Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/176

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INDEX. ]7] P I Incorporation, General-Continued. np` [.._;“g.(;.,,,ti,,,,,,d_ P g°' let·ewners to vote at subsequent election, power of court to enforce its order. . .944 1 I I 601 72 arriving at age of fourteen yenrs may elect by-laws and regulations .. r . 602 72 ; a guardian . . .. ..i... .. .946 1 I I property of, exempt from taxation. . .603 72 Q guardian may lile a bill for sale of real esburial grounds, dedication of .. --- .604 BB [ tate of, when .. . .. . . 957 1 12 lseurgfldgf trade, (see Bo¢rd•"of7 74 ; bill to ste; ouatd what . 328 Q 13

•- · ·---·----·--. 2- ; w ote m eparties en ant. .. 9 I3

railroad companies, (see Railroad I proceedings, what facts to be proved.960 1 I3 _ ht .6.-;];..%;):1%;,618-676, 74-81 , real.cstate of, when court may order sale, 113 rig Nserv on ss , repeal, I 961 &o .. . . . ... 676 S1 ° costs fsuitf ,h ai .. 9i 3 Indebtedness of the District. . l19—137, 13-15 , wheucsale notctosbka deieyegd .. 9332 113 not to exceed live per cent. of value of prolp-guardian, or guardian ad litem, not to srty, except by 3 vote of the peoplg, I te becpmel purchaser . . @5 {13 3 rms s . .. }8 public:::;: of laws authorizing, before vote proceeds el; sale, how invested . f . .966 1 I3 Gl! ---- . .---- ... . .--.120 18 't f f 'thful a l' t' n provision for interest to be made in act Becudleellsgaw . 3%.12. ?.-P9l6)-7 113 authorizing .. . ... . . 121 14 I dying intestate, proceeds of sale of real law providing for interest irrepealab1e.122 14 ; estate, how deemed . 968 113 laws laying taaaalnd auahorizing debtltg 4 I Infant:-y, (see Militia.) su mi toge er .. .- -. IInformers, _ borrowing money or issuing stock or bonds · moiety of lines collected under Maryland restricted . . .. ..124 14laws to be paid to .. 837 99 total not élo exceepéen millions, exceptlléy 4 Q to reciiize moigty of iinesrrplcevered $1;; vioau ority o ongress .. - 1 I a ion o laws pro iting o ries, acts of August 19, 1871, or four millions, and I 1174 135 interest, declared null and veid--1% 14 Injanction, issue of bonds for,|'orbiddeu.. .. -..1% 14 against judgment for money, what damset of July 10, 1871, approved . ..-.127 14 ages on dissolution of .. . 830 98 application of certificates of, issued under granted to obtain discovery, what damage acts of Congress of July 7 and 15, mgybe awarded .. . . 852 98 1870 :. .-. ... . . . 128 14 Inquiry of aunagea, be _ psglaltgutgpg violating section.. .. 129 14 not needed in suit on open account, w 852 97 rin 1 g ~— _ tax to pa interest on, authorized"130, 14, 15 ‘ Insolvency, _ _ how minus ______ _ _ _,____ , ,_,,_ 131 {5 of pu·t¤erships,what ass1gnmeuts,&c.,vo1d limit of, for any one year .. . . . .131 15 _ as against creditors .. . .. 570 69 deiiciengy) in trust fund to be mggp I5 I Inp_cci•on,b0au f tori I ugmer a d good m ______ _ _______________ . ferry- manuac essn . u money collected under, to be paid to 0 tenemeht houses, &c.,provisionscon- — commissioners of sinking fund. .133 16 { cermng .. . . . .382-385, 44, 45 application of, by commissioners.134 15 l Inspector of Po nes, annual report of oommi1¤lioncrs..·;;i.l§ I captain of upogce to be .. . . 347 41 ' ofbonds,andtow om issu - napector o or , pggrltshlfyuct of legislative assembly of J an- ~ making false voucher on any contract, &c., _uary 19, 1872, disapproved .. .137 15 I penalty for.: . . . 245 $8 I¤dcbtodnm,§·c., to the District, g Inspectors of Penitentccry, _ f not to be relemed by legislative sssemblgé ‘ appo1n`t§‘e:,1%fqnal1dcat1ens, and termupz I 3 I . . . . . . .I 26 · h n to held iirst meeting .. ..-. -1104 I}? Ingzlgigcgzkg ____ _ _____,_ ,___ _ _,,_, 225 26 yggglar meetings of, when held ... 1:: Indiclsumls, _ majority a quorum . . . . ... 1107 {97 shim mn in the name of the Umbed Stag, 9 ¤;¥P°m3u:i‘“’"t"Y ···· ·· ·‘•'‘‘‘‘‘ 1108 19,,, ' 8 s ing es . . . ..--- - ---·- ho' to c°ndud°__ ____ __ ______ _ _______ 836 gg to direct employment of convicts..-..1109 I97 when for libel, truth may be given in to makelpznitentiary self-susraining,1fppp6 1,7 5 ______ _ ,_,,. . ... 99 6 --···- - ----- · -··-········· . pmgscgtgnzniu police court to be with- to make and enforce rules, &c., for convpiia I2, .. . 23 I·“""a°?o{;;"’ '' °' `'`°`` 1064 I to enforce attention to cleanliness. &¤-H12 197 · · · . . . 1 9 one action may be sustained against algg 9 3 ppm: sud rgrpsovs k¤¤P¤¤’•. &° 1,; Q . ns accou ..·- -- -··· - ·----·· suy ‘° ‘ "" ' ° `°`°` " ‘ gl rt of to Congress .. ..1115 127 I· •·*· ‘ °""" r°p° ,ed · tr ts 1116 nav inh t' rt , oo rt ma up- I not to be concern in con ac .. a {H gu;-£::P$o,ywheg. . .937 111 _ contracts venaé 1f tgcgsare pcznacpmzrkéggg I 7 ardian el, to give security, when lll , to supcrmiiw M1 _ *8 1120 lss 2;**** °“ “ “‘*{,“"‘ ‘“""‘°"· °° ‘"°s's‘é m \ t. §€“‘€§ i‘2€.§’.§’.§‘Ei‘2.“..l$"§-;‘.;»s..;,.;a;.; s.. . .°"ity’·w W "`·' `````Y ```````` · ofriarden .. ..-. .- ...·· · ·--- 1124 199 fmmzg [tf, Erlgpelhctgdw f j 1I 1 n punishment of convicts to be reportecggié lan °ddm°n.1 security may be required, whs.}? [ Il to adopt and enforce special rules for I . 29 _netice of such rleguirement. ._ . . . . 942 I l 1 to A P:::!:;;;;!;: ;i%;mm_y_1132 180 dlsmlsgugritygua ut?. i) .f?}E!.lf I? 1 I 1 topprescribe his duties .. . . . . 1132 130