Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/165

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1 60 INDEX. Page. Pago. Conveyance of Real Eelatc—Continued. C0,pAl-f19i1U; _ _ without the limits of the District, what Jurisdiction of supreme court in actions further certiiicatc required .. 443 52 coucemmg. ..:... .. .. ,, 7(E4 gg in a foreign country, before whom may appeals from Commissioner of Patents in be made .. . .. . . . . . .444 62 cases oh how heard . 780 98 when made before other than consular i Cmwmer, _ _ officers, &c., how certified. .. 445 52 fees of, and of Juror! and WIEDQBBI 90], [03 deeds rc corded within six months to be { wrpmlc Powers, valid from date of acknowledgmelniz 52 i C the Drstrrct to have what .. . . .. .2 Q mjzora uma, what deeds valid from date of record only, legislative assembly may pass general laws 447, 52,53 _ for organization of ... ... 65 7 priority of record, rule for. 448 53 limit to powers of, so created 65 1 contracts relating to land, how proved, may be formed under general law, (see h¤· acknowledged. &c .. 449 53 corporation, General,) .. ...519 Qi delivery, &c., of bond or contract forrecord, Corporatwns, Forergn, _ _ _ how deemed .. . . 449 63 . doing business in District, process against, married woman, when a party, &.c.,to be how served ... .. .. 790 94 ion o .. . ... ..-. 63 s i a me ,’.'1Z"’ °’?""‘“""· ···· ·· ··‘·‘··· Z2? “ °‘3'{.'”€éi§"‘.,1".Ef.”“’,$z. .. , i.. ...4 f... ccrtiéicate of otlreer to be annexed to 6 0 ( F ) 1030 120 sed, form o . .. 451 3 asia, see ees effect of deed when recorded, &c 452 53 L deposit for, at commencement of snit..Ql7 107 ¤·····~¤;·,,·;:·=~ ·‘··· ~·*=*···~ ¤···*· °°“‘° .22*,3:32;;%:55 .;‘€‘:.":““?a‘;§.%‘2.i:”?.£‘ P0 1 v not void forfwant of trustees, when..453 53 _ _ _ 914: 918 107 uPp0;,,tmmt_&c_’0;tmsmes by supreme non-residents to give security for, when, _ com, when . . 454, 5::,54 f I I 1002 117 su1ts,how instituted and earned on..455 54 ° sa ° °f YW °“¤t° °f lnflllmby Wim"' limitation to UBB of land for religious of defelixgég,-·-;£A·-gr-;- ···_- ·;·-ik-;9{l2 113 pn]·p()ggg____ ________ _ ________ "456 S Wl BS S l.L\ 0H1I1I11B Till B, gifts and devises, provision concerning, c BOSE55K1g -rr-];-? ·--·--· -·-· --1; ---839 99 yy 54 o e y c r o supreme cour ,rcgu- 0 lation of. .. . ... 921 107

l$§ 9“i°tcd• . , taxed by justices of the peace, how reguain n yances made by the United luted _______________ _ ___10M 120

St“"°“ t° °"’Y °f Wnshmgmu Dm? l"' imposed by police court how and valid for informality .. . 458 54 F paid 0,,-H.1079 194 deeds and acknowledgments recorded I CWM; (neo Lcg{8lnQi;,}`;,,n;é,n],i `3 ```'°'` prior to March 3, 1865, made valid, I g,,,,,,t,,}·,,;“,,g _ y' in what °“°°° ····· ; ·········· 459v 549 55 · gold or silver coin written or printed parcqmrcment as to privy acknowled - Pu &,, nnnisnmnnt fm. mnt nmmsn h nil6D12S...1.;]..t...E.E..4£0 , W 1I5i w a ac now e men an rccor su - sn _ as cient to nm ilower . . ...461 so u§,§,§°é’°'§;1c°’1;f§y ,,;,g;,;;,;,·_;;,gg,;,; lf}; I when power of attorney Blleellliéd by pdr doc, punishment for .1157 183 ¤·3¤¤·i¤¤ w¤·¤=·¤ ¤¤¤*¤i¤¤¤ ¤¤ rpg; ming niemiig oe, in puniéiiiiiéii or U B..» , r l I records and copies in certain cases to be ,, an ·,, evidence, when . . . .. 463 55 Cong? 3; gg, tnwnshi 66 7 legal construction of certain acts of Con- tnwnsmn nmcnm now to be ' ing ll §;?r°r6;;2°1°°ti°g °'°k°°wl°dgm°:é: 5 construction audirepair of bridges .67 7 .-·•·•••.--...;.. 5 i ma ¤ · acknowledgments under such acts effect- spec MOP y b° lwmd m’ "° pay dwg 7 uu .. .r . . .464 55 a E;',"; `‘'‘’ i'‘‘‘‘ _ ‘‘‘‘ L " ‘‘‘'‘ A B what words suillclent to express ack¤owl· ppmlzndt Bring;. ng; 8 ‘?dgm$’“*' °f dw'} *•··· : ··•*·‘ ""465 66 certain laws and ordinances of the levy exceptions m favor of parties beyond the cnn", continued in fume 91 0 D·¤=¤¤¤ ·*····>¤·~¤·=<¤ -----· ·--— 466 M powers of levy .,0...t continued ia; Kmart when S01d D purpgggg ____ _____ ______________Q5 method and validity of, in Washmgton.165 10 property of, vested in the District .. 96 I0 in (i°°rg°t°w¤ ········--·-- · ·---- 181. 20, 91 property ln, not to be taxed for debts, dce., m t ° °°°m'y ··············-- · -•--- 187 21 _ of Washington or Georgetown ..145 16 Comricm, (mq Pgpiigpgiqgy,) I terotnqn of 00m0t6I:l8B ID . . .. . . 148 I 7 prison regulations fg]-, prgscr|b°(]_]_]g6, 128, Isa 1 (701 €c WD of NIXOS lll . .. .. 184-IQ9 91 punishmert eL for what offenses author- 1 1°°’1tl"`°P“`tY may b° sold {0* ““P;*ég I ` ________________________ { · BXCS ... -.; ... .. 2 lnowlgzy bq iu5mg6u__ __ __ __ __ __ 1*9 l notice of sale, how given 1s5 21 Rpm; qf’t° j,,,p“t°m_ _________ __ _1 [29 129 real property not to be sold if personal regulation ot] by inspectors 1130 129 , pm.p°rt·Y sumcmut ·············· 1**6 gl uggpccgors to report regulations to C0n_ \ I`6glll3tl0l1 of tI1X sales of I`8&l gross . .. .. . . . ...,, 1130 p g n 91 deduction {mm gm-m of imprisonment fm. 2 I d sale of personal property for taxes.. JB? Bl W ¤··~~*¤··* --——-—---—-- ml- ·¤··· M . ..‘1&*.:“:‘.;£s;i;.··.i ··i·· tz. ···· u··· i;-· r ·*“ " cooiw vimm, _ * "° ‘“ *’“ '° *8 "“,§_,‘}; S8 Wll¤¤» 0X¢¤1DU`l‘0m Mfwllmcut 0I' levy.797 05 I jurisdiction over roads and bridges in..247 BD