Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/77

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Trrnn u.—THE` CONGRESS.—Ch. 2-3. 5 Sm. 23. In each State entitled under this a portionment to more than _Ekr¤ti¤¤ by dieone Representative. the number to which such State may be entitled in '·“°*S· the Forty-third and each subsequent Con ress shall be elected by dis- 2Feb.,1sT2,e.11, tricts composed of contiguous territory, auf containing as nearly as prac- ¤· 2- V- 17- P- 28- ticable an equal number of inhabitants. and equal in number to the num- 23S3U3i';? 18V1g,}" ber of Representatives to which such State may be entitled in Congress, ’" p` " no one district electing more than one Representative; but in the election of Representatives to the F orty-third Congress in any State to which an increased number of Representatives is given by this a. portionmentz the additional Representative or Representatives may be ehxcted by the State at large. and the other Representatives by the districts as now prescribed by law. unless the legislature of the State shall otherwise rovide before the time fixed bv law for the election of Representatives tlherein. R mi Sec. :2+. On the first Wednesday in September, in the year eighteen ;,O,,$£;m?ni. Li hundred and seventy-four, there shall be elected in each congressional dis- Fony-om-zh Contrict in the State of California one Representative to represent said State 8¤=¤¤- in the F orty-fourth Congress. 31\iar,18T3,c.239, v. 17, p. 578. 21 May, 1874, c. 1§7, v. 18, p. 48. Sec. 25. The Tuesday next after the iirst. Monday in November, in the _T"“° °[°l°°°’°“· year eighteen hundred and seventy-six. is established as the day, in each 2 Feb.;1872,c.11. of the §tates and Territories of the United States, for the election of Rep- S- 3- "*l*· P- 28- resentatives and Delegates to the Forty-fifth Congress; and the Tuesday mg ;6'Y‘;g87zb3‘ next after the first Monday in November, in every second year thereafter, ’’’p` ` is established as the day for the election. in each of said States and Territories, of Re resentatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the fourth guy of March next thereafter. [See SS 1863.19%.1906-1 Su:. :26. The time for holding elections in any State, District, or Ter- Vwmcies. ritory for a Representative or Delegate to fill u vacancy, whether such `2 F,,b 'l872 c vacancy is caused by a failure to elect at the time prescribed by law, or 11,s. 4,v.17, p. 29. by the death, resignation, or incapacity of a rson elected. may be prescribed by the laws of the several States and Yhgrritories respectively'. S1-zc. 27. All votes for Representatives in Congress must be by written Vows by ballotor printed ballot; and all votes received 01* recorded contrary to this sec· 28 pam wu c tion shall be of no effect. But this section shall not apply to any State 99, s. 19, v. 16, p. voting otherwise whose election for Representatives occurs previous to the 440- regular meeting of its legislature next after the twenty-eighth day of Feb- z39B0V,'??.? mfgé “· mary, eighteen hundre and seventy-one. [Sec Ss 5611-6515. 6520.1 ’’p' ' CHAPTER THREE. DRGANIZATION 0F IEBTIHGS OF CONGRESS. Sec. t Sec. 28. Oath of Senators. g 32. When mil made by Sergeantmt-Arms. 29. Oath of President of the Semwe.33. When by D00r-keeper. 30. Oath of Spmker, members, and Dele 34. President may change place of meeteutns. ing, when. 81. Ro l of Representatwes-elect. Ssc. 28. The oath of 0Hice shall be administered by the President of Oath <>fS¤¤¤*<>¤- the Senate to each Senator who shall hereafter be elected, previous to his 1 Jun€ 17§§Q taking his Seat. 1, s. 2, v. 1, p. 23. S1-ac. 29. When zo. President of the Senate has not taken the oath of (Mh 0* Pm"' office, it shall be administered to him by any member of the Senate. ‘l°“° °f°h"§‘f'#f‘ff‘ 1 Jung 1789, C. I, B. 2, V. 1, p. 23. Sec. 30. At the first session of Congress after every eneml election of mthosgpukcr, Representatives, the oath of office shall be administereh by any member members, and Delof the House of Representatives to the Speaker; and by the Speaker to all ‘§_'j_°';_______ the members and delegates present, and to the Clerk, previous to enterin 1June, 1789,0. 1, on any other business; and to the members and delegates who afterwarg ¤- 2, V- L P- 23- appeur, previous to their taking their seats.