Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/884

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812 Trr1.n XLVIII.—COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION.-—Ch. 2-3. 25 Mars 1864, <·. board of the vessel under his command before clearance from the United 4°·”· 2· "· 137 P- 32 States. And in case the master shall fail to make such oath, showing that he has delivered the mails placed on board his vessel in good faith, the vessel shall not be entitled to the privileges of a vessel of the United States. {see ss anne, 3088.] Ccpiesofreceipts Sec. 4213. It shall be the duty of all owners. agents. consignees, mas- 25 °°“““l'“` f°°“· ters, and commanders of vessels to whom any receipt for fees shall be .L.__..._ given b · any consular officer, to furnish a copy thereof to the collector 18 Aug-, 1856, <‘· of the district in which such vessels shall first arrive on their return to gh "· 18* u·P· the United States. And it shall also be the duty of every collector to " forward to the Secretary of the Treasury all such copies of receipts as shall have been so furnished to him, and also a statement of all certified invoices which shall have come to his office, iving the dates of the certificates. and the names of the persons for whom and of the consular officers by whom the same were certified. [¤¤¤§1¤26-] Pl<=¤¤¤¤>-y¤<=ht¤- Sec. 4214. The Secretary of the Treasury may cause yachts used and 7 Aug_, QQ, c_ employed exclusively as pleasure-vessels, and designed as models of 141,s. 2,v.9,p.274. naval architecture, if entitled to be enrolled as American vessels, to be 29 ·l¤¤€» 1870, ¢· licensed on terms which will authorize them to proceed from port to port jj? "‘ 1* l" 16* l" of the United States, and by sea to foreign ports, without entering or ` clearing at the custom-house. Such license shall be in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. The owner of any such vessel. before taking out such license, shall rive a bond, in suc 1 form and for such amount as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, conditioned that the vessel shall not engage in any unlawful trade, nor in any way violate the revenue laws of the United States, and shall comly wit the laws in all other respects. Such vessels so enrolled and licensed shall not be allowed to transport merchandise or curry passengers for pay. Such vessels shall, in all res ects, except as above, be subject to the laws of the United States, andp shall be liable to seizure and forfeiture for any violation of the provisions of this Title. Signalsofyachts. Sec. 4215. All such licensed yachts shall use a signal of the form,

j size, and colors prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy; and the owners

141,s. 3,v. 9,;;.274. thereof shall at all tunes permit the naval architects in the employ of the United States to examine and copy the models of such yachts. Yachtsbelonging Sec. 4216. Yachts, belonging to a regularly organized vacht club of any

  1. 0 f¤¤+is¤ y¤¤h¢· foreign nation which shall extend like rivileges to the yachts of the

S'l“l"· - _ . United States, shall have the privilege ofp entering or leaving any port of ,2g9‘;l‘l_§"*\,18{g· Ellie United States tyyithoutt entering or clearing at the custom-house {yo: ’’ereo , or avin nna e ax. Unnnnissions to Sec. 421%) Forgthe idghtification of vachts and their owners. a com· Neville- _ mission to sail for pleasure in any designated yacht belonging to any —]`y§§{ , Q 3_ reglularly organized and incorporated yacht club, stating the exemptions an privileges enjoyed under it, may be issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, and shal be a token of credit to any United States official. and to the authorities of any foreign power, for privileges enjoyed under it. Entry of yachts. S1·:c. 4218. Eveiiy yacht visiting a foreign country under the provisions

_]71_ of the four proce ing sections shall, on her return to the United States.

' make due entry at the custom-house of the port at which, on such return. she shall arrive. CHAPTER THREE. TONNAGE DUTIES. Sec. f E Sec. 4219. Amounto tonn duti . 1. ‘ icc 4220. Exemption of colgagting hand fishing 422* Tlihngagghdylddrln be paid only 0 I vessels. · 4224. Time of payment of tonnage duties. 4221. Exemption of vessels making daily l -4225. Light-money. trips on interior waters. 4226. Exemption of unregistered v68S0l¤ 4222. Exemption of vessels touching at , owned b citizens. Canadian ports. 4227. Rights nndtr treaties preserved