Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/771

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rm.; xxxvn.-ooinxen, wmenrs, AND Mnasunms. 699 Sec. 3530. ·P81folS of bullion shall be, from time to time, transferred _ 'ff¤¤¤fe¤‘ of liviby the superintendent to the_melter and reliner. A careful record of l’°“ l'" f°"“““°“ these transfers, noting the weight and character of the bullion, shall be H°LIE°l°;___ kept, and vouchers shall be taken for the delivery of the same, duly re- Ibid·»S·31·P·429· celpted by the melter and reliner. The bullion thus placed in the hands of the melter and refiner shall be subjected to the several rocesses which may be necessary to form it into ingots of the legal standard, and of gn quality suitable for coinage. `mc. 3531. e ingots so re red shall be assa ed. If the rove to In °*·** *9 be ¤¤· be within_the limits allowedlforpdeviation from they standard, thepassayer gfifi ed "°°°iP°' shall certify the fact to the superintendent, who shall thereupon receipt ——(5-»— for the same, and transfer them to the coiner. Ibid-»¤·32»P-429- $1:0. 3532. The superintendent shall, from time to time, deliver to the Delivery of incomer ingots for the purpose of coinage. A careful record of these U"}" m °°l“°' ‘°" transfers, noting the weight and character of the bullion, shall be kept, °.L°°g°‘... _. . and vouchers shall be taken for the delivery of the same, duly receipted Ibi<l-»¤-35.P-429- by the_co1ner. The ingots thus placed in the hands of the coiner shall be subjected to the several processes necessary to make from them coins in all respects conformable to law. Sec. 3533. No ingots shall be used for coinage which differ from the S*‘”’d‘“`d °f l¤· legal standard more than the following proportions, namely: In gold Eg? umd f°’ °°"" mgots, one—thou.sandth; in silver inglots, three-thousandths; in minor- -—-·%——~— coinage alloys, twenty-five thousandt s, in the proportion of nickel. Ib‘d··”·3?·P·*29· Sec. 3534. The melter and refiner shall prepare all bars required for mP’€P"“`“·“°“ md the payment of deposits; but the iineuess thereof shall be ascertained ?0,mp;2§e,$€0fb3;€ and stamtped thereon by the assayer. The melter and retiner shall de- posit;. liver suc bars to the superintendent, who shall receipt for the same. *·i)E?3j};;2—§ Sm:. 3535. In adjusting the weights of the gold coins, the following I p3‘?”l£5‘P .'*" deviations shall not be exceeded in any single piece: In the double- xglghén Oflmgfg eagle and the eagle, one—half of a grain; in the ha f-eagle, the three-dol- coins. lar piece, the quarter-eagle, and the one-dollar lpiece, one-fourth of a jg;;?;? grain. And in weighing a nuniber of pieces toget er, when delivered by "’P' ' t e coiner to the su rintendent, and by the superintendent to the depositor, the deviation fitaom the standard weight shall not exceed one hundredth of an ounce in five thousand dollars in double—eagles, eagles, halfeagles, or quarter-eagles, in one thousand three-dollar pieces, and in one thousand one-dollar pieces. _ , _ Sec. 3536. In adjusting the weight of the silver coins the following of “‘l"°"°°§'f;_ deviations shall not be exceeded in any single piece: In the dollar, the Ibid.,s.37,p.430. half and quarter dollar, and in the dime, one and one-half grains. And 6927 {$b·» 1;;} ¢- in weighing [a] large number of pieces together, when delivered by the ’ "' ’p‘ ‘ coiner to the superintendent, and by the superintendent to the depositor, the deviations from the standard weight shall not exceed two-hundredths of an ounce in one thousand dollars, half-dollars, or quarter-dollars, and one—hundredth of an ounce in one thousand dimes. _ _ Sm. 3537. In adjusting the weight of the minor coins provided by this Title, there shall be no greater deviation allowed than three grains 12 Feb-. 1873, c. for the five-cent piece and two grains for the three and one—cent pieces. 131·“·{*8»V·"·P·*j’°- Sec. 3538. The coiner shall, from time to time, as coins are prepared, b I:_;l2’§:{3g°?r’£$ deliver them to the superintendent, who shall receipt for the same, and 0l',,im,s_ who shall keep a careful record of their kind, number, and actual weight. ·—H);(—{—-———— In receiving coins it shall be the duty of the superintendent to ascertain, ‘ ··“·89·P·*3°· by the trial of a number of sin le pieces separately, whether the coms of that delivery are within the limits of the standard weight; and if his trials for this purpose shal not prove satisfactory, he shall cause all the coins of such delivery to be weighed separately, and such as_are not of legal weight shall be defaced and delivered to the melter and retmer as standard bulhon, to be again formed into ingots and recoined; or the whole delivery may, if more convenient, be remelted. _ _ _ Sec. 3539. At every delivery of coins made by the coiner to a super- beT¤¤l£ece¤ tg intendent, it shall be the duty of such supermtendent, in the presence of tmn“;“;mm;’P ;'r_ the assayer, to take indiscriminately a certain number of pieces of each q