Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/170

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INDEX. 165 l . P 0 Electrons-Continued. _ _ Q6, Estate at Will and Svgeroecc, P n pv¢:•(?¥6¢;p1(;;pt•;{){:ac:;ep(t;;rcg;il;;1l;eéi:z0;é . 18 determined by no ce in writing, how..68l 88 _ g s .. 8 E00mm` , board of police to observe order at 335 40 by going out of District, of laws respectin tolenlorce laws regarding .. . 335 40 duglipg, penalty for- , , ___,, ____1_16g [3], special] polxemen may be appointed sgié 44 Eddplea in bar, what may be. . .1168 184 a s .. . . . . . . ence, Elective Franchise, ‘ at trials, ha mus a n exoe right oi, not to be abridgd .. . . 57 0 tlods. ..`:lH . 03 special charge to gan jury respecting new trial may be granted for insunlcient, 1D00f10EODOB,. c., with .. 841 90 when .. . . 804, 05,00 voter receiving bribe to forfeit right oi} parties and persons interested, are com- Emgmunt 108 18 peient and compellablc to give, r , _ _ W ll -··--- . . . ... . . 876 108 by defendant in action of replevin, verdict who are not competent or eompellable to and judgment .. . ... 821 07 give, in criminal cases, &,c .. 877 108 what damages may be assessed ... .823 97 in cases of false pretense, gaming, or duel- . EJi;dgmmt.tb0w discharged 824 97 who must giveg ...·-----· 878 I0! in mm suc timon n need a iu by clerk or servant of private person or person giving? ... 108 llrrn, penalty/ofor .. . _ 1 169 185 how ts en in proceedin to sell real estate by ommr, Ent,. ., of corporation, pppé I I of tenant for lil: with limltatjpg 1. .. . .. .. .-.. 85 · over .. . 1 what shall constitute ... 1169, 1170 185 in prosecutions for libel, the truth may be by common earner, penalty for. .. 1172 185 ~ f glvenln . ... 842 00 .__0¥¤>: _ I 0 manic ,co f rdfll sc d for addition pnvates, bow presuribed.376 44 cenidcatgtoomw. . 2. . . 80 for special rivates, how furnished 379 44 when and how far ori 'ual retest of a .. . 5 Employee of xs Jail, notary is m P 968 1 1 warden may appoint 1089 185 certificate of protest under seal la . 989 110 penalty of, for aiding enlistment of crimi- Eccqatioa Dall ... 1180 180 on trial of cause, may be reduced to writ- E for reciziging bribes . . . . 113) 180 t Ssgfvhen ... ... .-.. ..803 05 mployéa an tentiary, on ri o cause ma entered n minappointment and removal of . 1113 187 utes of justice, {when . . . 2 . . . 803 05 compcnsaciéioin of ... 1 . ..i ..1119 128 gnltrial of cause, m1.yb;atctled,v‘;hm.803 06 pen y , or conve ing etters, iquors il , not n on sealed, E &.e 6 . ..1...%.-% 1140 180 hzvhen .. ... 05 ngiaesr in argc o ub ic ui ings an { new may e ted on . .. . , 05,00 in Grounds, (see Chief of Engineers.) g bill ct hop mttlemau of appeal to gpgé limncat, era term .. . . . . 00 of criminals, penalty for procuring.. .. 1179 1 80 Eescstlos, penalty on officers of jail concerned 1216 under gyéaadsfbgrsgmgnitm of °r·1cferenc% of 1 180 0 e, ow issu .. 8 Entry; or Posoeuioniésee Detainer,) to enforce payment of award for railroad un awful, of ie estate, complaint and land amages, court map order. .657 70 summons in cases of . ... 684 S8 Q on chattels of tenant, how lsv ed 679, 81, 80 Equprocepdings in suit upon .. 685-619, 82, 83 { power of justices of the peacelmgiméip lla of militia, wyheu cglled into actual sergc;3 4 I issued by justices, by whom may l»83l;avied,' I ' s ... ,... .. 1 9 9 , 10 , 18 Eq••€p•ne£tls‘,w mon or I stay of justlce’s, regulation of. .’ . 1023- of officers, &c.,of militia, exempt from tax- I _ 1096, II9, IW ation 0;- qwuuqu ___,,_,.,,., - 1286 148 I cemetery lots not liable to sale en . 603 78 Equitable 14,:;;-,;:;, [ househo d property, &.c., exempt from, to in real estate sold for taxes, persons hav- tm phat pmouuténx . {797, 04, 05 'm ‘ a sea s, ., e m rom, V 1?.$;If'{‘ZYT°}T TY}‘1‘.TI'I°.Tf’f.f‘f$'?..'J¤ it I “° ’ '°°° · ° ‘° " to us sm · arms and equipments of olllcers, &.c. of u iction of supreme court tn, under militia, exempt from ... 1286 148 copyright and patent laws .. 764 01 1'ucutlou in Capital Cass, general jurisdiction in, (see Sulpreme 001:;,3 warden to carry out judgment ... 1092 185 suits iu, to be heard at spccia term . .. _ 05 where to take place . . .. .1093 185 proceedings to enforce lien, to be by bill _ . who recmjrcd toattond .. 1094 185 or petition in ... 808 00 I who to invited to attend . . 1095 185 decree in, to enforce lien, elfect of .. 808 00 I who may be permitted to attend .. 1095 185 decree imcontirming sale under, ei1`ect7<6§ 94 I who {ppt plgcgvledtoattend .. . . 1096 105

  • l 0 mcs,

d isi ns f 'nsti f th peace to be in I in certain criminal cases may be postponed oc 0acco’r¢l‘ance°y·:ith.. 1006 118 for writ of error .. . . 845 00 of supreme cpurt, on appeal from justice? E¢ecsl0•·•, I 1 h of the peace to be according to..77c 08 not liable on account of stock nc d by them Error, Writ of {see Appsale,) in certain corporations.; . 1 I; {3756 10 ¢¤¤c¤t;_on 0:) sentence may be pcstponéeg . may represent an vote on s oc so ted 70 u . . . . . . 00i removalro`; ceauses to Supreme Court of ‘ under bond, when may be required to give United States on ... 846-850, 00, 100 other or further security .. . .974 I 14