Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/730

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658 'I‘n·La xxxv.—-INTERNAL REVENUE.—Ch. 6. All ca.vendish, plug, and twist_ tobacco in wooden packages not exceeding two hundred pounds net weight. _ And every such wooden package shall have printed or marked thereon the manufacturer’s name and dplace of manufacture, the registered number of the manufactory, an the gross weigpt, the tare, and the net weight of the tobacco in each package: Pmvi d, That these l1m1tations and descriptions of packages shall not applv to tobccco and snuff transported in bond for exportation and actually exported: And provided further, That fine-cut shorts, the refuse of fine-cut e ewing—tobacco, refuse scraps, cli pings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco, may be sold 1_n bulk as materialli, and without the payment of tax, by one manufacturer directly to another manufacturer, or or export, under such restrlctions, rules, apnddregulagjoln; astzlgye Crppimissigper of fnternal Reveplpe maymprzpcribez prow ur a wo me a paper,_or o er ma r1 s may be used separately of in combinagion fdr_packing gopacco, snliag, and cigars,under such regulations as the Commissioner o nterna venue ma establish. ' Tobacco and gmc. 3363. No manufactured tobacco shall be sold or offered for sale ¤¤¤ff_ *0 `¤¢ sold unless put up in packages and stamped as prescribed in this chapter, °“lY, "‘ P}`°“°n'£’fd except at retail by ret.ail dealers from wooden packages stamtped as pro-

 vided) in this chapter; and every person who sells or offers or sale any

,86, s_“7gi’v_15;;;: sniéffhpr any kilndlogerxaaggfactpped t€Lbac?>, npt ping in packages ]5g_ an s mpe , s a n no ess an ve un re dollars nor more

 than five thousand dollars, and imprisoned not less than six months nor

Wood ,581. ’ more than two years. Labgland notice Sec. 3364. Every manufacturer of tobacco or snuff shall, in addition 0¤ 1>¤¢k¤g¤¤ of tv- to all other requirements of this Title relating to tobacco, print on each b“""° an “““H· package, or securely affix, by pasting, on each package containing ' 20July, 1868, c. tobacco or snuff manufactured by or for him, a labe , on which shall be 186. S- 68. V- 15. P- rinted the ro rietor`s or manufacturers name, the number of the man- P P P . . 15G" ufactory, the district and State in which it IS situated, and these words: “N0·r1cm.—The manufacturer of this tobacco has complied with all requirements of law. Every person is cautioned, under the penalties of law, not to use this package for tobacco again." Every manufacturer of tobacco who neglects to print on or affix such label to any package containing tobacco made by or for him, or sold or ptfgiied foé sallefby or for hilm, and everfy pelrsgin vghpfzergoylgs apy suc}; a soa xe romanysuc pacae,sa e ne o rs oreac package in respect to which such offense shall be committed. _ Snuff and muck- Sec. 3365. he Commissioner of Internal Revenue may, in any case, 1:(§£l*;°!_;"f°°{)’;'}':’“;" allow snuff and smoking-tobacco manufactured before July twenty, eight Juiy 20, 1868, m,,;? Gépihuniféd and Sixty-ght, not in wooden packages, to be stamped and be gold in Original SO ID t 0 origina PEC gBS. pwkesw- 10 April, 1869, c. 18, s. 3, v. 16, p. 44. baP¤¤=h¤1¤L¤8 dw- Sec. 3366. Every person who purchases, or receives for sale, any manu- Orfgflged egq fartured tobacco or snuff which as not been branded or stamped accordmy_ ’ ing to law, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for each offense. 30 June, 1864, c. 173, s. 92, v. 13, p. 263. 13 July, 1866, c. 184, s. 9, v. 14, p. 126. 20 July, 1868, c. 186, s. 71, v. 15, p. 156. Buying ’¢<>b¤¢¤¤> Sec. 3367. Every person who purchases, or receives for sale, any manufr m a. manuf - mia who has factured tobacco or snuff from any manufacturer who has not {paid the Paid Speck,] mx_ special tax, shall be llable for each offense. to a penalty of one undfcd

 dollarsh and tg al fcpfeitupe ofhall the articles a oresaid so purchased 0I'

173, S. 92 »V· usp: receive , or o the u va ue thereo . 263. 13 July, 1866, c. 184, s. 9, v. 14, p. 126. gu 0; www Sec. 3368. _Up0n tobacco and snuff manufactured and sold, or rem0YBd Tm S““ · for consumption or use, there shall be levied and collected the following 20 July, uses, e. “"3"“ , 18S_ ,,_ 61, ,,_ ,5, ,,_ n snuff, manufactured of tobacco or any substitute for tobacco, ground, 152, dry. damp, plckled, scented, or otherwise, of all descriptions, when pra-