Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/990

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918 Trrnn Lvu.-—PENSIONS. Ibid-.¤-15.p-572 and sixty-one, or in consequence of wounds or injuries received or disease contracted since that date, shall commence from the death or discharge of the person on whose account the claim has been or is hereafter granted, or rom the termination of the right of party having prior title to such pension; provided the application for suc pension has been or is hereafter iile with the Commissioner of Pensions within five years after the right thereto has accrued; otherwise the pension shall commence from the date of filing the last evidence necessary to establish the same. But the limitation herein prescribed shall not apply to claims by or in behalf of insane persons and children under sixteen years, When pension Sec. 4710. In construingmthe preceding section, the right of persons d°°”(},°d*”*““'°“°‘ entitled to pensions shall recognized as accruing at the date therein YEL.? - . stated for the commencement of such pension, and theright of a depend- Ibid-. ¤-16- ent father or dependent brother to pension shall not in any case be held to have accrued prior to the sixth da * of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and the rigllit of all other cllasses of claimants, if apply- ing on account of the deat of a person who was regularly mustere into the service, or regularly employed in the Nav or upon the gun-boats or war-vessels of the Lnite States, shall not be held to have accrued prior to the fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two; if applying on account of a chaplain of the Army, their right shall not be held to have accrued prior to the ninth day of April, eighteen hun dred and sixty-four; if applying on account of an enlisted soldier who was not mustered., or a non-enlisted man in temporary service, their right shall not be held to have accrued prior to the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four; if applying on account of an acting assistant or contract surgeon, their right s all not be held to have accrued prior to the thir day of Marc , eighteen hundred and sixty- five; if applying on account of persons enlisted as teamsters, wagjoners, artificers, ospital-stewards, or arriers, their right shall not be eld to have accrued prior to the sixth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and the right of all classes of claimants applying on account of a prov0st—marshal, deputy provost-marshal, or enroll1n —otiicer, shall not be held to have accrued prior to the twenty-fifth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. But the right of a widow or dependent mother who married prior, and did not ap ly till subsequent to the twenty-sew auth day of éluly, eightleen (pundred) and sixty-eight, shall not be held to ave accrue rior to t at ate. _ Anrem of pen- Sec. 4711. ll: shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Pensions, upon §‘°°· any application by letter or otherwise by or on behalf of any nsioner Ibid., s. 17. entitl toarrears of pension under section forty-seven hundredlfnd nine, or if any such pensioner has died, upon a similar application by or on behalf of any dperson entitled to receive the accrued nsion due. such pensioner at his eath, to pay or cause to be paid to sucgiepensioner, or other person, all such arrears of pension as the nsioner may be entitled to, or, if dead, would have been entitled to und:i· the provisions of that section had he survived; and no claim-agent or other rson shall be entitled to repeive any compensation for services in maliing application for arrears 0 ension. Pq<>vi¤i¤¤¤ ¤f Sec. 4715 The provisions of this Title in respect to the rates of P90- {’;.“é’;‘:,“ £;"“ °" sion to persons whose right accrued since the fourth day of March, Blglllr .?...__ een hundred and sixty-one, are extended to pensioners whose right to Il>¤d·· ¤· 18· pension accrued under general acts passed since the war of the Revolution and prior to the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty- one, to take effect from and after the twentv-fifth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and the widows of revolutionary soldiers and sailors receiving a less sum shall be paid at the rate of eight dollars per mointh from ala after the twenty-seventh day of July, eigfliteen hundred an sixty-eig t. fo<>mm9n<>em•}¤¤ Sec._ 4713. In all cases in which the cause of disability or death origigiowxm °" natedin the service prior the fourth dey_ of March, eighteen hundred .____.._.. and sixty-one, and an application for pension shall not have been tiled Tbi•i-.¤·19»x>-57% within t ree years from the discharge or death of the person on whos'!