Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/929

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TITLE m1.—REGULATION OF STEAM—VESSELS.——Ch. 1, 857 boiler at less than three-fourths of the test-pressure. All boilers used on stcaus-Ycssals zmdponstructed of iron or steel plates, ins ected under the pTOV1810DS of section forty-four hundred and thirty, sha11F be subjected to a. hyQr0sh1t1c test} in the ratio of cnc hundred and fifty pounds to the square mch to one mndrcd pounds to the square inch of the working steam-power allowed. No boiler or pipe, nor any of the connections t.herew1t.h, shall be approved, which is made, in whole 01* in part, of bad material, or is unsafe m its form, or dangerous from defective workmansbgg age, usc, or other cause. 1-:0. 4419. One of the safety—va.lves may, if in the opinion of the local Contmlofsafety- inspectors it is necessary to do so, and the steam-registers shall, be taken ‘ '*lY°¤ and ¤**°°·m· wholly from the control of all persons engaged in navigating such vessel and secured b; the inspectors. Ibid. Sec. +120. n applying the directions of the preceding [section] [sec- Amvuntcfsteamtions] to steamboats used exclusively for towing and carrying freight on F'?*‘?“°; )”U°w°d the Mississippi River and its tributaries, the local inspectors shall sub- Lgiisgiplgaisivgf stitute, for such boats, one hundred and fifty pounds of steam-pressure &¤. in place of one hundred und ten pounds for the standard pressure upon standard boilers of forty-two inches diameter, and of lates of 0ne~quurtcr 4 S_ g,`-E3 I; {OQ of an inch in thickness; and such boats mav, on tga written permit of 6.Inn.,1f;74, 4-. 6, the supervising inspector of the district in which such boats shall carry F- ]·"»] {- 2- _ on then- business for a period of twelve months from tha seventeenth day 692; 1g'" 1;;;* ’” of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be permitted to carry ’ ’p steam above the standard pressure of one hundred and ten pounds, but not exceeding the standard pressure of one hundred and fifty pounds, to the square inch. Sec. 4+21. When the inspection of a. stcumwessel is completed and C¤m6¤¤*>¤<>fi¤¤- the inspectors approve the vessel and her equipment throughout, they Sp°°t°”· shall make and subscribe u certificate to the collector or other chief 28 Feb., 1871, e. 0tH0€l' of the customs of the district in which such inspection has been 100, ¤· IL V- I6, D- made[,] in accordance with the form and regulations prescribed by the 443% Feb 1877 C board of supervising inspectors. Such certificate shall be verified by 6g_,._1g, }, 25]’ the oaths of the inspectors si ning it before the chief officer of the customs of the district, or any 0E1E!` person competent by law to administer oaths. If the inspectors refuse to grant a C€1‘tiHC3tB»Of approval, they shall make a statement in writing, and sign the same, giving the reasons for their disapprovul. Srzc. -1422. I? n the application of any lll85EOI' orowner of amy steam- License by invessel employegzn the cmwiagc of passengers, for :1 license to carry *T’*’°*’°'?l*·° °**"Y gunpowder, the local inspectors shall examine such vessel, and if they *§lr!°3Yj;__- find that she is rovidcd with a chest or safe composed of mem], or 28 Feb, 1871,c. entirely lined ang sheathed therewith, or if the vessel hus one or more 1£¤”· ]2» ‘ · ]6• P- c0mpm·tment.s thoroughly lined and sheathed with metal, at u secure distance from any Bra, they may grant xx certificate to that effect, authorizing such vessel to carry as freight within such chest., safes, or compartments, the article of gunpowder. Srzc. 4423. Every collector or other chief officcr of the customs shall Disposal of cm-- retain on iile all original certiticutcs of the inspectors 1`(‘(]\1il`(‘d to be fifivatev of invpevdelivered to him, and shall give to the muster or owner of the vessel Y"'“· therein named three certified copivs thereof; two of which shall he Ibi<l., s. 31, p. placed by such master or owner in conspicuous places in the vessel *0- where they will be most; likely to he observed by passengers and others, and there kept at all times, framed under glass; and the other shall be retained by such master or owner, as evidence of the authority thereby conferred. Sec. 442-;. \Vh€l18\ Bl' anyfasscngcr is 1‘0c6ivmi on board any steam- rmx1s,- sm- mr. vessel not having the certitic copies of the certificate of approval placed ryinz passengers and kept ns required by this Title, 0k' Whenever' any passenger steam- ;"¤‘f"P‘3" d ‘*'°°“‘ vessel receives or carries anyjgunpowdcr 0n board, not having an. eurtiti- .r€'1L(LE;__ cate authorizing the same, sm ll certified copy thereof plncvd and kept Ibidas required, on- shall carry may gunpowder nt xm Place or in an nmmnvr not authorized by such ¢·<·rtih<·ate, such stnanrvusasc shall be liabln to an ponalty of one hundred dollnms for <·n<·h offense. [See ss om-um.1