Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/881

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'[‘rr1.n xr.vm.——OOMMERCE AND NAVIGATION-—Ch. 1-2. 809 such vessel, recorded since the issuing of the last register or enrollment, viz, the date, amount of such incumbrance, and from and to whom, or in whose favor made. ·The collector shall receive for each such certificate one dollar. Sec. 4195. The collectors of the customs shall furnish certified copies Certified copies of such records, on the receipt of fifty cents for each bill of sale. mort- of "°°°"d**· gage, or other conveyance. Ibid.,s. 4, p. 441. nc. 4196. All bills of sale of vessels registered or enrolled, shall set Interests to be forth the part of the vessel owned by each person selling, and the part named i¤ bills of conveyed to each person purchasing. Tim Ibid., s. 5. CHAPTER TWO. CLEARANCE AND {ENTRY. Sec. Sec. 4197. Granting clearances. i 4208. Steamboats on Lake Champlain. 4198. Oath of master. 4209. Production and deposit of papers of 4199. Form of manifest.foreign vessels. 4200. Manifests of shippers. 4210. Exception in certain cases. 4201. Form of clearance.4211. Delivery of papers by foreign con- 4202. State inspection laws. sul. 4203. Conveyance of the mails. 4212. Oath of masters toelelivery of mails. 4204. Conveyance of bullion, coin, &c., 4213. Copy of receipts of consular fees, for the United States. &c. 4205. Clearance of vessel laden with live- , 4214. Pleasure yachts. oak. 4215. Signals of achts. 4206. Payment of fees on vessels outward 4216. Yachts bellonging to foreign yachtbound. clubs. 4207. Copy of rates of consular fees to be 4217. Commissions to yachts. annexed to clearance. 4218. Entry of yachts. Sec. 4197. The masterorperson having t.he charge or command of any Granting clearvessel bound to a forei n port, shall deliver to the collector of the district §'}°"°· from which such vessef is about to depart, a manifest of all the cargo on 2 Mar., 1799, c. board the same, and the value thereof, by him subscribed, and shall swear 22. S-93. v-L p- 698- to the truth thereof; whereupon the collector shall grant a clearance for B,,,, ,._ Sféff; such vessel and her cargo, but without specifying the particulars thereof Wash., 381. in the clearance, unless required by the master or other person havin the charge or command of such vessel so to do. lf any vessel bound to a foreign port departs on her voyage to such foreign port without delivering such manifest and obtaining a clearance, as hereby required, the master or other person having the charge or command of such vessel shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars for every such Offense. [See ss 5320, 5821.] Sec. 4198. The oath to be taken by the master or commander of the Oath of master. vessel shall be as follows: dma.- "_ District of I, (insert the name), master or commander of the (insert the denoinination and name of the vessel), bound from the port of (insert the name of the port orplace sailing from) to (insert the name of the port or place bound to), do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear (or atfirm,as the case may be) that the manifest of the cargo on board the said (insert denomination and name of the vessel), now delivered by me to the collector of this district, and subscribed with my name, contains, according to the best of my knowledge and belief, a full, just, and true account of all the goods, wares, and merchandise now actually laden on board the said vessel, and of the value thereof; and if an * other oods, wares, or merchandise shall be laden or put on board, the said (insert denomination and name of vessel) previous to her sailing from this port, I will immediately report the same to the said collector. I do also swear (or affirm) that I verily believe the duties on all the foreign merchandise therein