Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/105

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]()() DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 3 March. 1963. ¤. the same cases and in like manner as provided by law in reference tc 9*·¤·u·"-12·P·’“· the nucl judgments, orders, and decrees of the circuit courts of the Roggu, ·r.-ipjm, United States. _ 3 Wheat., p. 600 · Smith vs. Mason, 14 Wall., p. 419; United States vc. Hooo,1 Crunch, 317; Young ua. Iiank of Alexandria, 4 Crauch, 384; Custls vu. Georgetown and Alex. T. Co., 6 Crancb,233; Columbian Insurance Company vs. Wheelrlght, 7 Wheat., 534; United States vs. More, 3 Crancb,159; Carter vs. Cutting, B Cranch,_251; Nicholls va. Hodges, 1 Peters, 562 ; Wise vs. Columbian Turnpike Co.,7 Crunch, 27n; Scott w.Lunt, 6 Peters, 349; Lee va. Lee, 8 Peters, 44 ; Thompson et al. va. Voss, 1 Crunch, C. C., 108; United States rs. Hooe 61. Co., 1 Crunch, C. C., 116; Moorcatal. 1:a.Dunlop,1 Cnuch,C. C., 180; Grundy va. Young, l Crunch, C. C., 443; Er parte Negro Ben, 1 Crunch, C. C., 522; Marsteller ca. McCleau, 2 Crunch, C. C., 8; Benner vu. Bank of Columbia, 2 Cranch, C. C., 310; United States va. Columbian Ins. Co., 2 Cranch, C. C., 266. Amount required Sec. 847. No cause shall be removed from the supreme court of the f°" '°”'°‘”*r District to the Supreme Court of the United States, by appeal or writ 2 April, 1816, c. of error, unless the matter in dispute in such cuuse shall be of the 39. e 1. v- 3.l>-261- value of one thousand dollars or upward, exclusive of costs, except in the cases provided for in the following section. [seems. n. s., gm.] Removals for a Sec. 848. When any person, or body politic or corporate, shall think i¢·¤¤_ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢ in him, or themselves, aggrieved by any final judgment, order, or decree, P“"°'°“l" °““'· of the supreme court of the District, where the matter in dispute, exclu- 1bid.,s.2. sive of costs, shall be of the value of one hundred dollars, and of less value than one thousand dollars, and shall have prayed an appeal, or shall desire to sue out a writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States, such person, or body politic or corporate, may exhibit a petition, in writing, accompanied by a copy of the proceedings complained of, and an assignment of the errors relied on, to any judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, who, if he should be of opinion that such errors, or any of them, involve questions of law of such extensive interest and operation as to render the final decision of them by the Supreme Court of the United States desirable, may thereupon, at his discretion, and upon the terms and conditions prescribed by law, by his order, to be directed to the clerk of the supreme court of the District, direct such appeal to be allowed, or writ of error to be issued; which shall be done accordingly. ns. .s., ·i•¤,10o. Edcct or writ in _ Sec. 849. When any appeal or writ of error shall [belive beeullirecteci Buch ¢=¤¤¤¤· lu the manner prescribed by the preceding section, and the order thereibid_, ,_ 3_ on of the judge of the Supreme Court of the United States shall have been filed ln the office of the clerk of the supreme court of the District, within thirty days after the end of the term at which the judgment, order, or decree, to be affected by such writ of error or appeal, shall have been rendered or made, such writ of error or appeal shall operate gs a supersedeas of all proceedings under such judgment, order, or OCPCG. No supersedes; _ Sec. 850. There shall be nosnpersedeas or stay of execution of the Gxwlltr dw- judgments of the supreme court of the District, otherwise than by iu- 22 F°'b"_"`1867_,°_ junction, or upon proceedings in error to the Supreme Court of the 04,s. 4,v. i4, p. 40:;. United States. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR. IUBOBS. ti . . °·* · l ts· . sm n inst. N}?...?, .·l‘$1T?‘; ”°‘ NMS? .?.‘I§.f°"° “"" "“° ’“" 853. How placed in jury-box. $2. If urors do not attend. 854. Custody of jury-box. 863. When panel is incomplete. 855. Drawin jurors. 864. How summoned when all names llavc 856. Juries fdr criminal term. been drawn. 857. Juror: in capital cases. 865. Vacancies, how dllsd. 858. J urors for circuit court. 866. Notiiicutious. 850. Additionnlnamcs, when drawn. 867. How served. 860. ROSOI\lll1g jury-box. 868. Marsl1al’s return.