philadelphia. 2594. Officers in Montana and Idaho. 2546. District of elaware. 2595. Districts in Minnesota. 2547. Officers in Delaware. 2596. Officers in Minnesota. 2548. Districts in Maryland. 2597. District in Wisconsin. 2549. Officers in Maryland. 2598. Officers in Wisconsin. 2550. Djstrict of Columbia. 2599. Districts in Michigan. 2551. Officers in District of Columbia. 2600. Officers in Michigan. 2552. Districts in Virginia. 2601. District of Indiana and Illinois. 2553. Officers in Virginia. 2602. Officers in Indiana and Illinois. 2554. Clearance at Richmond of vessel 2603. Districts in Ohio. loaded in Petersburgh.2604. Officers in Ohio. 2555. Districts in North Carolina. 2605. Additional inspectors for certain dis- 2556. Officers in North Carolina. tricts. 2557. Districts in South Carolina. 2606. Weighers, gaugers, measurers, and 2558. Officers in South Carolina. ins ectors. 2559. Districts in Georgia. 2607. Weigfiers, gaugers, rneasurers, &c., 2560. Officers in Georgia. at San Diego. 2561. Collectors of Savannah and Bruns- 2608. General appraisers. wick may Fgrant permits, &c. 2609. Merchants employed as appraisers. 2562. Districts in lorida. 2610. Merchant refusing to serve as ap-

 gfficers in Ffortida. praiser.

· . istrict in A a ama. 2611. Oath of s ecial examiners of dru . 2565. Officers in Alabama. , » 2612. Instructiolhs to prevent importatfign 2566. Districts in M ississippn. l of adultcrated drugs.