Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/633

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'1‘rr1.n xxxrv.—COLLECTION OF DU'1`IES.—Ch. 5-6. 561 storing and safe-keeping of the merchandise, and fees to the officers of the customs as in other cases. SEO. 2895. Whenever any Spanish vessel shall arrive in distress, in Spanish V¢¤S€l¤· any port of the United States, having been damaged on the coasts or 1Q{f,,},jYg@ Q within the limits of the United States, and her cargo shall have been 15, s. 1, v. 2, p. 514. unladen, in conformity with the provisions of the four preceding sections, the cargo, or any part thereof, may, if the vessel should be condemned as not seaworthy or be deemed inca able of performing her original voyage, afterward be reladen on board) any other vessel under the inspection of the officer who superintended the landing thereof, or other proper person. No duties, charges, or fees whatever, shall be paid on such part of the cargo as may be reladen and carried away, either in the vessel in which it was ori inally imported, or in any other. Sec. 2896. When a vessel is prevented by ice from getting to the port _ Ol>m¤¤¥i<>¤ by or place at which her cargo is intended to be delivered, the collector of E? i _ the district in which such vessel may be obstructed may receive the 2 Mar., 1799, c. report and entry of such vessel, and, with the consent of the naval oiii- 22·S·85·"- LP-694- cer, where there is one, grant permits for unlading or landing the merchandise imported in such vessel, at any place within his district, most convenient and proper. The report and entry of such vessel, and her cargo, or any part thereof, and all persons concerned therein. shall be subyect to the same regulations and penalties as if the vessel had arrived at the port of her destination, and had there proceeded to the delivery of her cargo. Sec. 2897. The Secretary of the Treasury, under such rules and regu- Y Uulading SSN M lations as he shall prescribe, may permit salt imported from foreign places 1;°“' °'l“‘“§· g ( to be unladen on the right bank of the river Mississippi op site the city 12 June, 1844, c. of New Orleans, at any point on the right bank between th; upper and 47·V·5» 1*663- lower corporate limits o the municipalities of the city. Sec. 2898. In estimating the allowance for tare on all chests, boxes, Tamcases, casks, bags, or other envelope or covering of all articles imported 14 ru§jj8§g,Q liable to pay an duty, where the ori inal invoice istproduced at the time of 163, s. 16, v. 12, p. making entry thereof, and the tare 51:111 be specific therein, the collector, 55** if he sees fit, or the collector and naval officer, if any, if they see fit, may, with the consent of the consignees, estimate the tare accordin to such invoice.; but in all other cases the real tare shall be allowed, and may be ascertained under such regulations as the Secretary-of the Treasury may from time to time prescribe; but in no case shall there be any allowance for draught. CHAPTER SIX. APPRAISAL. Sec. Sec. 2899. No delivery without appraisal.2919. Ascertainment of duties on grain. 2900. Additions to entry. 2920. Expense of weighing, measuring, or 2901. Number of packages to be opened. gauging. 2902. Mode of ap raisa . 2921. Deficiency. 2903. Depreciateri) currency. 2922. Examination of owner and others 2904. Value al: date of shipment. 2923. Forfeiture for refusal to submit to 2905. Goods from country other than of an examination. production, &c. { 2924. Forfeiture for perjury. 2906. Value at period of exportation.2925. Bond to produce proof. 2907. Ascertainment of value. 2926. Storing goods with incomplete man- 2908. Additions part of value. ifests. 2909. Additional duty. 2927. Damaged goods. 2910. Different values in the same invoice. 2928. Wrecked and damaged goods. 2911. Best article fixes value. , 2929. Revision of report._ 2912. Appraisement of wool. 2930. Appeal from appraisements. 2913. Appraisement of gloves. 2931. Appeal to the Secretary: 2914. Grades of sugar. 2932. Appeal from decision in regard to 2915. Sampling of sugar. fees: _ _ _ 2916. Samples of wool. 2933. Examination of medicines. 2917. Standard of vinegar. I 2934. Name of propr1etor to be aiiixed to 2918. Hydrometers. medicines.