Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/962

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890 Trrrn nm.-—MERCHANT SEAMEN.—-Ch. 6-7. not exceeding the sums specified in that behalf in the table marked "E" _ _ in the schedu e annexed to this Title. Ll¤¤'¤°*t{>m¢><>f’¤ Sec. 4594. In no case shall the salary, fees, and emoluments of any

_,_ officer appointed under this Title be more than five thousand dollars per

Ibid.,s.66,p.277. ppnumgsand any additional fees shall be paid into the Treasury of the nited tates. _ Penalty for tak- l Sec. 4595., Every shipping-commissioner, and every clerk or employe mg ““l”“'*“[’j¤; in any shnppnngoffice, w 0 emands or receives any remuneration what- Ibid.,s.7, p. 263. ever, either directl or indirectl , for hirin or su lvin an seaman for Y _ Y g PP B' Y any merchant-vessels, excepting the lawful fees yable under this Title, ahalé, fplrfiipry such offense. be liable to a penall; of not more than two un re dollars. CHAPTER SEVEN. OFFENSEB AND PUNISHHENTB. Sec. Sec. 4596. Vaaigus offenses by seamen; penal- 4605. Appaopriztilzan of wages to costs of · CC . 4597. Entry of offenses in log-book. 4606. Penalty for boarding vessels before 4598. Deserters may be apprehended on g arrival. _ _ _ 4599 Ammfsxmptu mmm warrant4607. Piggy for soliciting seamen as - · · , ers. ·h ll bl . ‘ 4608. Ca i sh h-k i es h'b'tsd. 4800. hhhmahohwhgildimgam of de- 4608. Pemtllylaorcdlaimrtilolrn fzhmolitdining serters yco aro cers. . t.

 genalzy ger sézcreiing seamen. bet 4610. Pelilliészmahrd forfeitunes, how re-

. cna y or run enness or neg cove . fd t . 4611. Fl ‘ bol'shed. 4603. Edfordemmt of forfeitures. 4612. Ddlhiitlgiih, sdhedule and tables. 4604. Disposal of forfeitures. V¤‘i0¤¤<>lf¤¤¤¤¤ Sec. 4596. Whenever any seaman who has been lawfully enga ed or bY“°°'”°“i P°“‘l‘ any ap rentice to the sea-service commits an f th f ll5 , . _ y 0 e 0 owm 0 enses _l°_1_°j_______ he Fshall) bp pudmshable as follows; g l 7 June, 1872, c- irst. or esertion, by imprisonment for not more than three months gg? °· 5L V- lb P- and by forfeiture of all or any part of the clothes or effects he leaves on _;_._. board, and of all or any part of the wages or emoluments which he has The HEICul6B they gg,[•ugd_ S a u e 534· · - - Clzfmgam; Tum; _ Eecond. For neglecting and refusing, without reasonable cause, to mm 1 S,,,,,,,' 378; {om his vessel, or to proceed to sea in his vessel, or for absence without The John Martin, eave at any time wit in twenty-four hours of the vessel sailing from any 2 Abb._U- S-, {72; port, either at the commencement or during the progress of any voyage; rvXd°°gi’,· Tlgfliingz or for absence at any time without leave, and without sufficient reason ’ ,._ He MOSS_ from his vessel, or from his duty, notamounting to desertion, or not treated

 219; Brower as such by the master; by imprisonment for not more than one month,

yi _1 he kjgea. and also, at the discretion of the court, by forfeiture of his wa es of not Mix}; Bléch 6*: more than two days’ pay, and, for every twenty-four hours of absence, H_ 151; Frwgm Esther a sung not excgg lng] six days' pay, or any expenses which have v. Baker, Blatch. n proper y incurr in irin a substitute. ggl.,C1v;7d2 l;1;hve Third. For qulttingghe vessel without leave after her arrival at her Mnghews Zhine; port of delivery, and fore she 18 placed in security, by forfeiture outof 229; Thsgchoom,. is wages of not more than one month’s pa . Phoebe v. Dignum, Fourth. For willful disobedience to any lawful commands, by im riswkug, 48; The oument for not_more than two months, and also, at the discretion of the Bm-, g;‘;“*°°,T L court, by forfeiture out of his wages of not more than four da s’ pay. Sch00,,e,.C,mw,,,,_ _ Fifth. _F or continued willful disobedience to lawful commands, or conmk, 2_1;¤n., iss; tmued wlllful neglect of duty, by imprisonment for not more than six gr: mg. months, and also, pt the discretion of the court, by forfeiture, for every Rog, 2 [low`, 381; twenty-four hours continuance of such disobedience or neglect, of either U_ S_ ,_ Mcndb, a sum not more than twelve days’ pay, or sufhcient to efray any cx- 2 Saw., 367. penses which have been properly mcurred in hiring a substitute. m(%;ct;l1;nFpr assaultlngsoany master or mate, by imprisonment for not wo years. sms.]