Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/759

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Trrns xxxvx.—-DEBTS DUE BY OR TO THE UNITED STATES. 687 T I T L E X X X V I . DEBTS DITE BY OR TO THE UNITED STATES. SBI!. Sea 3466. Priority established. 3483. Pa mn i 1' 3467. Liability of executors. riiilgaiygrgxgny ost whim m 34o8. Priority oi suretres. 3484. Payment for horses lost by capture. 3469. Comptromrses. _ 3485. Payment for condemned horses and

   asc on execution. equipage.

34:1. Discharge of mdebm by Secre· 3486. Payment toguardian, &c., for horse __ of the ury. lost by minor in militarv service. 3412. Discharge by the President. 3487. Paymentto ownerfor horse iuruished 3443. Duties and other debts to United and lost in military service. States, in what to be paid. 3488. Third Auditor may take testimony 3474. U com receivable. as to steamboats, &c. 347a. Latronal-bank notes receivable for 3489. Claims for collecting, &c.,volunteers debts of United States, except. for the war of the rebellion and 3476. Treasurymotes payable for debts of for horses to be presented prior United States. _ to June 30, 1874. 3477. Assignment of claims void unless, 3490. Liability oi persons making false dw. claims against United States. 3478. Oath by persons prosecuting claims. 3491. Suits for same. 3479. W ho may administer oath. 3492. Duty of district attomey as to such 3480. Claims of disloyalists. cases. 3481. Retention of moneys due States in Rights of persons pr·® such default. suits. 3482. Payment to officers for horses lost in 3494. Limitation of suit. battle, &c. _ Sm. 3466. \Vhenever any person indebted to the United States is _ Privfity estabrnsolvent, or whenever the estate of any deceased debtor, in the hands of 1‘“h°d· the executors or administrators, is insufficient to pay all the debts due 3 Ma, ,797 c_ from the deceased, the debts due to the United States shall be first satis- gc, 8, 5,v_’;, p_ =;';5_ tied; and the priority hereby established shall extend as well to cases in 2 Mgr., 1799, c. which a debtor, not swing sufficient property to pay all his debts, makes 22»’-6°·"·1»P-676- a voluntary assignment thereof, or in w ich the estate and effects of an U. S. v. Fisher, 2 absconding, concealed, or absent debtor are attached bly process of law, Cr., 358; U. S. u. as to cases in which an act of bankruptcy is committe . §‘;;,·SO6_‘ UC;;; 1:39 5 Cr., 289; Prince z-. Bartlett, 8 Cr., 431; U. S. r. Bryan, 9 Cr., 374; Thelusson vi Smith; 2 Wh., 396; L'. S. v. Howland, 4 Wh., 108; Conad 2:. Insurance Comppnv, 1 Pet., 386; Hunter v. U. S., 5 Pet., 173; U. S. v. State Bank, 6 Pet., 29; U. S. v. ack, 8 Pet., 271; Brent r. Bank of Washington, 10 Pet., 596; Beaston r: Farmers' Bank, 12 Pet., 102; U. S. z·. Herron, 20 Wall., 251; Bayne et al., Trustees, v. U. S., 93 U. S., 642. Sec. 3467. Every executor, administrator, or assignee, or other person, Liability oi exwlro pays any debt due by the person or estate from whom or for which °"“*°’”· &°~ he acts, before he satisfies and pays the debts due to the United States 2 Mar., 1799, c. from such person or estate, shall become answerable in hrs own person 22. ¤- 65.v- 1. p- 676. and estate for the debts so due to the United States, or for so much thereof F;,,;,; ,,_ U_ S_ 9 as may remain due and unpard. [Sw S 5101-1 Pct-. 182; Brent v. Bank of Washington, 10 Pet., 596. Sm. 3468. Whenever the principal in any bond given to the United _P¤’i0¤‘iW 9f SHN- States is insolvent, or whenever, such principal being deceased, his estate *jf;___L_ and efects which come to the hands of his executor, administrator, or 2 Mar., 1799, e. ass¥nee, are insufficient for the payment of his debts, and, rn either of suc cases, any surety on the bon , or the executor, admrmstrator, or C U·§5§;1;j¤h§¤.2 ¤ss¥nee of such surety pays to the United _States the money due upon 3* Cl;. u,;; suc bond, such surety, his executor, administrator, or assignee, s all Pmcg ,,_ 1;,,,.;;,,,,; have the like priority for the recovery and receipt of the moneys out of 8 Cr., 431; U. S. v. the estate and ellects of such insolvent or decease_ principal as rs secured gpm, 9 Cr-. 374; to the United States; and may bring and maintarn a suit upon the bond; Smit; ;€V‘;f’ ggé; in hw or equity, in his own name, or the 1‘€00V€l'y of all moneys pa.1 U_ g_ {,_ Howimd; th81'00l\. H U S 5 P 173 Ch pdWhéL108; (ionaxll . Insuran Com 1 Pet., 439; unter v. . ., et. ; i v.. oema er, 'Waah., 49.: U. Sixaiiiing, Wall., G. C., 12; Johns v. Brodbag, 1 Cr. C. C., 235.