Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/10

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ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT. 5 Sec. 32. Any member of the legislative assembly who refuses to take Ferfeiture of ef— the oath prescribed in the preceding section shall forfeit his office. 2;,*26 §th’°f“"“’ *° 21 Feb., 1871, c. 62, s. 9, v. 16, p. 421. Sec. Every person who shall be convicted of having sworn falsely P°¤3*]*¥ f°' mw to or of violating the oath prescribed in section thirty-one, shall forfeit his “'°‘""‘g‘ office and be disqualfiled thereafter from holding any office of profit or Ibid. trust in the district, and shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction shall be punished accordingly. SEO. 34. A majority of the legislative assembly appointed or elected Q¤¤¤1*¤ ¤fl‘-*8** to each house shall constitute a quorum. l ., . , . . Sec. 35. The house of delegates shall be the judge of the election mggufuligcgggfg returns and qualifications of its members. 0,. m‘},wmbB,,l Ibid. Sec. 36. Each house shall determine the rules of its proceedings, and Rules of eueh shall choose its own officers. h°““° °°d °h°*°° of officers. SEO. 37. The governor shall call the council to order at the opening gpgning ofconnof each new assembly. eilibu l . Sec. 38. The secretary of the District shall call thehouse of delegates Opening ofhouse. to order at the opening of each new assembly, and shall preside over it Ibiduntil a temporary presiding onicer hall have been chosen and shall have taken his seat. Sec. 39. No member shall be expelled by either house except by a Expulsicn of Kota of two-thirds of all the members appointed or elected to that '”°"’*‘°"· ouse. Ibid. Sec. 40. Each house may punish by imprisonment any person not a Punishment ef member who shall be guilty of disrespect to the house by disorderly or “°“;°“°";_b°” f°' conmmptuous behavior in its presence; but no such imprisonment shall °.°l"L...; extend beyond twenty-four hours at one time. Ibid- Szc. 41. Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn Adjeurnrnentfor more than two days, or to any other place than that in which such my ""° house shall be sitting. Sec. 42. At the request of any member the yeas and nays shall be Yew end newtaken upon any question and entered upon the journal. Ibid_ Sec. 43. Bills may originate in either house, but may be altered, Nfhere bills may amended, or rejected by the other. 1 ,l. . Sec. 44. On the tlual passage of all bills the vote shall be by yeas Vote on nusl and nays upon each bill separately, and shall be entered upon the jour- r¤e¤eseual, and no bill shall become a law without the concurrence of a ma- Ibid_ jority of the members elected to each house. Sec. 45. Every bill shall be read at large on three diferent days in Bills to be road each house. , l ., B. . Sec. 46. No act shall embrace more than one subject, and that shall Suhleet of net Pe be expressed in its title; but if any subject shall be embraced in an m,°_°"'b"“°°d “‘ act which shall not be expressed in the title, such act shall be void -a-—.. only as to so much thereof as shall not be so expressed. ibid- Sec. 47. No bill making appropriations for the pay or salaries of the 1{entri_etiun¤ upon officers of the District government shall contain any provisions on any ;’°g*;l;:a’:¤ {_Q1I2P' other sub'ect. -—————1——-- Sec. No act of the legislative assembly shall take effect until wEg;,°‘,:,`{], hk, thirty days after its passage, unless, in case of emergency, which etfect. Emergency emergency shall be expressed in the preamble or body of the act, the eleuee · legislative assembly shall, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members Ibld.,•.12. appointed or elected to each house, otherwise direct. Sec. 49. The legislative power of the District shall extend to all _ Eyteut end }i¤¤· rightful subjects of legislation within the District, consistent with the ;§Q,Q°':mf’,fr1°¥"1“' Constitution of the United States and the provisions of this title, sub- ..1...; ject to all the restrictions and limitations imposed upon States by the Il>id·»¤· IB, 1*-423- tenth section of the llrst article of the Constitution of the United States.