Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/122

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 ép!p§=:l)s`E>£?,’n;plreme court. l 1032. Dovckleatls to be delivered to clerk,

1029. Pnperstu Bled. v_ _ g 1033. Penalty for neglect. 1030. Commission ofjustice void, when. 1034. Fees, how established. 1031. Removal by supreme court. { Sec. 994. Justices of the peace shall be appointed for the term of three Term and oath years, and shall take an oath for the faithful and impartial discharge of °f WH06- the duties of their office. [scc 55 ca, ss.; 15,1l,.2,107. M,1848, , ,.,. . sem. 'snq " seo? MJ. ..'?m.e.}§ e.:;..., e.éi:‘i%.°‘ *5° P ”° “" “"°" · “ °*·"°'·· SEO. They shall have all the powers vested in and perform all General powers the duties required of, justices of the peace, as individual magistrates, °"d d°*·*°¤· by the laws in force within the District. my Holmead c•.Smith,5 oranch,C. 0.,343; Homans ua. Moore, 5 Cranch,C.0.,505. 81:0. 996. The supreme court of the District shall make and establish Rules and forms rules of practice, and prepare and publish forms of pleadings, for bring- *°l¤>P¤’°¤<=f“>¤d b! ing all forms of actions, and the trial thereof, before justices of the peace. “*"°"'° °°‘“"‘· 22 Feb., 1867, c. JURISDICTION. 63, s. 2, v. 14, p. 402. Bro. 997. Justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction in all civil cases Jm-leuierieu. where the amount claimed to be due for debt or damages arising out of {H contracts, express or implied, or damages for wrongs or injuries to per- me "’pP' ’ sons or property, does not exceed one hundred dollars, except in cases Bmw, N Mob involving the title to real estate, actionsto recover damages for assault, d,,,,,,, 1 C,,,,,,,,, C_ or assault and battery, or for malicious prosecution, or actions against 0.. 36; Birelneu justices of the peace or other officers for misconduct in office, criu actions ad*¤¤‘·h•3 g*¤¤¤.§ for slander, verbal or written. 1Q';'::, ;,,_‘K,;3Eff,· 20n¤ch, 422; 0’Nell uAcg•n,2 oranch,C.C.,F•94• Kennedy ca. Gorman, 4 Crunch; C. 0., 347; Lenox ca. Argnelles,4 Cranch, C. C., 477; liichclls va. Corporation, 4 Crunch, 0. 0., 576 5 Moore ce. Wstcrs,5 Cranch, C. 0., 283. Sec. 998. They shall not exercise any jurisdiction over crimes and not to exercise offenses, either for examination to commit or hold to bail, or for dual mud J¤¤’i¤•l¤¤- judgment.. ...+. 17 July, 1870, c. 133, s. 19, v. 16, p. 156. SBU. 999. Any justice of the peace may, on complaint under oath May issue wuor actual view, issue warrants, returnable to_the police-court, against ;•°p::&r:§=:°¤•bbw persons accused of crimes and offenses commrtted m the District, and _T._._;__ he shall make a record of his proceedmgs in every case, 1u a book to be Ibid., pp.156,1s1. kept for that purpose. DOCKET. Sec. 1000. Justices of the peace shall keep a docket, and make regu- Justices to keep lar entries therein of their proceedings in all cases, and shall furnish d¤<=k¤*»·'¤¤· . a copy of any judgment rendered by them, when required by either 1 M,,,,,;,, 1823, .,_ party to the suit. _ 24, v. 3, e. 3, p. 743_ Sec. 1001. If any justice of the peace hall omit t0_ keep a docket Llelnlityrer mlor be guilty of any other negligence or omission, by which the plamtilli '1L•*·_________ having obtained a judgment before such justice, shall lose his debt, ;,,;d_,,,_4_ the justice shall pay and satisfy to the plaintif the debt, interest, and costs, so lost, to be recovered against the defaulting justice for the amount, together with any interest that may have accrued thereon. c01nm1i0mmNtr AND REMOVAL OF SUITS. . 002. N · °de ts of the District shall not commence suit Non-residents to beziife ahy justihg hctmtheupeace without ilrst g1ving sufficlent security 5;;*28- security for for costs. ————-— 22 Feb., 1867, c. 63,s. 7, v. 14, p. 402.