Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/960

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888 ·rm.¤ tm.-MERGHANT SEAMEN.-on. 5. 28 Féb-. 1803.¢· charged, upon his engagement on board of any vessel to return to the 9* g,,:},; 2·,¥g;,g°3· United States. The remaining third shall be retained for the purpose of 48 v_ 5 {L 395., °` creating a fund for the payment of the passages of seamen, citizens of is Aiig.,1856,c. the United States, who may be desirous of returning to the United 127. ¤· 26. V· U, D- States, and for the maintenance of American seamen who may be desti- 92 tute, and may be in such foreign port; and the several sums retained for P¤¤y’¤ Cm, 10 such fund shall be accounted for with the Treasury every six months by C· Cl”·· *53 the persons receiving the same. [Bu 6 H10-] Assessment of Sec. 4585. There shall be assessed and collected by the collectors of f°’*,9,,°°““ P" customs at the ports of the United States, from the master or owner of m.°”every vessel of the United States arriving from a foreign port, or of 20 July. IB46. ¢· every registered vessel employed in the coasting trade, and before such °°b,$’·_,%n‘; %8%3g· vessel shall be admitted to entry, the um of forty cents per month for ,69, ,,_1’{,_,6_’,,Q each and every seaman who shall have been employed on such vessel 189. since she was ast entered at any port of the Unite States; such sum 2?0Fyb-.}g71Jg·;;- such master or owner may collect and retain from the wages of such é”·,ia‘;,, kgs, C; seamen. [Sw $4808-1 156, sa.1, 2, r. 18, p. 485.——Buckley r. Brown, 5 \Vall., jr., 199. H¤•Pi¤¤l·d¤¢¤¤f Sec. 4586. Whenever a sale or transfer of any vessel of the United "°“°lS°ld "b"°“’d· States is made in a foreign port or water, the consular officer of the 29 April, 1864,c. United States within whose consulate or district the same is made, or in 70,,"j,}3· Pig? whose hands the papers of such vessel are, is required to collect of the ,56 S ";" ,_ ,8* I;" master or a ent of such vessel all moneys that shall have become due to .],85:’'the United States by virtue of the preceding section, and shall remain unpaid at the time of such sale or transfer; and such consular officer shall retain possession of the pa ers of such vessel until such money shall have been paid as herein provided; and in default of such payment thesale or transfer shall be void, excepting as against the vendor. _N0 ¢¤¤>U¤¤¢¤t Sec. 4587. No collector shall rant to any vessel except canal-boats “"“h°“‘P“Vm°"*· em loyed in navigating the cansés within the United States, whose en- 20 July, 1846, c. roliinent or license for carryin on the coasting trade has ex ired, a new 6%;-J1»V·*h8%38· enrollment or license, unless the master of such vessel shall have tirst ,69 E_u§°;,_ ,6 ’; rendered a true account to the collector of the number of seamen and mpi’ the time the have been employed on such vessel, during the continu- 10Feb.,1871, ance of the license which has so expired, and shall have paid to such 27»¤·1·"16,g’,€95· collector forty cents per month for every such seaman who shall have ,52 tif"} 2 ,_’,§‘ been employed; whic sum the master is hereby authorized to retain out p_ ig.; ’ ’ ’ of the wages of such seaman. Whenever the master of any registered, enrolled, or licensed vessel of the United States renders a false account of the number of seamen so employed, or of the length of time the have severally been employed, as is herein required, he shall be liabiye to a penalty of fifty dollars, which shall be ap lied to, and shall make a part of, the general fund created for the reliefp of sick and disabled seamen; and all needful regulations for the mode of collecting the sums hereinbefore mentioned shall be prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasuiiy, by such person as b him may be designated. _ pertitlcate of Sec. 4588. he collector of every district shall keep a book or books $'m’°“$1“P- _ in which, at the request of any seaman, being a citizen of the United 28 May, 1796, c. States of America, and producing proof of his citizenship, authenticated 36» 5-% V- 1»P·477· in the manner hereinafter directed, he shall enter the name of such seaman, and shall deliver to him a certificate, in the following form, that is to say: "I, A. B., collector of the district of D., do hereby certify, that F., an American seaman, aged ——-—- years, or thereabouts, of the height of —-— feet -— inches, (describing the said seaman as particularly as may be,) has, this day, produced to me roof in the manner directed by law; and I do hereby certify that the said E. F. is a citizen of the United States of America. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office, this ——-—— day of —————." lt shall be the duty of the collectors to file and preserve the proofs of citizenship so produced. _For each certificate so delivered, the collectors shall be entitled to receive from the seaman applying for the same the sum of twenty-tive cents. [Son 51114.]