Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/661

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Trrnn xxxrv.—COLLECl`ION OF DUTlES.—Ch. 10. 589 of the provisions of this Title unless it shall appear that the owner, superxntendent, or agent of the owner in charge thereof at the time of such unlawful importation or transportation thereon or thereby was a consent~ mgparty, or privy; to such illegal importation or transportation. .EC. 3064. _ he Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time pre- Search of bagscnbe regulations for the search of rsons and bagga e, and for the em- Q386- ployment of female inspectors for this examination and search of persons `K] of their own sex; and all persons coming into the United States from 201. s. 3, v. 14,, p. foreign countries shall be liable to detention and search by authorized4m- ollicers or agents of the Government, under such regulations. SBC. 3065. Any person authorized by this Title to make searches and Entering buildseizures, or any person assisting him or acting under his directions, may, **3% &*‘· if deemed necessary by him or them, enter into or upon or pass through _ 18 Juiv, 1866, 5 the lands, inclosures, and buildings, other than the dwelling—house of 201, e. 5, v. 14, p. any person whomsoever, in the night or in the day time. in order to the 179- more effectual discharge of his official duties. Sec. 3066. If any collector, naval officer., surveyor, or other person Warranttosearch specially appointed by either of them, or inspector, shall have cause to ‘f*`@{}¥fl_?“S€· suspects:. concealment of any merchandise in any rticular dwelling- 2 Mah, 1799, Q house, store-building, or other place, they, or eitlhlzr of them, upon 22, s.68, v.1, p.678. proper application on oath to any justice of the peace, shall be entitled ,28 F°b··1865· °- to a warrant to enter such house, store, or other place, in the day—time ‘ only, and there to search for such merchandise; and if any shall be U. S. v. Three found, to seize and secure the same for trial; and all such merchandise, g,;‘“d*°d;“‘,1El Fm? on which the duties shall not have been paid, or secured to be paid, shall wifi T,,?;,.? be forfeited. U.s'.’,s Blow}: 197; U. S. r. Certain Hogsheads, 1 Curt., 276; l.'. S. r. Twenty-six Diamond Rings, Sprague, 294, Sec. 3067. It shall be lawful for all collectors, naval officers, surveyors, Authority to go inspectors, and the officers of the revenue-cutters, to go on board of ves- 0H board vessels. sels in any rt of the United States, or within four leagues of the coast 2 Man, ]`§f thereof, if gund to the United States, whether in or out of their respect- 22, s. 54, v. 1,, p. ive districts, for the purposes of demanding the manifests, and of exam- 668- ining and searching the vessels; and those officers repectively shall have free access to the cabin and every other part of a vessel. Sec. 3068. lf any master of a vessel coming into or having arrived Pvqulty for obat any port within the United States shall obstruct or hinder, or shall gflmgglng n°gl°°'s intentionally cause any obstruction or hinderance to any officer in law- of $,,,,,,5,3 °`" fully going on board such vessel, for the purpose of carrying into effect ——-—— any of the revenue laws of the United tates, he shall for every such 222 gig? $79;% °· offense be liable to a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars nor 67é_’’ p‘ less than fifty dollars. Sec. 3069. If any box, trunk, chest, cask, or other package shall be Articlesseparate found in the cabin, steerage, or forecastle of a vessel, or in any other fmm tl}? <=¤€<>- place se rate from the residue of the cargo, the officer of the customs 2 Ma,]$§§~Q shall tak):::. particular account of such packagle, and of the marks and 22, s. 54, v. 1, p. numbers thereof, if any, and a description thereof, and, if he judges 668- proper, shall seal every such package; and such account and description shall be by him forwarded without delay to the collector of the district to which such vessel is bound. If upon her arrival at the port of her entry, the packa es so described, or any of them, are missing, or if any seal put thereon has been broken, the master shall be liable to a penalty for every package missing, or on which any seal shall be broken, of two hundred dollars. Sec. 3070. The inspector- who may be put on board of any vessel shall lnocks and mt- Secure, after sunset in each evening, or previous to hispuitting the ves- {nigerscl, the hatches and other communications with the hel of such vessel, 2 M,,,_,1799, C_ or any other part thereof he may judge necessary, with locks or other 22, s.54, v.l,p. 668. ro r fastening, which locks or other fastenings shall not be opened, brokgn, or removed until the morning following, or after the rising of the sun, and in the presence of the inipector bv whom the same were aiiixed, except by special license from e collector of the port, and the naval officer, if any, first obtained. I f the locks or other fastenings, or