Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/13

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8 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. S¤l¤ri¤¤- Sec. 73. Tl members of the board of health shall be paid a salary "{y” _ of two thous* nd dollars each, annually, but no salary shall be paid to 5, v. 17, p. 400; s any member of such board who shall bold any other Federal onice. May, 1872, e. 140, s. ·1, v. 17, p. 74; 3 }‘Q_'·,}8,Z,::·_j,,@ nosnn or runmo woaxs. B<>¤¤i ¢>f 1>¤l•ll¤ Sec. 74. There shall be in the Districta hoard of public works, m "°'],f”i ‘5PP°l{!,§" consist of the governor, who shall he president of the board; four per-

'§§‘,,,;"{,, 2Q;,; ms, tt. be appointed by the President or tue United states by and win.

bers. the advice and consent of the Senate, one of whom shall a civil engi-

 neer, and the others citizens and residents of the District, having_ the

6,,, ,_ 3;, Q_ ,6, ,,;f qualifications of an elector therein. One of said board shall be a citizen 426,427. and resident of Georgetown; and one of said board shall a citizen and resident of the county outside of the cities of Washington and Tam Ofomu Georgetown. _ · Sec. 75. The members of the board of public works shall hold office Ibid. {pir, tGie_tt:5-uétgegour years, unless sooner removed by the President of m $¤l•·*i¤¤· d Sec. 76. Llhey shall be paid me siglxilpiixtwo lgionsalnd five hundred F, _ , , ,_ dollars eac annual y, but no sa ary a pai to the governor as a 62, J egg 16, member of the board of public works in addition to his salary as gov- P- 4273 20 AN-. ernor; nor shall any officer of the Armyappointed upon said board receive W 1* °· 2* '· 3· "· any increase of pay for such service; nor shall any person he entitled }g§f],_7f,,0? sizf to draw a salary as a member of said board who shall hold any other gi;. 7363 liar., Federal ofilce, or who is paid a salary for the discharge of the duties of . •=- . •- .v- any other officer under the Government of the United States. 17. rr- 499. 500- G¤¤¤¤l l>0W¤’•· Sec. 77. The board of public works shall have entire control of and ""‘—"—·*· make all regulations which they shall deem necessary for keeping in re- 6,°1,_F,§’··v?8,',Q· 3: pair the streets, avenues, alleys, and sewers of the city,_and all other 4g_ ’ ’ works which may be mtrusted to their charge by the legislative assemfgalmeé 11i2t. gy 0I.' COI;{gl‘0sS. [iles §§ its-245.1 o ., ., w p., v. 1, o. 32,p.197. Di•l•¤r•¤r¤¤¤t <>f Sec. 78. They shall disburse upon their warrant all moneys appro- '”°"°¥'· priated by the United States, or the District of Columbia, or collected Ibm. from property-holders, in pursuance of law, for the improvement of B _ streets, avenues, alleys, and sewers, and roads and bridges. (su tt n•-us.] _ m1di¤g·r¤g¤1¤- Sec. 79. They shall make all necessary regulations respecting the

  • ‘°“'· construction of private buildings in the District, subject to the super-

` l',,,',,"" vision of the legislative assembly. ,uU•:g,¤;¤ k; ul-; 80. All contracts made by the board of public works shall be in o,,,,,,.,,.,,?,,,,,,,,,,, writing, and shall be signed by the parties making the same, and a ,, ,,,,,,,,,7 ,f t,,, copy thereof shall be tiled in the office of the secretary of the District. Dim-ict. [Sec 9 HJ Ibid. mEmgi¤¤¤ ¤v<>¤ mS)1t0;l81. (Tb; board rg plnhlic works have no power to make contracts ______;__ in said istric ‘ the payment o any sums of money except in Ibid. pngsuglpnca pif approprigltieans made, py law, and not until such appropria- 1 s ave e. [ t 2, un. ,€€¢,,¤¤¤‘¤·¢;¤ il; Sm. 82. All contracts made by the board of public works in which Q,',,,}:,, ,,",j?'{,,,,,‘;s‘;_ any member of the board shall be personally interested shall be void, cd ,,,,,;,1 p,,,,,,,,,, apd up payment shall be made thereon by the District or any oiilccrs on sue contracts HBO . prohibited. I Restrletionsnpon Sec. The board_of public works are prohibited from incurring or

§m°¤m? contracting further liabilities on behalf of the United States in the

,6,, 0,, ,,0},,,,,,,, G,. improvementof streets, avenues, and reservations beyond the amount — the uhm.; 5.,;,, of appropriations previously made by Congress, and from entering into