Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/80

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8 Trrrm rr.--THE CONGRESS.—Ch. -1-5. oertiricateoiml Sm. 47. The salarv and accounts for traveling expenses in going to "Y ““‘l“"°°"“*“· and returnin from Congress of Senators shall becertrhed by the Presi- "‘**;i" dent of the Senate, and those of Representatives and Delegates by the

gis??; ;: Speaker of the House of Representatives.

323. 22 Jan., 1818, c. 5, s. 3, v. 3, p. 404. Efffmt of <‘¤¤'*m· Sec. 48. The certificate given pursuant to the preceding section shall f?!?;" _ U iiig __ bg conclusive upon all the Departments and Officers of the Ggvgrnmqmig Bc Sept., 1850, c. 90, s. 1, v. 9, p. 523. Fa? 0* ¤¤€mb¢¤' Sec. 49. When any person who has been elected a member of or delgfggilsgw g?"; egate in Congress dies after the commencement of the Congressto which (;0,,gm,.,._ he has been elected, his salary shall be_c0mputed and plaid his widow, -W—-lg? or, if no widow survive hun, to his heirs at law, for t c period that has No Mag", V il I?' elapsed from the commencement of suchdCop]gressi] or fromfthe last pay- 442 ment received by him to the f21I11C of his eat att e rate 0 seven ou- 20 Jan., 1874, c. sand five hundred dollars a year, with any tralvelxng expenses remaining ll·_V·_ 18, P~ 4- due for actually going to or returning from any session of Congress. l-"'?““°“h°'“l°· Sec. 50. Salaries allowed under the preceding section shall be com- 3Mm-_,r359,Ru_ puted and paid, in all cases, for; a period of not less than three months

 14,s.1,v.11,p· from the commencement of the Congress.

lIi°tg'd°ft;’*;’i’Hb°” Sec. 51. Whenever a vacancy occurs in either House of Congress, by §;,°Ci€S_ "` death or otherwise, of any member or delegate elected or appointed -·—-—————- thereto after the commencement of the Congress to which he has been 12 Julgk 1862. elected or appointed, the person elected or appointed t0_ fill it shall be R“gé?°· * "· l2· compensate and paid from the time that the compensation of his predp`ecessor ceased. CHAPTER FIVE. OFFICERS AND PERSONS IN THE EHPLOY OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Sec. Sec. 52. Officers and employes of the Senate. 65. Advertisements for stationery. 53. Officers and employes of the House of 66. Form of advertisement. Representatives. 67. Notice of acceptance of proposals. 54. Reporters for House oi Represents- 68. Contracts for separate parts of stati es. fon . 55. Chaplains’ salaries. 69. Anibriddd goods to be preferred. 56. Secretary of the Senate a disbursing 70. Detailed reports of receipts and cxofiicer. penditures. 57. Bond of Secretary of the Senate. 71. Fees for co ies from journals. 58. Bond of clerk of the House. l 72. Accounts oi) property. 59. Custody of bonds. : 73. Door-keepers' duties. gg. léeports of %-glretary and Clerk. Mlilezge of officers serving processd . ’hattoexii»t. .A i nts f·· 62. Re rts of subordinate disbursing of-meriisle O accompanying Om tigers. ‘ 76. Payments from contingent fund. 63. Reports of expenditures. 77. Congressional Directory. 64. Staézements o appropriations and of- 78. Prinfing of dibates. ces. 79. Pub icationo laws. 0fB<>¤r¤¤¤d em- S . 52. Th f ll.— 11 . l in the ° ployés of Serum. Senigew e o owing persons 1 ·e cmp oyed e service of the 3 Mar., 1873 o. One Secretary of the Senate at a salar of five thousand dollars a 226, v. 17, p. 486. ywl-_ ’ y u?[;_'€°§"'},}f4' °' One ofli0Bl‘ vhufgicd with the disbursements of the Senate, at a salary ’ of five hundred an seventy-six dollars a year. · One chief clerk, at a salary of three thousand dollars a rear and while . . P ¢ . . such office is held by the resent incumbent and no lon er an additional p s g s slim of one thousand dollars. r

  • See schedule of salaries in Appendix.