Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/173

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1 68 INDEX. Pago. G d Lanecuy Grew ou.•n—Co¤tinued. ran _ , waiter-seniee in, (see Water-ilhz; Potomac punishment for, for first uiense ., 1l68 [3; Water) . . . 195-g2g1f 29-25 G for second ctfeuse . . 1158 [33 s'n I Schools . - ua MR, colored uhm] I ARB Co and )316, 34-81 not liable on account of stock held in gg;. nn s rt of m tm clitnn c- kin ¤¤rv¤r•ti¤¤¤- ------ - --·· 6 70 Pmpmlitg by. é .-.g . -367, 48 may represent and vote on such stoek.577 gg grades for railroads in, provision concern- { to intent orphan maine appornted by suing _,,, ,, .. , ,.,., .. .,-.675 S], »preme couriyw en .937 ]||_ mechcnics’ liens in, to attach to what ‘ to Eve bonds, when . ..: .. 937 gl] ground . . -... ...-f. 704 Q4 fat er nf infant, gg natural guardmn, to GQ/‘¢ Enter hu, _ ‘ _ grve l»onds,wl1en _ -.. we [gg act of igislative assembly authorizing, failing to bond, speersl guardian may be repealed .. . ... 1176 186 _ appomted_ .. . _ . . .939 gg; engaging in business of, unlawful 1176 136 additional security may be required, when, persons engaging in, how prosecuted . . 1177 180 _ _ 940 1 lj penalty for engaging in . . ... . . 1177 136 notice of such reqnrrement .. 941 ] ] I ’ appeal to supreme court . .. ,,,,1178 133 dismiss;] of, for failure to give security, Government of the District, _ _ 942 ll] .;.,;,;.,1,15;,},;;,.,;.4; or ____,___,_,. , .,,..,, 2 Q enforcement ot order for sddntional securexecmive tower, how vested, (see Gov- it! -·---- --»--- -; --·· --·- ---·-- 943 lll. rrgqr) ______ , ,,_,, , , ,. ..., 3 Q marshal to take possession of property.944 ll | legislative power, how vested, (see Leg€sla· surety of; how relieved .. . 944 [1] me Amery) .,... , . 16 8 choice ot, by infant fourteen years of egg Delegate to Congress, (see Delegate to Con- lll greg) .,..., . .,,.. . ... 69-71 1 person chosen to be approved by court, health, (see Board of Health) 72, 73 7, S 946 lll public works, (see Board of Public Works,) ; when removed by court orphan must be 74-84 8, 9 3 cited to select another .. 947 lll oath to be taken by civil omcers ... 85 9 j appointment of guardian ad interim.948 1 ll who sre not eligible to any office ... 86 9 [ notice to guardian to be snperseded.949 lll bonds of certain ohicers to be prescribed . of minor or lunatic, appointed without by Secretary of the Treasury . 87 9District, may institute suits . 950 112 what officers to be paid by United States, may collect money, release `or eonvey 88 9 propertéy, &,o ... 961. ll! what, by the District .. . . 88 9 to file certi cate of bond before convey- certain laws and ordinances to remain in ing real estate, &c .. 952 [lj force . .. . .. . . 91 9 payments to, prior to March 8, 1864, ofhinrylsnd, continued in force .. 92 9 valid .. . . . . 953 112 Con stitution and laws of United States, bond to account for such payments, application of . . . . ... 93 9, 10 954 119 cities o Washington and Georgetown to record of authority in supreme eonrt-955 112 continue to be so known . 94 10 sole of infant':; estate by . . 956 1 12 charters ct} continued for certain pur- bill to be tiled in supreme court .. 957 119 poses . .. . ... 95 10 bow verified, and what to state .. 958 1 I: levy court, powers of, continued for certain ml litem, when appointed to an iniant.959 118 purposes ... . ... 95 10 $ of infant, or sd item, cannot purchase or succession to corporations of Washington become owner of real estate of his and Geometown . 96 10 wud .. . . . ...,. 964 [jg property of sei eorpomtions and of county sale of estate of tenants for lifeof Washington vested in District.96 10 minors to be represented by guardians restrictions upon borrowing money or issu- ad litem ... 971 114 ing stocks or bonds y the .. 124 14 a notice to guardian . . 972 114 Governor, Guardianship, appointment, &.c., of .. 3-5 9 of children in case of divorce, court may p0wers_0f. .. . . . . 6-10 2, 8 direct .. . . . . 747 88 to receive no salary ss member of board of ’ may be taken from wife after divorce from public works ...- 76 B bed and board, when .,.. .. ,... 749, QQ, QQ oath to be taken by . .. . ... 85 9 ¤ Guards, Jail, how to be governed in disbursement of up- wsmeu may appoint ,,,, _ ,,,,, , ,,,,, mee 135 propriations made by Congress. . 113 13 penalty ot} for aiding enlistment of crimipennlty for neglect to pay over certainnels .. . . . . .1180 186 Gr de moneys to colored schools.. .315, 316 97 receiving bribes, &c., penalty for . 1180 186 a a, of streets in vicinity of Cspitolyestabllsh- H, ment of .. . . 231 20 Habeae Corpse, on which railroads may be built in Wssh- may issue for defendant arrested after ington end Georgetown, provision judgment, on a capiss ad sstisfaeienconcerning. . ... 675 81 dum .. . ... 795 04 Grand {ary, Hachws, Licenced,

g£;on’a‘lnor;gh gigs tszguelingi-Q 99 supeaxiylsion 0% by poli¢;_e.i ;04—·t06, 47,48

eg eu 0, seem n 0 or interern i i interference with electors. ..?...841: 99 Po y f' 8 W t po 4%*;, gg Lvbat names dgswn shall constitute 856 101 Harness, owsnmmone ,w ena names are drawn for one team ex m m sei u , fromhox beforeFehrunry.1..B64, 101,109 J , 6 pt fm Z my wh:;?' 96