Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/900

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828 Trrnm XLVIII.—COMMERCE AND NAVlGATION.·Ch. 7. CHAPTER SEVEN. LOG-BOOKS. gw_ Sec. 4290. Entries in log-book. I 4292. Penalty for omitting entries. 4291. Mode of making entries. Entries in log- Sec. 4290. Every vessel making voyages from a port in the United b°°k· States to any foreign port, or, being of the burden of seventy-five tonsor 7 June, 1872, c. upward, from a port on the Atlantic to a port on the Pacihc, or vice 322, s. 58,v. 17,p. versa, shall have an official logbook; and every master of such vessel 275- shall make, or cause to be made therein, entries of the following matters, that is to say: _ First. Every legal conviction of any member of his crew, and the punishment indicted. _ _ 27 Feb., 1877, c. Second. Every offense committed by any member of his crew for which 69, c. 19, p. 251. it is intended to prosecute, or to enforce a forfeiture, together with such statement concerning the reading over such entry, and concerning the reply, if any, made to the charge, as is required by the provisions of section forty-five hundred and [Marty] [ninety-seven.] Third. Every 0Hense for which punishment is inflicted on board, and the punishment inflicted. Fourth. A statement of the conduct, character, and qualifications of each of his crew; or a statement that he declines to give an opinion of such particulars. Fifth. Every case of illness or injury happening toauy member of the crew, with the nature thereof, and the medical treatment. Sixth. Every case of death happening on board, with the cause thereof. Seventh. Every birth happening on hoard, with the sex of the infant, and the names of the parents. Eighth. Every marriage taking place on hoard., with the names and ages of the parties. Ninth. The name of every seaman or apprentice who ceases to be a member of the crew otherwise than by death, with the place, time, manner, and cause thereof. '1`enth. The wa es due to any seaman or apprentice who dies during pho voyage, and die gross amount of all deductions to he made thererom. Eleventh. 'l`he sale of the effects of any seaman or apprentice who dies during the voyage, including a statement of each aiticle sold, and the sum received for lt. lF•=¤§4F»¤6-1 Mode of making Sec. 4291. Ev ery entry hereby required to be made in the official l0g- f*_§*fl€¤_; g hook shall be signed by the master and by the mate, or some other OHG 7 June, 1872, C. of the crew, and every entry in the official log-book shall be made as 322, s. 59, v. 17, p. soon as possible after the occurrence to which it relates, and, if not umdé 27** on the same day as the occurrence to which it relates, shall be made and dated so as to show the date of the occurrence, and of the entry respecting it: and in no case shall any entry therein, in res ct of any occurrence happening} previously to the arrival of the vesselxat her final port, be made more t an twenty-four hours after such arrival. l6••l4¤°7·1 Ife_nalty_ for Sec. 4292. If in any case the official lo -book is not kept in the man- (Eaingcntnes. _ ner hereby required, or if an entry hereiy directed to be made in :::1)* 7 Jung, 1g7g, (·_ such log-book is not made at the time and in the manner hereby direc l 322, s. 60, v. 17, p. the master shall, for each such offense, be liable to a penalty of DOE l110W 276. than twenty-fivedollars; and every person who makes, or procures to be made, or assists in making, any entry in_ any official lo -book in respect of any occurrence happening previously to the arrivafof the vessel at he;' hgallpqrt of dtlscllgrge, naorp tlhim twenty-four hours after Sllgh 2i!`¥'l· va,sa, oreac oense eia etoa nalt ot moretanone hundred and fifty dollars. ’ pc y of n