Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/913

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Trru: L.——VESSELS IN DOMESTIC COMMERCE. 841 gllons. or in bottles exceeding! one hundred dozens, su r in casks or 18 Fab-. 1793. v- xes exceeding three thousan pounds, or foreign merchiindise in pack- 8·‘· mv "· 14*-310- ages, as miported, exceeding in value four hundred dollars, or goods, 482vh1§r'é1§,i;’°` wares. or merchandise, consisting of such enumerated or other articles i2 :Iuiy,·l87(h e. of foreign growth or manufacture, or of both, whose aggregate value 185,11- 19,p- 90- exceeds eig t hundred dollars, and arriving from a district in one State, at a district in the same or an adjoining State on the sea—coast, or on a ca, 1 Gallis., 231. navigable river. or, if of the burden of twenty tons or upward, arriving at a district within one of the great districts from another district within the same great district, or from a State adjoining such great district, shall, previous to the unlading of any part of the cargo of such vessel, deliver to the collector, if there be one, or if not, to the surveyor residing at the port of her arrival, or if there be no collector or surveyor residing at such port, then to a collector or surveyor, if there be any such officer residing within five miles thereof, the manifest of the cargo, certified by the col ector or surveyor of the district from whence she sailed if there be such manifest, otherwise the duplicate manifests thereof, as is hereinbefore directed, to the truth of which, before such officer, he shallswear. lf there have been taken on board such vessel any other or more goods than are contained in such manifest or manifests, since her departure from the port from whence she first sailed, or if any goods have been since landed, the master shall make known and particularize the same to the collector or surveyor, or if no such goods have been so taken on board or landed, he shall so declare, to the truth of which he shall swear. Thereupon the collector or surveyor shall grant a permit for unlading a part or the whole of such cargo, as the master or commander may request. If there is no collector or surveyor residing at or within live miles of the port of her arrival, the master of such vessel ma roceed to discharge the lading from on board such vessel, but shall deliver to the collector or surveyor residing at the first port where he may next afterward arrive, and within twent *—four hours of his arrival, the manifest or manifests, noting thereon the times when and places where the goods therein mentioned have been unladen, to the truth of which, before the last-mentioned collector or surveyor, he shall swear. Sec. 4352. lf the master of any such vessel, being laden and destined Ifenalty for not as mentioned in the preceding section, shall neglect or refuse to deliver ?l°l‘;`°"“B “P ma"' manifests, at the times and in the manner directed, he shall be liable to LL} a penalty of one hundred dollars. 18 Feb., 1793, c. 3, s. 15, v. 1, p. 310. 12 July, 1876, e. 185, v. 19, p. 90. Sec. -1353. The master of every vessel under twenty tons of burden M¤Pif°¤'°¤ md licensed for carrying on the coasting-trade, and destined from any dis- fgggm f°,§;:vS°;: trict of the United States to a district other than a district in the same ,.,,,,,,,tgd,,,mm_ or an adjoining State, on the sea-coast, or on a navigable river, and of every vessel of the burden of twenty tons and upward, destined to a 3 B 16g`,", P 3i?' district other than a district within the same great district, or within a ’;§ ,1,};,,; {gig, cf State adjoining such great district, shall, previous to her departure, 185, v. 19, p. 90. deliver to the collector residing at the port where such vessel may be, if there is one, otherwise to the collector of the district comprehending How., 1. such port, or to a survevor within the district, as the one or the other may reside nearest to the port at which such vessel may be, duplicate manifests of the whole cargo on board such vessel; or if there is no cargo on board, he shall so eertif ; and if there are any distilled spirits, or merchandise of foreign growth, or manufacture on board, other than what may by the collector be deemed sufficient for sea—stores, he shall specify in such manifests the marks and numbers of every cask, bag, box, chest, or package containing the same, with the name. and plaee of residence of every shipper and consignee of such distilled spirits, or merchandise of foreign growth or manufacture, and the quantity shipped by and to each. The manifests or certificates shall be subscribed and sworn toby him; and he shall also swear, before the collector or surveyor, that such merchandise of foreign growth or manufacture was, to the tbest of his knowledge and belief, legally imported, and the duties thereupon paid or secured; or, if spirits distille within the llnited States,