Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/190

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INDEX. 185 I’enile••¢iary—Continned. nga pymgg, P°g°` not to be concerned in contracts 1116 197 to visit penitentiary, who may grent.1139 130 contracts null and void if inspectors in- Personal Property, terested . . . . . . .. . . 1116 127 sale of, for delinquent taxes-

  • ¤¤}<>¤ *0 SW6 \¤>¤<1 ·----- · ---.- 1117. 187, 188 in Wsshington ... . .. 176 no

mit °¤ b¤¤d of ~----· - ·--·· ·. ·--..- 1118 128 in Georgetown , 180 20 sulery vi und of odlcers and servants, I in the county ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ ______ 188 Q1 1119 12S of tenant in nrrear, right of landlord to to keep; what accounts . 1120 128 seize, abolished .. . .. 677 81 to me e eontmcts and purchases for landlord tohave lien upon .. ..-.678 81 supplies . . . . . . 1120 198 lien, bow enforced . 679, 81, S9 may let lnbor of convicts by contract, 2 person havin possession of, to have lien 1120 128 i for wes: done .. . ... 711 85 general powers and duties . 1120 128 * may retain possession until charges paid, monthlp account to inspectors . 1121 128 1 711 85 <1¤¤1'U6f Y account to usury Depart-lien upon to cease, when .. . . 711 S5 ¤¤¤¤¢ ----·------- · --... . ...·.. 1122 198 speeiu agreements not interfered with, penalty upon, for being interested in eon·712 85 tracts ... ... . . . 123 128 notice in actions eoncernin , me be h duties of, who to perform in case of eb- publiostion,when. F.. ..78; 93 sence, dw .. . . . 1124 128 amount ot] exempt from attachment and to employ convicts in manufacture of sale on execution . 797, 94, 96 shoes, &o . . ... ... . 1125 128 bill 'of sale, &c., of exempt, not valid withpI1IOD regulations-t 1126 I 9 P lm out wife’s signature. ... 798 06 ,samtsry preesn ions ,198, 2 esti co, 2, descriptive list to be kept ... .1126 120 appointment of special policemen in emer- 3, separgte confinement of convicts .1126 ],29 may of .,... . ...,. ... .378 44 4,mnle and female convicts to be kept Petition xr Divorce, apart .. .. . . . . 1126 IIO to what court made. . 731 87 5, clothing - .. . .. . . 1126 129 proceedings upon ,. . .. 732 87 6, beddingnnduceemmodetions . 1126 129 to specify causes with certainty ...733 87 7, food,. . .. . .. . . .. 1126 129 summons to answer .. .- ... 734 87 8, labor . . 1126 129 Petit Jury, 9, not permitmd toconverse .. ..1126 120 what names drown to constitute, in crim- 10, to aber in silence .. 11% 129 ind court .. $56 101 punishment of convicts, when authorized, how summoned, when all names nre drawn 1127 IRQ from box before February 1.. . ..864 103 how indicted .. . . .. .. .. 1128 129 Polly Lemony _ report of .. .. .. .1129 120 stealing property under {35 in value, restirnspecten to adopt rules and by-laws tution and penalty?. .. 1173 185 regulating ... . . 1130 120 second conviction ot] punishment for.l161 188 report ot', to Congress 1131, 129, 130 Physicnen to Penitentiary, phgrsicien, appointment and duties.. .1132· 180 appointment and duties_ of 113*2 180 in mary to be established ... 1133 180 removal of convicts to ruilrmsry on order removal of sick convicts to .. ..1134 130 _ of . ... 1 1134 180 discharge of convicts from . 1135 130 discharge upon recommendation of., .1135 180 special rules for government 0L ma? be PMN. _ made by inspectors . g. .. 136 130 of highways to be recorded ... 248 20 relaxstion of discipline for the sick.1137 180 of prorioity mWeshington, meoord of, where religious worship .. .. t. . ... .. 1138 180 pt ... 472 57 visit; tq,mstrioted..-..- .. -... .. 1139 18Q of squares, how drawn . ... 475 57 penaltf upon keepers, &c., for conveying _ of BDOd1YlB10¤I,h0W made ... 477,4€7,67, 68 etters, dec .. . . 1140 130 certriicnte and record of 478 57 or bringing in liquor .. . . .. 1140 130 reference to, for description .. _· 479 57 rules to govern subordinate o5cers.. .1141 130 alleys, dw., land out on, to remain pubsuits concerning, to be brought in name of 110 ·-·-·· - --····-- _ - ·- -_ -·--·---—· 460 57 United Ststes .. . .. 1142 139 surveypr’s fees for examination of . 486 58 payment to prisoners on discharge 1143 130 of burneell grounds, to be made and reeoggé 7 Penitentiary Qfmses, Pham"? ··:··· ················ · ······· 9 p°°4P°3;,:,°444_ ff ffgtlglt Xt? ff Xl48x; 99 in actions of ejeetment, iietions in, abolpolice Four-t not to have jurisdicisigs I 1, l. B‘°I;d°d( ···· L; · · · EM · 1;;,,; 98 0 ·-· ·•---.··.---··•-_-·•.•._ 0-IGd 0G a SK W R , ` how constituted .. 326 89

  • 1**4 °E°°°°° "°* (°°° c44m" °"d OJ4m'"') governor ex-odicio to have a. vote in .. .327 89

P had A 4444* 1145 181 q§iorum,l1ow constituted ..,-.3333 80 WU ¤ » o oers o .. .. 89 mt W b° P“’k°d ···- - ·-··········- ·· -225 26 president and treusnrere!] how selected.331 89 Peyjurly, their duties -..2 . 331 80 punishment for, for first ofense .. 1156 139 bond and snlnry of treasurer . 332; 80, 40 for eeeqnd offense . . 1156 132 secretory, appointment, duties, end salary subornution oi punishment for ... 1156 189 of -..----·-----·-·-- · ··-·--·- 333 40 mon convicted ot] ineligible to oillce.86 0 general powers of board .. 334 40 swearing at police hearings deemed, uties o board ... 335 40 393 46 control of police force . 336 40 before district u.ttorney,&c., punished, to prescribe rules and regulations for gov- 905 100 ernment of police force . . 337 40