Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/618

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546 Trr1.1·: xxxiv.-COLLEQTION OF DUTIES.——Ch. 4. Entrycimeremm- Sec. 282-L. When any merchandise is intended to be imported from any disc {mended for foreign count into the port of Vallejo, in California, such merchandise TTF; so e _ ma be enterdd, at the port of San Francisco and thereafter transported 1 July, 187%. c. to fallejo, upon compliaryelehwidi gcticgnshtweenty-eightlhundred and 190. V-16. P- l§ twenty-live to twenty-ei un re an t i1 y-one, inc usive; exce ,33 ;I‘l;`·*`_19£· that the powers and diutigs assigned by those sections to the surveyolris 5g3f ‘ ’ ’of tlée poyts ofldethyery, shall, at \ alle]o, be exercised and performed by e c u co ec r. Schedule of ,,,e,._ Sr·:cT28i2'5. The imlporter of any merchandise destined for any of the chandise and esti- ports mentioned in the nine preceding sections shall deposit in the cusrrmw of duties- tody of the surveyor of such port of delivery a schedule of the goods so '2'j];,§ intended to be imported, with an estimate of their cost at the place of 81,s. 1,v.4, p. 480. exportation, whereupon the surveyor shall make an estimate of the

 J·"•<’· with ¢‘- amount of duties accruing on the same, and the importer or consignee

1°°¤ ]°· p' °°· shall give bond, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the surveyor, in double the amount of the duties so estimated, conditioned for the ayment of the duties on such merchandise, ascertained as hereinafter directed; and the surveyor shall forthwith notify the collector at the port of entry for the collection-district to which such port of delivery islatéaclied, of the same, by forwarding to him a copy of bond and sc IB ule. Em,.yO;m€,ch,,,,,- Sec. 2826. The importer, or his agent, may enter merchandise at the iliselanu permit for plert of elntry for the eollectiiip-distrielt ipto which it is toil e impolyteld in

    • ¤**¤8· the usua manner; unc the co ectors a granta rmit ort e n in

[ §YQ$§yQj,_Q-_ thereof, and cause the duties to be ascertained E; in other cases, thi >47,=·. 2,v.4, pg :181. goods remaining in the custody of the collector until reshipped for the 6927_11*’,;’·» 1*; 1;; ‘· place of destination. '[`he collector shall certify to the surveyor at such ’ " " p' " place the amount of such duties, which the surveyor shall enter on the mar in of the bond given to secure the same; and the merchandise shal[ be delivered by the collector to the agent of the importer or consignee, duly authorized to receive the same. for shipment to the place of [importatiwz] [destination.] D,,,,“,.,,,e m,,,,,, Size. 2827. The ma.ster or conductor of every vessel or vehicle in which fem. such merchandise shall be transported, shall, previously to departure EE; ];,,,i from the port of entry, deliver to the collector duplicate manifests of ,q’,,_2_,-_’4,,,_.f8]_ such merchandise, specifying the marks and numbers of every case, bag, box, chest, or package, containing the same, with the name and place of residence of every importer or consi nee of such merchandise, and the quantity shipped to each, to be bylnim subscribed. and to the truth of which he shall swear, and that the merchandise has been received on board his vessel or vehicle, statin the name of the agent who shipped the same; and the collector shalgcertify the facts, on the manifests, one of which he shall return to the master, with a permit thereto annexed, authorizing him to proceed to the place of his destination. Penalty for ille- Sec. 2828. lf any vessel or vehicle having such merchandise on board gal departure- shall depart from the port of entry without having complied with the 2- 1A_;` (_A provisions of the preceding section, the master or conductor thereof e,’E_·3’ \_2·_,, yep shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars. Deliveryotmani- Sec. 2829. The master oi· conductor of any such vessel or vehicle i°°f*‘;_______ __N_ _ arriving at either of the ports named in sections twenty-eight hundred 2 MM, 1831, C_ and sixteen to twenty-eight hundred and twenty-four, inclus1ve, onboard 67, s. 3, v.+, p. 481. of which merchandise 5iall have been shipped at such port of entry, shall, ,within eighteen hours next after the arrival and previously to unloading any part of such merchandise. deliver to the survevor of such port the manifest of the same, certified bv the collector, atythe port of entry, and shall make oath before the surveyor that there was not, when he departed from the port of entry, any more or other merchandise on hoard such boat, vessel, or vehicle so ini orted than is therein mentioned. If the master of such vessel or vehicle shall neglect or refuse to deliver the manifests within the time herein directed, he shall be liable to a penalty' of one hundred dollars.