Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/978

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906 Tins Lv.-Lmms AND eUoYs. T I T L E L V. LIGHTS AND BUOYS. Sec. · Sec. 4653. Organization of the Light-House 4666. Substitution of light-houses for light- . s n s. 4654. Egegdent of the board. 4669. Regulations for the lighthouse 4655. ir . service. 4656. Meztiiignof the board. 4670. Light-house districts. 4651. Regulation of meetintgsn 4671. Light-house inspectors. 46 »8. General powers and utnes of board.4672. Collectors of customs to actas super- 4659. Dmy to furnish estimates of light- Uintendents. .: s. 46"3. eir com nsation. 4660. (I;ur(dhi2;::i):il;;;(;;1 for light-houses. 4674. Discontinfuisrhge and reestablish- 4661. i n fiti n uisite. mento ig ts. 4662. Vilghsatjceldsiblhnis sfiiiicieriibti 4675. Sale of useless sites. 4663. Preliminary surveys. 4676. Wamings to be placed over obstruc- 4664. Superintendents of construction, tions. c., of light-houses. 4677. Pier-heads to be marked. 4665. Contracts must be founded on oHi- 4678. Color of buoys prescribed. gglrjilans and on a vote of the 4679. Restriction on compensation of ofli- . oers . 4666. Regdlation of contracts for materi- l 4680. Officeis, dao., not to be interested in , & . · contracts. 4667. Cdlntracts for erection must be upon i advertisement for proposals. · Organization of Sec. 4653. The President shall appoint two officers of the Naviy, of the Lish¤·H<>¤¤¤ high rank, two officers of the Corps of Engineers of the Army, an` two B°‘“`d· civilians of high scientific attainments, whose services may be at the dis- 31 Aug., 1852, c. posal of the President, together with an officer of the Navy and an officer lg ¤- 8, V· 10» P· of engineers of the Army, as secretaries, who shall constitute the Light- · House Board. p,.,.;,,,,;,,,,, 0; the S20. gba Selgretsgy of the Treasury shall be ex-officio president boa . 0 o lg - ouse oar. Ib’d. . 9. . . C,;,,,,I,,:m_ Sec. 4655. The L1ght—House Board shall elect, by ballot, one of their

 number as chairman of the board, who shall pres1 e at their meetings,

° when the president is absent, and shall perform such acts as may be prescribed by the rules of the board. Meetings of the Sec. 4656. The Light-House Board shall meet, for the transaction of board- business, on the first Mondays in March, June, September, and Decemig·d_, _ gy l0_ ber. But the Secretary of the Treasury may convene the board when- I Ss ever, in his judgment, the exigencies of the service require Regulation of Sec. 4657. T e Light-House Board may adopt such regulations for the m¤**£8L___ government of their meetings as they judge expedient. Ibid., s. 8. General p0w<-rm Sec. 4658. The Light-House Board shall be attached to the office of igdd d“*“’“ °f the Secretary of the reasury, and under his superintendence shall dis- -_’ZL;. charge all administrative duties relating to the construction, illumination, Ibid, SS- 8. I0- inspection, and superintendence of light-houses, light-vessels, beacons, 41E2g";? 18?,,'·`· buoys, sea-marks, and their appendages, and embracing the security of 2g j,,,,g,I{g74, ,._ foundations of works already existing, procuring(il]uminating and other 455,1;. 18, p. 220. apparatus, supplies, and materials [jb] [oi'] all inds for building, and 27 Feb-. 1877, G- for rebuilding when necessary, and keeping in good repair the hgxht- 69· "· 19· P· 252 houses, light-vessels, beacons, and buoys of the United States; and s all have the charge and custody of all the archives, books, documents, drawings, models, returns, apparatus, and other things uppertaining to the Light-House Establishment. _ Estimates of Sec. 4659. The Light-House Board shall furnish, upon the reqiuisition l1zht~b¢>¤¤<*=¤¤p¢=¤¤- of the Secretary of the Treasu , all the estimates of ex nse w ich the . W . . P° ”°“· several branches of the light-house service may require, and such other