Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/194

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INDEX. 189 Railroad Cmnpanica-Continued. mgm Railroad Campanice—Continucd. Pago. ¤01’p0¤t¤ powers .. . 1- . r . . 619 14 appraisers to be sworn .. . . . .655 78 copy cguaztencles of ussoonnhon to be eg 74 return of assessment 655 78 ····-··--·· · -·--···-·----- | t te d f 3 books to be opened for snbseriptions..G21 74 ! paymen or n at 0 amount 6569178 70 djgtygbuugn and gjfgfmgut of gt°(;k_ _ _622 I cost of award, haw Paid_______ ___ ____ 651 I annual meeting of stockholders to elect 1 review of award by court . .. 658 70 di'°°t°” ····-· · ·-···· · ·---- ·- - 623 74 · possession by company notwithstanding notice gf,h°w given________________Q2Q I gpm______ ___________________Q5f) judges of election and their duties 624 76 . restriction upon effect of u. peal . 659 19 ·CBf5l¤08t8 of electron lay": . 625 75costs of arbitration dividedp . 660 70 du·eet<;ris,°;¤;r:h)e_r, qush oatxon, and te; 75 paymlent into court where conilioting -·-··- · -··--·-- - ----- c sims .. . . . 661 19 how chosen .. . . 627 75 determination of ownership by court.661 79 when eleictnon not held on day desig- protection of interest of unknown ownput , _,___ _ ____ _________ ___,_ 628 [5,,,,,,, ,_,,,, , ,.,, ,,,_,,,__,_ Q called meetings of stockholders. .. 629 perfecting defective titles .. . 6666 :9 object of} to be stated in notice ..630 76 may borrow money .. . . . . 664, 79, S0 adgournment and dissolution for lack of ma issue bonds aud mort e ro - •¢¤¤¤¢l¤¤<=¤ -- ·--· . -.. . . 630 75 y crty .. .- ... F `664 Irvs, so by—laws, directors to make what .. 6131 75 maymakobouds convertible . 664, 70, 80 ¤i’B¤=r¤, lww elected or appointed .. 632 75 me of bonds .. ,, ,...,,., · ,,,, , ,,,664, 19, gg removal of president, directors, &,e 633 75 no bonds or mortgages until half capitalgnnual sfgtgmgnt gfgfgintg bgmgdg_634 gtggk jn__________________664’ 79, when to be made on call of smckboldegxéng 7 · annual Drleport toclerk of supreme court of 6trict . .. . 665 80 stock of. deemed personal came ... 636 76 to be verided, how . . . . -665 so how transferable .. . . . . -636 76 what to state .. . ... . 665 S0 subscriptions to, may be celled for, how, to convey the mails of the United Stntes.666 80 _ 637 76 compensation for, how determined in forieitnre of, if subscriptions not paid, ! certain cases .. . . . .. 666 S0 637 70 l essen ertrains ho tob mad ..667 80 eortiiicate of amount of stock paid in.638 70 P in cueof arccidexit whointifnpropto be sworn to and recorded . 638 76 or y made up . . 667 Q0 capital stock, when may be increased. .639 70 running and accommodation of trains"668 80 certihcate of increase to be Bled and re- penalty for refusing to transport psssem li ¤2‘I.',‘}.,°"; ····· · ·-·-·-· -··--· ··°.-,:2 3** ..g:r:,:;u¤;::¤°,*:>;,·;}·· ···- · --·-- *23 82 m n ncrease . 6 use a are . 8 collection of subscriptions, doc., by snit.642 70 Badges to be worg by employes .. 671, 80, S1 general an? special powers, &.c .. 64ga376, 77 con uctor without badge notto receive fare; survey o route .. . .. . ... 76 dw . . .-.. .. . ... 67 Q] may enter upon land, Jac., subject to dsémé employes lwitbout badgo&:ot to interfere ages . . A:. ... . . 4 76 wit passengers, .. . . 672 81 may receive donations of propertg"643 76 auction of Congress to route and termini acquisition of lands for road, epots, A of roads .. .. 673 8], _ &.e . f - . 643 76 a power of Congress to regulate managfwulth of road . .. ..643 77 ment of . ... 4 81 use of earth and materials .. .. . .643 77 · to regulate rates of fare and freight .674 S1 occupation of streets, crossing of streaas; 77 E limit uaoéa construtgtion 02 t.hi;::la;£:r.g71z 81 &,c .. . . .- .. ‘ » were ongross amen ro .. 81 intersection with other roads 643 77 E Rglmb, , , ma urchase or take neccssa lands, 1 rohibited on parts of I and Kstreets"223 26 va u, y P ry 643 77 ‘ Bali! y Station changes of line 1;_estricted. . . H . . 3 43 77 S mgzomtion of strangers and travelers at.335 40 tran rtatfon o porso· us an ro _ Bpo I P NG3 77 ° punishment ot) for ilrst ofousc ... 1152 181 buildings, Gntnres, maelnineliy, for secoug olignso ...f..%... ..};.1152 131 re lation 0 trains an to .. .. .. . accessory oro e ac pun men mapgsnd profile to be filed.. .. .. ..644 77 for lxeing . . ..:1 1152 181 alteration of line of road .645 77 assault with intentto commit, punishment crossing highways .. . ... 646, 77, 7S for - ... 1153 131 change of line to avoid excessive gud6e;:; 7 Baallfataie, (se? Igng,) 8 so orranserr , pono owreappropriation of land by --. . .. 647 78 . uluted . .. ’. . Mg) 51 right to pkg lggdg ,_,___,_,,, . ,,,,,, 648 18deed; gi; to be recorded ,,,, ,, ,_,, ,, ,440, 5],, 52 entryupou,survey,&»o.,oflandsreq¤ir(§e‘<k 7 conveyancv, &c., of, when to talieoeicctbg 6 8 a 1 Q 8 description of land intended to be appro bond or contract in relation oo, held to he priated to be filed .. . ... 650 7S _ _ notice after recorr1.. .. . 449 53 purchase of land, materials, &.c., of owner, lnmrt to use of, for religious purposes .456 54 651 78 action for unlawful dotamer and possesuon purchase when owner insane or a minor, of _ t 1 .. -:..684-691, 82, 88 651 78 in actions involvxng, publxcatxon ma,y_ be nppgoprjgtign giqhgm agreement gangs; 7 sulhstxtutod for personal serv;; 93 ____", __,_,, ,,,,,,,, Q· w gu ,,_, ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,..,,,,, who?:;:':; is unknown ... 653 78 : action to recover, must be against owner appraisal of damages. . . 654 7S Y or possessor . ... 809 06